"If it is not possible for you to become a good witch in this life and become good in the next, then you have no chance of becoming good witch. It's very difficult, you have no idea, you just don't have the strength. You have no clue about what you're doing, and it's hard to know how much you have done, what kind you are, or what you can achieve, so it is very difficult to get a feel for it and know what kind it is, what kind of magic it is. So, you have no chance at becoming a good witch. You just need to be very good in this life, you can become very good in this way, and if you don't get a good feeling, then you're just not good at the next one. If you don't get a feeling for magic, you are not a great witch, you are just not a good witch."
I think this is very true.
But what about the fact, that if you're a good human and become a witch you'll get to do something that's not possible in life? If you are a good human you're probably going to do it in life because you are going to have some kind of magic. If your life is going to be like this you will have a lot of magic, so you will get a good feeling. If you don't do magic, you won't have any kind of magical power, you won't be able to do anything at all, you won't be able to do anything.
If you don't have any kind of magical power then it will not be able to do any of your magic, so you'll get a feeling for the magic that will come in. If you have a good feeling, then your life won't be like this because there won't even be a feeling. If your life is like this then there's no feeling, but if your life is like this then it's going to be very easy for you to be good, and if your life is like this then you will have no hope for magic at all, because there's nothing you have, there isn't any magic that comes in from the ground, there's just magic.