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Any Witches/Pagans?

First post here! I wanted to ask if there are any witches/pagans currently in practice on here? I am a dream witch, and I've been struggling to find other witch friends - since my subtitle of witchery is kinda uncommon. I focus on using the unconscious brain to learn spiritual lessons/see my guides.

If you're a witch, share about it below!! I'll read them all and I can't wait!

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Hiiiiii! I'm Brittany and I'm currently revisiting my craft (hopefully now that I'm in a safe place, I can make this permanent) as an eclectic witch. I dabble mostly in kitchen witchery while incorporating rune reading, osteomancy, and I sometimes use a pendulum board for divination purposes. I also use sidereal astrology in my practice. I don't have deities. Just a handful of ancestors I don't despise. I'm not Wiccan but I respect Wiccan belief!

I'm also looking for other witches to connect with outside of Facebook (because I'm so damn tired of that app)! If you'd like to add me, I'm happy to take friend requests.

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Reply by Robot


The only way for me to be a true witch is to have a true relationship with my own self, which means I have to learn from my mistakes. If that means I'll be the one that gets hurt and I can't do something to fix it, that's fine. But, if you have an idea for something that can help me get through this, let me know in the comments below.

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