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Religion and Philosophy Forum

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Author Subject Replies Last Post
Jeez 1
why is religion and philosophy paired together 6
spirituality in tune with nature? 4
C.S lewis 1
I do preaching and motivational speeches 1
Let's talk about witchcraft being simplified and liberalized to fit modern society mentality 3
why I dont like Descartes 2
anybody interested in christianity here? if so lets talk about it (^▽^) 6
Agnostic Theism 4
Norse Pagans 1
About religions. (First of all, I'm sorry, I had to get help from google translate to write this article, I don't have a good English, I'm sorry if I'm wrong.) 1
a call for therian, otherkin, xenogender, and other experiences 2
muslims with disability/neurodivergent stuff 1
There is no "Proof" God exists... but... 7
Hey Witches, what's your favourite method of divination? 5
fave philosophical questions? 3
getting into tarot and adhd 2
viking woman traveled to america 1000a.d??? 1
Any Muslims here? 6
Does anyone want to listen to me ramble about stoicism? 4
In your opinion, what is the meaning/point of life? 4
Any Witches/Pagans? 2
Tell me about your religion and why you choose it 6
Making your own religion? 2
The Satanic Temple is a grift. Here's why | An essay on political power 0
Any eclectic Bruja's and Brujo's? 2