Topic: Who´s single out there?

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Reply by Amanda


It's a difficult question.

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Reply by chaotonic



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Reply by lorenboo


add me whores <3

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Honestly being single isnt a problem at all. Esp when you learn who you are. but there comes a time when youre going to want to expierence love. at least if youre these common sexualities (gay, les and straight). because i dont know much about the new sexualities but i can imagine they are dealt with different cards. anyways i would loveΒ  to love but ig im not in that chapter yet. funnigly enough ive been expeirencing romantic moments with friends. so i get a taste although thats all we are and i am content.

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Honestly being single isnt a problem at all. Esp when you learn who you are. but there comes a time when youre going to want to expierence love. at least if youre these common sexualities (gay, les and straight). because i dont know much about the new sexualities but i can imagine they are dealt with different cards. anyways i would loveΒ  to love but ig im not in that chapter yet. funnigly enough ive been expeirencing romantic moments with friends. so i get a taste although thats all we are and i am content.

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Reply by pamsh


For the rest of my days, most likely.

I hate who I am in a relationship and what I see in the typical relationships of the people I'm still supposed to look to for guidance. Too much abuse and stepping on toes. Not here for that.

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Reply by SpaceJesus


I have yet to claim my queen, but that day is coming.

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Reply by Jade Deceit


i am,

people play too many games out there O-O

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Reply by WickedJuggalo01


Hey I'm single and possibly looking for that one person who is gonna love me and actually respond to me or my messages and Just love to have a good time and be happy you know and doesn't care about a video game that much I am gamer tho and I love to chat chat with others so add if you likeΒ 

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Reply by Gayonetta⚑️


For me it’s nothing everything’s is better with company but if I had to say it’s being able to flirt and sleep with people but apart from that for me being single sucksΒ 

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Reply by Ben Dover


ey shawty im available

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Reply by Chris


I'm single from the last 2 months. I was committed since 2018 but married that girl in 2019. But she was not faithful regarding the relationship. She slept with someone else and I caught her red handed. But now I'm open for new relationship either timely or life long.Β 

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Reply by Voldemort


Reply by Daniel


It's currently complicated. Not sure where things are going and it's stressful to say the least.

On the other hand, being single has many perks. Great for introspection to find what really makes you you. I was single for nearly a decade straight and it saved me lots of money, figured out that I don't like to settle on someone who just thinks I'm cute, and was able to abstain from all the lying and cheating that happened against me. But all that time I've been awfully lonely..

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Reply by Elligons


Stopped dating after so many bad dates. Figured if I was fated to meet someone it'll happen on its own.

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Reply by Kaz


I've been single for almost a year and it has been fun, it's mostly to do with bad dates, and now I just wanna let things go naturally by this pointΒ 

One fun thing about being single is being able to spend all day hanging out with my animals :)

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Reply by Logan W Rodeck


looking for love

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Reply by Rice


give me love

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Reply by Slurpwis


i'm single by choice lol!! it'z good 2 focus on urself for sometimes

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Reply by newcleardawn


personally i will always percieve being single/having friendships as infinitely more valuable then being in one committed relationship. i am happy to be where i am where i now never have to worry about romance and intimacy, it saves me from so much scorn and embarassment that i could encounter and just plain sadness

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Reply by april<3


Ive been single for a few months now, around 4 and I feel sort of free, although that feels kind of mean to say

In my past relationship, it was very stressful (mainly because of my constant worrying) but now it feels a billion rocks have been lifted off my shoulders and I am so so happy to be single

I wish to be in a relationship again, but first when I learn to love myself <3

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Reply by guts2048


had my first relationship in January it was great

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Reply by josh wood


I am singleΒ 

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Reply by Jrockfreak


Been single for about a year now, I don't mind it but it is cool to have someone to spend time with lol I'm trash at getting dates thoΒ 

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Reply by Liorah♥


im single too... i tried facebook dating (lol) and got too much attention and like... had to delete it bc i had a panic attack (relationship trauma has me messed tf up)

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Reply by Jesse


I'm single, but 50% by choice and 50% not by choice.

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Reply by Ghosts_luvThriftt


I'm Single, its been a few months, but I'm really enjoying the quiet, and the alone time, I'm noticing that my most recent relationship took a huge toll on me so i needed to step back and revaluate. Still wanting things with my ex to work though!!

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Reply by Ghosts_luvThriftt


I'm Single, its been a few months, but I'm really enjoying the quiet, and the alone time, I'm noticing that my most recent relationship took a huge toll on me so i needed to step back and revaluate. Still wanting things with my ex to work though!!

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Reply by Marcos Baca


I've been single for a while as I try to figure things out. My last relationship was also my longest and most serious, and ended as a result of my ex deciding to cheat on me with one of my best friends.

That sort of thing messes with your sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

Mind you, if I met the right person I have nothing against giving a new relationship a try . I just haven't found a lass that I completely click with as of late.

Nerdy girls, where are you? =P

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Reply by Syphek


I've more or less been single since 2017. It's been rough :(

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Reply by sewerslut


I been single for a long time, I would say being single has opened my eyes to a new world of self love and improvements I need to work on such as mental health etc. I would love to get myself back out there to the dating world and meet interesting people ^-^

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Reply by Kiatoki Zeiram


Single and almost died from liver disease by drinking because I'm lonely. But, I'm not dead and probably a better person for it. But it's come time to accept that I will be single for the rest of my life, especially now that all these dating apps are full of romance scammers and now freaking political parties campaigning for their side. I got my Cat, music, fun lighting and a good steady job. Poeple suck.

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Reply by ✩ joshua


I'm aromantic and I'm having fun hanging out with my friends and nailing my scholarship down with good grades tbh

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Reply by Nelli


I pretty much just got kicked out of a 7 year long relationship a bit more than a month ago. It was hell at first, but now i would never go back, i'm living my life again as if i was 15 (that's also why i'm sitting at home using nostalgic websites lol) and i have never felt so alive in the past 7 years!

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Reply by Monica


I've been single pretty much forever because I have trouble trusting and without trust I can't start any relationship.

I want to focus on my self esteem and it doesn't have to depend on appreciation from a potential partner.

btw I'm a person full of love and I give it to my friends, my family, my pets and I put it in the things I do. also I send lots of love to each of you too <3

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Reply by Zuzu Midory


I just want to meet people lol I was single but not nowΒ 

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Reply by Frog


Me but I don't wannabe anymore ;_:

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Reply by SaberRaven


I've been single for awhile, since I rarely find anyone sexually or romantically attractive at all. I might be borderline asexual in this matter, but I have a high drive. I've been going on dates, talking to people online, but nada. No one has made my heart flutter in a while.

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Reply by igirdog


yI've been single for a long time and it's just that it's screwed because it's very easy for me to connect and start to be "something" with the person but then BOOM It happens that I just lose interest because they don't make me feel something new, I've been working on it so I think I'd like to start meeting new people here to see what happens

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Reply by K0NjuRA


Single, and hoping to change that eventually, tho I've come to accept that my chances seem pretty abysmal. Sometimes wish I were the type who could stay satisfied living life without the desire for any intimacy with others beyond a platonic level, but as inconvenient as it is, that's just not who I am. Guess potentially finding a partner might be one of the reasons that I'm here, although I'm also tryna avoid getting my hopes up too soon.

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Reply by SIVIUS


I'm single since birth, I dunno what toΒ expect if I get into a relationship lol

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Reply by Lunna


i like that i have more time to hang out with my chickens

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Reply by Sian


been single for a few years now, just not willing to take the risk as readily as before but would love to meet someone who makes me wanna take that risk

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Reply by Waylon


Still unfortunately single.Β  Hard for me to pick up on social cues often and if I find somebody I am interested in, hard for me to pull the trigger on asking them out.

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Reply by Bobert


ME!!!!!!!!!! ME!!!!!!!!!! IM SINGLE!!!!!!Β 

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Reply by Neco-Arc Chaos


In the realm of chaotic solitude, a lone feline ponders the perks of singlehood. The positive side? Freedom to dance through life's absurdities without tether, a soloist in the cosmic orchestra of existence. No strings attached, just the whimsical melody of independence, nya.

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Reply by Sofia Rina


I'm single now and really it's so unpleasant. I sometimes get jealous of the intimacy of other couples but I can't do anything other than be sad, cry and sleep. I really want to have a girlfriend, the main thing is to be nice to me, understand me completely and loves me sincerely. During this single period I want to develop myself well because we have so many free time but too many free time is not good too.Β 

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Reply by Nav πŸŽ€


i think a pro for being single is not having to rely on someone, less money spent on them more for you the cons is you’re single and lonely…

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Reply by Ashley Henderson


Reply by sapphire β˜†


whenever i love someone i give them literally everything, but i've honestly enjoyed being single! spending alone time and focusing on myself and my confidence has been so great honestly

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