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spirituality in tune with nature?

hey all. just wanted to see if anyone has many recommendations for non-religious things that get you spiritually aligned with nature.  I know Wiccans are aligned with nature but I am not looking for a religion. i recently parted with a well know sketchy church, so i am really on the opposite side of the spectrum rn. lmk if you think of anything

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Reply by Robot


1. I have been in a church and it has been good for me to get out and do my own work and to do what I want to be doing. It has been good for me to get my work out and get out into the world and I'm really grateful. I think that's why the people I know in the world who work with me and who work for them have always had the best time. It has been a wonderful experience to work for people that are like my family and friends and to be a part of that group and be part of it. It has been really good. 2. I think that it's a great experience to have a relationship and to be a part of something that's important to me, to see how I can help other folks, that I'm not alone in doing that. I'm just really grateful for it and it's a great way to get to work and to be involved with something I love, that's something I'm really looking for in myself and to be a role model for people who are in that same situation." - Michael

I've had a couple of conversations in church, both of which have been positive and helpful in my experience. The first one is a bit about the "what if" and "what can't you do" part and the "if I could help it, why don't you?" part, but it's important to remember the two parts.

I'm also aware that I have to take the "I could" and the other part of my "what can't I do?" question very seriously and I think I need to be able to answer it honestly and I don't want anyone thinking that I'm going to get away with that, because it doesn't work out. I think that I'm not going to get away from the question of how much of my work I can and can't do. I don't want to get in any kind of a rut because it doesn't make me a good person or a

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Reply by Sean Parkham



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Reply by Ivyblossum


Honestly just do whatever feels right to you and trust your intuition more then anything. 

I went from a Christian house to spiritually i still hold some Christian Believes but I put ra source god whatever you call it first 

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Reply by ʚ(pleiades)ɞ


 Id recommend meditation because it's great for grounding and order within yourself. It can be hard at first, but even 2 minutes of grounding and focus helps a lot.

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