i'm a gen-z emo XD i'm 16 and i first got into emo a bit more than a year agoಠ_ಠ
Topic: Old or new?
Reply by Evan
Reply by ....
Im so new in this im gen z emo/scene starting from moment, sorry by my bad english i will speak better i promess
Reply by Gryphon
Reply by Petercat
I’m 32. In 2005/2006 I had a “MySpace bf” from
Reply by AmandaRachelle
same like 2010-2016 middle to hs years for me and when i got into everything. i like new stuff too tho and listening to stuff before my time. im 23 meant to be an inbetweener w these gen wars haha.
Reply by BrutalBetty
I guess I was in the midst of the "kinda old school emo," from 2004 to 2010/11. It was a wonderful yet chaotic time. Everything from finding new underground emo/scene bands, top 8 arguments, pc4pc, and finding the most unique profile layouts and formats.
Reply by rowan<3
Reply by Paige
I got into emo/scene culture in its peak around 2007-2013. I'm really grateful that at the time my mom let me go all out with the clothes, hair, makeup, jewelry, and even let me get my first tattoo at 16. Those years kinda sucked for me in general but looking back, being allowed to express myself like that made shit a lottttt more bearable.
Reply by Caytlin Thompson
My emo "phase" started in 2010/2011 back in 7th grade aaaaaaand it's not a phase mom! So I guess that means I'm kinda old-school/kinda early gen z
Reply by xXR0se_th0rnzXx
Well I’ve been alternative for as long as I can remember but I’ve just recently became a scene kid because of my love for neon colors and relating to scene kids that grew up with nightcore!
Reply by liam o.-
Reply by shitnado_9000
Reply by Rebecca
Little bit of both for me. I was emo for just one year back in 2013 cause I had no one else to get me further into it and was too self conscious so I stopped. Now after years of always wanting to dress that way I found out about the comeback and am finally fully in it.
Reply by 🌈🦕💖~Grace~💖🦕🌈
I'm 14 and I saw scene and emo all the time when I was rlly young online and irl. I got into it half a year ago! :D
Reply by NilesTheDemon
Very much new... Barely have any scene clothes or accessories other than a couple graphic tees and all my kandi (^-^;;)
Reply by the anti-christ
I am almost 28, so I guess I am one of the older variant.
Reply by Jules
Reply by egg822
Was too young to really grasp the idea of styles, but I've been interested in scene fashion since I was like 6 and have only really started to dress and take part in scene in for just above 3 years now. So both new and old, I guess? In the middle?
Reply by veronica
2011-2018 or so here but ive always been more into the 2000s than what the kids listen to now
Reply by Trippy
Reply by Apav
Kinda old school. I grew up as a sheltered private schooler so even when I heard or saw something I liked, I never really knew what it was called in order to find more. When I was in high school the emo crowed had already moved on, but I finally learned Punk Rock was what the music I liked was called. After that I dove deep into the scene. Oldschool Straight Edge to modern post-hardcore. I'm kinda stuck in that weird generation that was born between '96 and '00 that doesnt really belong to Gen Y or Z.
Reply by F1N_SH4RKB0Y
I missed out on so much- i'm very new to the style and the community, and i missed out on what my mother calls "the good old days" (she used to be sc3mo in highschool and college lawlz). I have a hard time expressing myself becuz i live in a ver exclusive and conservative place- like kidz get made fun of 4 dying their hair and wearing stuff that izn't your basic white girl or beach boy style. I haven't gotten the chance to dye my hair- i need recommendationz lawl, and i get made fun of for even wearing flannelz :'[
Reply by ॐ PRIYA ॐ
I smacked myself at the very end of the old school vibe (its remnants; 2012-2014ish) -- then things went downhill.
Reply by 𝖓𝖎𝖆𝖍 𖤐
I'm almost 16 and am pretty new to the whole scene culture thing, but im super curious to learn about the music/style and everything!! If you know any good scene/emo bands please leave them down below as well as places to shop for clothes/accessories; etc! Thank you to everyone in advance!
Reply by Starin
im 15 lolXD
Reply by .:Jack.Jugular:.
i was pretty young when i started gettin into scemo 10/11 in 2010/11, went a lot more emo when the whole "holy emo trinity" stuff popped up - yanno MCR, FOB, and P!ATD, it kinda coincided with the Dan and Phil obsession. I really dunno what that makes me now cause i'm making a return to the OG style XD
Reply by ZERO!!
gen z emo, i had a yeemo/tumblr emo phase in 2018-2019 but i am now entering my scemo phase (its not a phase mom lolz) and i cant wait to learn all about the glory days xD
Reply by zz0mb13_b01
ima gen z newbie emo n got into the culture 3ish yrs ago- i WISH i was there in the early 2000s :(
Reply by tommy
i was sorta one at 8/9 years old back around 2015 but i was still soo young so all i did back then was listen to the music and talk to ppl on... google+..... tough times ;p.
Reply by AudgePodge
Well, I've been into the whole thing for about a year and a half, but I have a 16 and 12 year age gap with my two older sisters who've greatly influenced me in their ways. They're both millennials and both had MySpace ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Reply by dashie!! xD
im a new scene/emo. i wasnt born in that era or waz too young xP. really fun tho!! :DD
Reply by Gayonetta⚡️
Old but I was very young during the big emo days so I didn’t get to hangout late every night with the local emos but I did look the part honestly always been a fashionista I had this huge metal cuff chocker with a huge lime green crystal I have it some where I need to to find it so all my looks had to be built around this necklace and my hair had green pink and electric blue highlights I do miss those times wigs I kissed more boys the endless sea that was the uk emos has now mostly dried up …
Reply by xXxValentinexXxVenomxXx
Reply by headfirst4halos
im a new gen-z emo x3 !!
Reply by olympian
I'm 26, but I had about 6 cousins who graduated in the late 90s and they were all punk/skater... scene kids weren't really a thing yet but they were the closest thing to! They listened to songs like Butterfly by Crazy Town, and actually lived life, had parties, did crazy stuff that people don't really do anymore except in the movies and TV shows.
Reply by pr0mz0mbie2005xD
Reply by ☆ZOE ☆
Id say im a new scemo kid!! I got into the emo/scene in early 2017, but i was more emo at the time! Then 2020 rolled around and I got more into scene stuff!! XD
Reply by thebusinessofmisery
honestly, I was always fascinated by the style of scene and emo kids when I was a kid in like 2009-2014. But I didn't start being in the subculture until 2021 :p
Reply by BadJujuRu3tw0
Reply by 4ileEn
im a genz scemo,im 14 and i admire so much the emos and scenes(sorry for my bad english,i speak spanish lmao)
Reply by Savage Sammy ^^
Reply by Mediocre Mint
1'm GenZ (16) but hav3 7ov3d a 7ot to do w1th 3mo and sc3n3 cu7tur3 from an 3arly ag3 such as ty1ng us1ng 3's, the style of clothes, and all around how I seen it. (I was exposed to the Internet from an early age lol) but now I'm a bit older I definitely wanted to see more for this culture and I am absolute heaven with it.
Generally new to trying more out but not new to the emo/scene area <3
Reply by Dastin Drella
i was born in 2005 and grew up in an hispanic household so shit like this wasnt it till i discover post-hardcore and its culture... IT FUCKIN CHANGE ME FR :P
Reply by xXCharlie_the_CorpseXx
im a gen z emo, but ive always kinda knew what emo means, i just didnt have a deep knowledge + i was a “girly girl” toddler atm lmao
Reply by Aeyjay
Ye Imma gen Z emo I was born in 2007 XP I wish I was a teen in the early 200's thou (;へ:)like bro I'm late ️
Reply by Crow
im a new alternative person! I liked the style when I was younger but i wasn't allowed to dress that way, it was super sad. now, im old enough to dress how i want!
Reply by Loki
I'm 10 so as you can. Tell I'm not really a old emo (I also JUST got into being emo after A BUNCH of alt phases) but old emos are really cool lawl
Reply by evempire
Reply by xXLeia_LiarXx
well i'm definitely a new emo I started like ''dressing emo'' around a year ago but i've liked the music since like late 2018