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what is something that shows up in your dreams alot ?

I think its interesting to look at what things you see and what happens repeatedly in dreams .

 in pretty much every dream i end up in a car crash or a high speed chase. 

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Reply by lily ★


recently ive had to kill people in my dreams ???? weird

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Reply by Jade


I've gotten a lot closer to my best friend. He used to show up in my dreams every now and then but now it's quite common

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Reply by Gluma


Not always in my dreams but there have occasionally been, at least once a year, a dream where I’m in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. It’s usually never chaotic like in the movies; it’s always a serene silence where I’m the only one walking in places I’ve been but everything’s been abandoned and run down as zombies take over the world

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Reply by Niko


A gorilla.

I started to dream about a gorilla everyday since like the last 4 weeks or so. The best I can explain is that my dreams are kinda like if a drunk person with BPD would write a book about anything but with a gorilla. It's not even like a show or something, the gorilla just shows up whenever he feels like it. It's always the same gorilla. Last night I had the weirdest one yet. I was somehow in a random building while some sort of gang war going on and I just happen to be there by accident. While I was walking around aimlessly since it was all dark and tripping on dead gang members. I somehow found a balcony and saw the gorilla just watching whatever was going on outside.

The weird part of the dream was that I had a normal conversation with him on the balcony with the sounds of cop cars and gun shots in the background. I didn't understood a thing he said but after he chanted something, I woke up.

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