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Who´s single out there?

Due to covid and curfews itΒ΄s not easy to meet new people, let alone change single status xD

So: whoΒ΄s single out there and would want to change it?

WhatΒ΄s the positive side of being single, in your opinion?

Kiss kiss, Crys

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115 Replies

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Reply by Crystalline Moon


ThatΒ΄s a good point. I have so much love to give :D

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Reply by NotBlueAtAll


I live alone with my pug, I'm single, demisexual. My resolution for 2020 was to stop dating for a year. I had no idea how easy and honestly necessary that would be. Ha ha! Now I'm starting to feel hopeful for future things and dating would definitely be a part of that. I just refuse to risk exposure/my life to get laid. That's if I even like someone. I'm at the point where I prefer my own peace than to contort myself to be liked by potentials, ya know? πŸ–€πŸ––β˜˜οΈ

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Reply by NotBlueAtAll


I live alone with my pug, I'm single, demisexual. My resolution for 2020 was to stop dating for a year. I had no idea how easy and honestly necessary that would be. Ha ha! Now I'm starting to feel hopeful for future things and dating would definitely be a part of that. I just refuse to risk exposure/my life to get laid. That's if I even like someone. I'm at the point where I prefer my own peace than to contort myself to be liked by potentials, ya know? πŸ–€πŸ––β˜˜οΈ

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Reply by Shadow Bliss


I have never had a date. While I believe there are some perks to being single, I would also just like someone to talk to sometimes.

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Reply by April


I'm single I would have to say the positive about being single is really getting to know yourself personally it took me awhile to realize just being me was enough

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Reply by 🎡Dancing With Myself🎡


I’ve been single for over a year. Partially to covid, partially to me being an annoying cunt probably. I’m having a hard time finding any women that are interesting, or if they ARE interesting then they aren’t interested in me.

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Me but mainly by choice

I’ve been single for a year and I’m trying to enjoy it as much as I can but I am not opposed to talking to peopleΒ 
LGBTQIA are always welcome to get to know me

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Reply by Kindness Queen


im single and glad at the moment

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Reply by Jade Deceit



I've accepted that I'll never actually find the stereotypical Myspace / Tumblr / Polyvore / Blingee type romance.

But that doesn't mean I won't strive to achieve that in some capacity.Β 

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Reply by Crystalline Moon


I would love to have someone to share my days with.
ItΒ΄s pretty summer here and I would loooove to go on adventures with a partner.

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Reply by Elohimless πŸ€˜πŸ‡΅πŸ‡·


I'm in my early 30s & I've been single since (circa, 2006) for many reasons (which I won't talk about for privacy reasons).Β 

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Reply by Momoko La Meowww


Me! I've been single for the past couple of years now and I would love to get myself back on the market :DΒ 

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Reply by kyle


At least I'm not the only one that's single lol I did it by choice though to better my life and now things are wonderful got an amazing job as a line cook at a 4.5 star kitchen and got a pretty reliableΒ  2012 chevy impala LT life is great for me at least in that aspect I do miss having someone be there for me on my bad days butΒ  oh well thats just life I guess lol never been lucky with women that are actually loyal and honestΒ  I somehow manage to date the cheaters and liars

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Reply by Akuma


Been single for a little while but honestly not rushing it. More looking to meet new people while chasing my goals. It’ll happen on its ownΒ 

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Reply by Alwaysloyal_75



I've been single for 2 years, and for good reasons. But companionship is Great To have aswell.

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Reply by AcesizOfficial


I’m single & have been for a good year now, the positive side is that you don’t have extra obligations to your life & you can really focus on what you need to get done.Β 

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Reply by Xx_Rayce_xX


Im single, But honestly I'd rather be alone due to the lack of drama. Like honestly I dont have to worry about asking for someone elses approval to do something. I'd rather just be able to live my own life without interruption or interference.Β 

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Reply by _m.t.w.93_


I’d give anything to find a decent guy and have all my dreams come true but they’ve changed so much. And i cannot handle another heart break. I can’t handle anymore lies and betrayal. Some people just can’t handle it.

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Reply by Tim_Schweinsberg


Single for 8 years. Covid and Curfews didn't really change my life any. I simply don't know a single unspoken for women in any social circle I'm in. And I'm in several, that don't typically overlap. Everyone is either already married, dating someone or too old (like 60-70 years old) or even too young (18-21).

Online dating is pretty terrible, and there doesn't seem to be any consensus about approaching women IRL. And you never know how you'll be perceived.
I'd like to change it, but I'm fairly certain it won't be changing anytime soon.

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Reply by 2kJen


I'm single by choice. I like romance but I like the independence I have right now.

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Reply by Raphael 2


I have been single for 2years now, when I love I love with everything and it hurts so deep to be heartbreaken... honestly I won't give up on love I will rather love a million times andΒ  have my heart broken Everytime than hold parmently empty heart forever.. I need good decent relationship where love and trust willΒ 

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Reply by Justice


37 s looking for Β 

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Reply by Ryan


It's just my son and I. We live like bachelors and he's my best pal.Β  I work allot and I raise him full time so it's hard for me to pursue romance because no woman is patient enough for that.Β  However, I'd like to have a real partner to grow and to build a life with.Β  I miss having a partner more than anything.

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Reply by Mate


I am very much single haha. It would be awesome to be in a relationship but at the same time I'm also just trying to enjoy being single... Which I feel like i've been pretty much been accomplishing :p for the most part

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Reply by Sarah Ashley


A Godly relationship leading to marriage is all I seek for

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Reply by CalmStorm


This is the first time I have EVER actually been single and lived alone. I always thought it was be scary and hard, but honestly, its quite liberating not having to be at someone's beck and call, let them know where you are, what you are doing, etc.Β 

I can finally try and learn who I am and work on my finances as well. Its no where near as bad as I thought it would be. I actually enjoy it.Β 

As for s3x... My libido has went down A LOT, which is interesting but yet, lovely all at the same time. It makes it so much easier and I do not have to worry about that either.

While I can say I do miss the companionship, cuddles, etc. Its not the most important thing I need in my life. What is, is what exactly I have been working on; improving and loving myself while saving money to better my future not only for myself but for my girls as well.Β 

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Reply by JOEinPHX


I just enjoy the freedom of going anywhere I want, or staying home, without needing to justify either to anyone.Β 

With that said, it's nice to have someone to go out with or come home to.Β 

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Reply by Sloppobottomus


Painfully homosexual and painfully single. My inbox is open though.

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Reply by ~Katie~Khaos~


Very much a single Pringle right here. Mostly because I realized that I needed to focus on me and figure out what my likes, dislikes, and boundaries were during 2020 and also because I'm demisexual.

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Reply by fukurolady


intentionally single and thinking about keeping it that way for a while. with the exception of a few people, i have a general distrust of people and their intentions. the people i've been in a relationship or have been romantically involved with have just proved that i'm fucking crazy and/or no one is to be trusted. mostly the former, but yeah.Β 

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Reply by Sandra Nicole Paige


Reply by Mr.Six


I'm tired of being single!!!

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Reply by Steve Belfort


I've been living alone since the death of my wife and life has been so boring. I'm looking for someone to keep me company with good conversations, and I promise to take good care of you! feel free to send a request or message if you're interested and want to be friends

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Reply by kirsten


I'm single

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Reply by Thulu


Aside from a very short long distance relationship I've been single the whole time. I'm gonna be 23 this upcoming June and I have to say, not having to worry about working someone else and their plans into your life and your future frees up a ton of time to get more familiar with yourself and your own habits.

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Reply by Cesar


zzzingle n ready to mingle buhbuhbaby!! lolz

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Reply by DJ M.I.P.


I have been single for 9 years, and I still am!Β  But I am ready for an relationship!

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Reply by lazalius


I've been single for quite some time by now, since I have been focused on completely different things in the last years.

Now I really miss having a relationship, having someone to walk side by side in this journey. Still, I think the worst thing I could do to myself would be not chosing carefully my partner.

Being single is not bad in itself, and for sure is better than having a relationship with people that don't deserve it.

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Reply by Wavetheehokage


As I have been for majority of my life, single lol. Mostly due to my pickiness and constant need to be a hopeless romantic XD

plus side: I get to do that all with myself. I enjoy spending time alone now, although it's always necessary for the occasional hug or so, I will go out with myself and have much more fun than I would have with another person and I like to protect my peaceΒ 

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Reply by Jrockfreak


I've been single for probably 5 or 6 months after being in a relationship for almost 5 years. I do enjoy being single but also still looking for a serious relationship but I forgot just how hard it is to meet new peopleΒ 

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Reply by not_lain


the only relationship i had was in college and only lasted about 6 months

personally, i didnt have any social experience
i had no real friends growing up but was a drifter joining multiple groups of people without any real emotional connection to them
to me going into a romantic relationship is something i never thought about whole my life and felt like its a pain in the ass to be in one

but i felt this crippling loneliness when i turned 20 cuz yeah, i felt like i was missing out
big mistake, really cuz i could have focused more into something productive
i was too confident everythings gonna be alright and finally avoided my gut feelings

i really have trouble trusting people in general so this first and last i had was not any different
i fear for another relationship cuz it was just a mess

if there's a possibility i can find someone i can trust then i will welcome them
but until then im too distrustful and i will probably stay single for a long time
i barely escaped considering im still being haunted by the last relationship i had from 5 years ago so no thanks
idc if im single for another 10 years or so really as long as i can protect myself lol

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Reply by rossienek


Β I don't want to live single like Pool, So enjoy with your partnerΒ calculator

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I've basically always been single. Never looked for a realtionship but when I do it doesn't happen️

I don't mind it mostly. I am comfortable with myself but sometimes it would be nice to have that kind of companionship.

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Reply by Serena <3


Been single for a few months now. I've been to therapy, I'm over my ex, but now I got to put myself out there again and honestly its kinda scary. I also have a history of making bad choices. I need to follow my intuition and leave at the first red flag. Ignoring those often gets me into trouble

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Reply by Arman


Single life is best. Nice and flat. As clean as I make it. No expectations from outside. No disappointment. No intimacy either, but I mean... Intimacy has been more boring than exciting to me. Maybe I haven't found someone to ignite that passion and it could be because there aren't any left. Surely there exists someone that I'd rather share my time with, than not. Until then, if even, there are other goals I think about that light a fire under my ass to get up out of bed in the morning and get moving. Falling in love would be pretty cool. I think it is one of very many decent possibilities to keep in mind.Β 

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Reply by meliscorpio7


single as can be.. not really happy about it, but also don't want to force it rn~
once in a while i'll have a crush on someone secretly, which gives u butterflies but doesnt bring the responsibilities with it x3

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Reply by Kit the vampire kitty


Im single its rough the stigma of the whole thing got to have what people are looking for good personality, looks, stable income and all that jazz but if one of those aren't in your field you take a hit and it makes the dating scene hard..... in example im a heavy guy BUT not by choice! A birth condition sees me to gain weight like crazy....making it incredibly hard to find someone off the bat because most cant get past looks but the ones that do say im a sweet caring person...but thanks for two birth conditions i cant work....strike two for me right? so they still slightly stick around to maybe theres i can do to save it and be a lover.... maybe i can drive and contribute to at least something since ya know theres a chance at kids.... strike three cant drive i am stuck being lonely and tbh.....it hurts i know this seems like a rant but its like a weird cheat sheet that I madeΒ  using me as an example for the whole dating scene

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Reply by Local_lilee


im single asf n its boring lol. everybody just play too much

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Reply by kittyprincesslover


all of u r so emo and pressed like L BOZOS IMAGINE. MADCAUSEBADLOL

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