Topic: How do I go about finding a new group of friends in the modern age?

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Reply by Meem


Share fun stories and insights and see if you can catch a glimpse at what someones fav interests are, usually even very quiet people have something theyre obsessed with so ask open ended questions on that. Artists and people who decorate their stuff alot usually show alot of interests yo can ask abt!!

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Reply by Mike


If you have a pretty defined set of interests, see if there are any clubs/groups/meetups in your area related to that thing. Then on top of meeting new people you already have a built-in conversation starter. If there's nothing like that available locally, you may try just getting involved in your community in general. See if you can volunteer somewhere, or advocate for an issue that's important to you.

Conversationally, getting curious about others can help a lot in building the foundation for an eventual friendship. Listening well when people tell you about themselves, and following your natural curiosity in your conversations. Other than that... I dunno!

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Reply by Arius


Friendships tend to form organically through mutually shared activities. All the friends I have now are people I met because we did stuff together. Get involved politically - attend local marches, rallies, organizing meetings, political spaces, etc. Take martial arts or a sport. Start a band (if you don't know any musicians, you can find people at open mics or put up posters at places like the library seeking bandmates). And so on. Whatever appeals to you. I did all of the above and I made so many friends I don't know what to do with them all.

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Reply by Silversarr


You rlly js have to talk to people that have the same interests as you, or have something in common it might sound like a lot of work but I promise it's not. Friendships don't always work out and that's okay! Not everyone is going to like you or have the same interests and that's totally normal!

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Reply by sgitheanach


Hello, Bee. I see you're struggling with the friendship heebee jeebies in the 21st contemporary century. Firstly, I recommend popping a sweet tab of E, and let the sweet lullabies of the night blissfully carry you away. Movie recommendation while popping a sweet tab of E: The Exorcist. E for Exorcist. Also, Lucy, if you're reading this, fuck Inverness, you cunty ass little sweaty slimy bitch!

I hope you make some good friends, Bee! (Just not ones like Lucy).



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Reply by juiiicyhenny


Srry if this reply is late and bthers you, but I made a couple of new friends last year through simply talking more and going to new spaces like work, clubs, school. It always works w just being nice and giving a compliment or just greeting them!

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Reply by kalista


If you're in school, ask someone next to you a question about the material. Complain about the teacher or the workload. Ask them for a favor. If you notice someone alone, ask if you can sit next to them. COMPLIMENT PEOPLE, genuinely it helps so much and even if you never talk beyond that, it'll leave a good impression of you on that person.

If you aren't in school, it's best to meet people by simply going out and enjoying your hobbies. Sadly "third spaces" (places other than home and work) are less accessible now. Still, try practicing conversation with people whenever you can. Have small talk with your server or something. Take a class for something you enjoy. And just.. get out and touch grass and you'll find someone who's nice

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Reply by Haimi_Hana14


Antes creí saber el como hacer amigos, pero ahora que entre a la u, me di cuenta que no se hacer un grupo de amigas reales y no toxico, además me entere que en el colegio a las personas que considere amigos, pues en realidad no querian juntarse conmigo porque era "complicada" Entonces no lo se :c

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Reply by crier [MUSIC ON PROFILE]


I highly recommend getting into some sport. From my experience, you meet lots of people that way and people are generally social because it IS a social activity. At the very least you'll get experience talking to people even if it's not immediate friendship. Something like ping pong or badminton is recommended because you don't need a whole group to play with.

You can ask people to play with you, how long they've been playing, how often they play where you're at, and generally keep asking questions! And then you can add each other on whatever platform you please to keep in touch

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Reply by Arius


I know two ways to make friends. 

1. Working on projects together with people. That can look like all sorts of things. Volunteer somewhere. Get involved in political action. Grow food with people in community gardens or guerrilla gardens. Start a band. Pick a sport and join a team. Learn martial arts. Take a pottery class. Find a group that does local hikes. Start a book club. Help someone with their homework or things they struggle with due to disability or whatever. Just do anything that gets you into a group of people with a shared goal and/or common interests, where you're doing an activity together.

2. Get some housemates / roommates. Preferably in a situation where you're ALL on the lease, so nobody has power over anybody else.

edit: just realized I responded to this 4 months ago with pretty much the same advice, but this has some slightly different suggestions so I guess I'm gonna leave it.

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Reply by MIKEY >:]


cant let yourself feel anxious. people will not like you no matter how hard you try to make them. when you dont worry so much about them liking you you leave space to invite people who like you and hanging out with you. Also appreciate who you already have and who you get while you have them, you wont know how good you have it until theyre gone.first step is just be open and break yourself out of your shell. not everyone is gonna respond well but use that to get stronger npt scared. YOU GOT THIS!!!!

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Reply by MAX


i am not the most qualified to answer this HOWEVER LOLL

id recommend just talking to people, which ik is hard!!!

you can start by casually saying little things/commenting on the situation!

i find this helpful, and you can kind of go at your own pace!

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Reply by John Horne


Well, how I do it is by making friends with people you already have regular contact with, co-workers, classmates, heck, even fellow church members. You make friends with them, and either get introduced to their friends, make your own friend group with your pals at work/school/church (or other area you regularly go to).

Boom, easy.

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Reply by s0lidstatesurviv0r


I highly recommend finding a proper kava bar in your area if you have one; they can attract a pretty interesting crowd, usually on the younger side too (20s-30s). They're better social settings than a traditional alcohol bar and the vibes are friendlier. I've sought them out whenever I've moved cities, and it's worked so far for meeting people. They're a good place to do computer work—even if you're not much of an extrovert somebody will inevitably ask what you're working on or about some stickers on your computer, that sort of thing. 

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Reply by Frost-Bite


being at the same place, at the same time (if applicable) repeatedly is a big way of making friends, and that's why people make friends in school ... I really shouldn't be trying to give advice on this because I am very impaired in this regard but this is what I know.  Maybe you've got meetings that happen at your local library or something else in town.  If you meet someone at a place like that you probably already know you have a common interest, so that's a good starting point I think

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Reply by NovCat¡


Thats smth that its been bodering me...

So i have this small group of friends that isnt a friend group really, i hanged out with them sometimes but is always my inniciative, and them hang out without me most of time and i feel awful, i feel like i just try to be in their groupe yk?

So i just want a REAL groupe of friends to hang out this summer, and i dont know anyone....


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Reply by Rat King


Ez, so basicly ya gatta become homeless and get put into a youth homeless shelter there u will meet all the social rejects of the modern era and they are just as desprate for friends as anyone so youll have a whole friend group in no time (worked amazing for me):DD

-hope this helps:3

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Reply by Maelstrom


Honestly, I feel like this problem happens no matter the age. I learned this from some older peeps:

Basically go to the places you enjoy the most that are attached to your interests. (Examples: Library, game store, thrift store, certain movies, picnic in a graveyard if you're goth probably) You will find fish from your pond there.

Aside from that, seriously just get out there, experiment, go places, do new things.

The best things and people happen to you when you least expect it!

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Reply by michi006


Struggled trying to make friends in late middle school and start high school until I realised most people can be quite shy so just go up and talk to them. If you are waiting around for other people to come up and talk to you, they're probably thinking the same. 

Step to step guide! (not failproof)

Find a person you want to befriend, go up to them, directly and head-on (please don't "sneak" up on them T-T), start conversation ("hey i'm... how are you... what's your name... what are you doing etc.) remember to ask for their number, social media etc. if you don't think you'll naturally meet them again!

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Reply by PurgeWicks


i feel like just eavesdropping conversations & asking if what youre hearing is true & if you can join in lol, or just say something a friend would say to a stranger (as if you know em alrdy). these should do the trick.

but keep in mind that i havent tried these since i get way too shy & nervous whenever i think abt going up.

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