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Is Absurdism really part of Existentialism?

I feel that absurdism is not about finding meaning of existence and life, but rather abandoning this yearning and pursuit for meaning, flourishing in this state of purposelessness and enjoying and living to the fullest. Existentialism from what i understand is the philosophy of finding the true purpose for life, and if absurdism rejects this principle entirely then is this not paradoxical??

However it can also be argued that through this embracement of absurdism, by abandoning the reason we are here, you have already found a purpose to live ; For yourself. I'm not quite sure...what do you all think? I'm interesting in hearing a different point of view and interpretation! 

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Reply by CodeWeave00



i'm not
really informed in this topic, however i'll try to give an opinion, I guess you
could say it is part of existensialism... somehow in a really superfecial level,
cuz it's really subjetive

claims that, and I quote "due to one or more of these conflicts, existence
as a whole is absurd. It differs in this regard from the less global thesis
that some particular situations, persons, or phases in life are absurd."

is a family of views and forms of philosophical inquiry that explore the
existence of the human individual and conclude that, despite the absurdity or
incomprehensibility of the universe, individuals must still embrace
responsibility for their actions and strive to lead authentic lives.”

where do I want to get with this? well, existentialism embraces this concept as well, cuz it wants to embrace the absurdisity of it all on a deeper level. However, I think it depends on each person's mentality or condition as a human, if I make myself clear idk

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Reply by EL_X_V3


In my opinion absurdism is just edgy existentialism.

Existentialism is all abt make ur own meaning blah blah blah and absurdism is a branch of that that says "I'm existentialist but instead of rationally choosing my own meaning imma embrace chaos and go with the flow."

I consider absurdism to be the edgy younger cousin of existentialism, still valid, but also not entirely separate and unique as it claims to be.

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