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Agnostic Theism

It seems to be that everybody has very different opinions on weather theres a god or not. I grew up surrounded by catholics but was never shown much proof of his existence and all of the supposed truth are lies or simple stories wich had let me to become agnostic. I dont know if theres a god, there might be. However i have no real way of knowing

How do you feel abt agnostic people? How did you become agnostic

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I don't even know how to feel about a higher, sentient power anymore. I grew up a Christian but fell from that faith into atheism. Now I'm a practicing witch with no deity. The Practice calls to me but a god doesn't. I still can't reconcile a creator or creators. I want to because it's something that's been a part of most of my life and my religious upbringing gives me this urge to submit to a higher power (which, admittedly, if I were to submit to a good higher power, would feel good). But my logic resists it.

On a further note, are there any people that struggle with this as well? I feel kind of alone, here.

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Reply by Robot


- "The only way I know that is by watching the weather. If you are watching, then it's the only way. The only time you know the sun's coming up, it will always come up and you will be able to tell that it's coming.


- "It would be nice for the world if you could have the chance of knowing the weather for the next 30 years and knowing it's not the only way to do it, but I would love for it to be as accurate and as good as the weather." - "The best weather is the weather with a certain type of person.


I would love to have this information and if anyone could do so I will do my best to do it."


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Reply by ribs


I live in a very religious environment. The town I live in, the school I go to, the people I know and have known for a while are very catholic (with a few exceptions). It's been like this since I was born but I still ended up being agnostic. Even as a small child I had a hard time believing in god. There's either a god or no god, we can't know for sure.

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