tbh bro str1der. that man can d1e 1n a d1tch 1 hate h1m so fuck1ng much dude 1 would l1ke to comm1t so much v1olence aga1nst h1m. worst guard1an ever.
1m not a b1g fan of the amporas e1ther, 1 can stand er1dan but 1 dont l1ke cronus that much
damara 1s also a b1t of a d1sl1ke for me because of the way she was unfortunately wr1tten, she could've been great but 1nstead shes a (rather d1sgust1ng) stereotype :[
equ1us also k1nd of rubs me the wrong way but 1 put up w/ h1m bc 1 l1ke nepeta and meowra1ls 1s popular
1 dont HATE anyone other than bro str1der tbh. just d1sl1ke or w1sh was done better. mb cronus bc the fl1rt1ng th1ng w/ er1dan 1s 101% FUCK1NG WE1RD??? what was UP w/ dat. the fuck.