For example, the religion of my country, Islam. The clergy filled me with so much false information that at some point I started to hate God. but today, a highly intelligent person named Cemre convinced me that God will send even atheists to heaven. While my relative, who calls himself religious and thinks himself on the right path with a beard even though he is not in the desert, said to me that if you do not believe in God, you will go to hell, while being aggressive. Cemre gave examples from the verses and explained very well that this is not exactly the case. While my relative was trying to escape with youtube videos and similar excuses from most of the questions I asked to him, while trying to prove God to me with a pen. When Cemre started to ignore the hadiths and give examples from the verses, my perspective on religious people and religions that I had hated for years changed. My personal opinion is that religions are like philosophical views and lifestyles. Some Muslims should be ashamed to call themselves Muslims. They try to make other religions enemies, but Cemre said are you really stupid? Can you believe that a person will go to hell because he is not a Muslim? Don't you think it's funny. I will say that if you want to be affiliated with any religion, read it yourself, do not trust the clergy. and yes even atheists will go to heaven. Not everyone is the same in the world, the same book was not downloaded to everyone, and not everyone could even reach the book. So as long as you have the desire to be a good person in you, you are not on the wrong track. Whoever you call Cemre, he has had major depression for a long time, he thought of suicide every time he woke up, but had to postpone it because of his belief, of course, at some point he managed to get better with medicines or something, and before the major depression period he spent his youth like a vagrant sleeping with women. He says he is not a religious example, but what they say, everyone will be hanged by their own legs. He is someone who accepts science, evolution and most things, and he has shown that he can be both a Muslim and a scientist. Science and religion do not contradict, there are only gaps. gaps that need to be filled over time. both in religions and in science. Cemre is my man. This is my personal opinion, in my opinion, everyone should discover themselves first. My suggestion is to start with philosophy. This can be repulsive because religions try to persuade with examples of too much sanctity and punishment. I like Stoicism, but I know I can't be a Stoic. Not: I'm not ateist I'm disteist.