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Any highschool students of GEN Z who are trying to live out there myspace and Pinterest dreams on here of 2000’s and later!? :)))))

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110 Replies

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Reply by zombie


me! I remember back in elementary school seeing all the myspace posters up for 6th graders in my school! I cant believe I was too young for it at the time :(. I'm glad they made something similar to old school myspace c:

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Reply by james


senior right here. can't wait to get out of this hellhole and go to college lmao

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Reply by Ken


YES LMFAO. i had myspace when i was like, 10. didn't know how to use it or anything, but i had it. Here i am now though. I'm so ready to graduate.

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Reply by venus


ong i can't wait to graduate. Never had MySpace.. Being a teen in the 2000-2010 is a dream.

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Reply by xxmeadsxx


Me!!! I’m a freshman in highschool and also doing college this is a fun escape from all the stress and work

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Reply by glokiez


yes lol just discovered this td hiii

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Reply by Holly-wood


Just found the site today and I swear this only makes me wanna get this shit hole  highschool experience over!

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Reply by Violet


I have had my phone taken away for the longest, so this website really helps! I only have a school laptop and they haven't blocked this! It's pretty good for me, but pretty lonely because I haven't really messaged people from my school since December. :/ 

Although I didn't come here for the Myspace nostalgicness, I am a high schooler!!!! :D 

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Reply by S4N.is.a.cringy.Em0


haha me! i'm 16 and i always wanted to experience this!

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Reply by Interweab



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Reply by karkat!


freshman high schooler here yo :D

i wish i could've been a teen thru out the early 2000z bro

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Reply by Nick Starr


Im sadly in highschool, and i have 3 other years after 9th grade. I also am NOT looking forward to College.

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Reply by clown


im a freshman :D

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Reply by Pupa


right here!! c:

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Reply by 05spark


hehe sophomore here :)

I've always wanted to live in the 2000's as a highschool student and Spacehey's brought me somewhere to say the least!!!

Iono... can't love the millenials but a good solid bunch of gen z just feel so ingenuine and shallow :p

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Reply by Nez


Me! lmao I'm a sophomore with my first midterms next week (we didn't have them last year or the year before because of COVID, only the Seniors have ever taken a midterm or final. 

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Reply by sabine444


yesss!! truly wish to have lived back in the era when u had to talk through myspace or messanger, nysnc, magazines, renting movies, cameras...

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Reply by fluffyluv (>ω< )


i used to beg my parents for a myspace when i was younger but they never let me had it :P

now im a senior who just turned 18 and about to go to college next year :0 

time flies big time, r.i.p. my 2003 heart </3

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Reply by ConfusedBlob


It's nice seeing that I'm not the only one who desperately wants to be a teen in the 2000s and experience a myspace aesthetic

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Reply by ianisdead


heyyo i'm a freshmen in HS.

god i'll do anything to be a teen in the 2000s/2010s. sucks that i was still a baby when the emo culture was at it's peak

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Reply by nightzombie


I honestly wish I were a teenager earlier in the 2000s rather than now. it's not like a "I was born in the wrong generation" corny type shit, but I wish I had more time to live out my teenaged years, ya know? the pandemic sucks ass, and I can't do anything. the earth is dying and there is just so much stuff happening in the world that it seems hopeless. I know there were problems back in the 2000s to early 2010s, but I just want more time without everything feeling useless and hopeless, yk?? kinda like a "who cares, the earth is about to go up in flames in a few years anyway with the way we're going as a species?" anyway this got kinda dark but idk this website is cool for kinda letting people forget about everything going on. sorry for the long message aaaaaa.

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Reply by Declan


Lowkey it'd have been kind of cool to have been a teen just like 15 years ago. I'd have been able to see Fall Out Boy and other bands I'm kind of obsessed with when they were most "popular" among teens. Even past that, I wouldn't have been one of the first IPad kids which would've been really nice. I'd have made myself a myspace account at seven years old instead of a Facebook one too lol.

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Reply by anna


Mee!! I love watching chick flicks and i wish i was a teenager during that time! I only just fpund out about spacehey just this week on tiktok. LOL :)

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Reply by anhelicaw


I've always wanted to see what the big hype was around myspace :p

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Reply by anhelicaw


I've always wanted to see what the big hype was around myspace :p

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Reply by TheCornCob


after going on spacehey i understood the myspace hype (am a zoomer fetus) and something other social medias got wrong

simplicity. instagram, tiktok, snapchat, they all aren't "simple" social medias with simple concepts

i understand why myspace took off.

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Reply by Robyn


when i heard abt myspace years ago, i was sad it was gone. but now i recently found out spacehey, im sooo happy cuz this website is so cool. 

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Reply by iohnic


same, i literally love living my 2007 dior campaign fantasy!!

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Reply by ☆𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑖


Mee!! i grew up seeing my big sis posting things in her Myspace and when I knew about this site I was so happy and nostalgic :')) i remember wanted to trying it too but I was just a little girl lol

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Reply by Sal


Reply by Jules


Sophomore here! My mom talks abt how much she liked MySpace and it’s awesome to see what it was like :)

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Reply by soleiia


heyyy im currently a freshmen but im gonna go into soph pretty soon :D 

how's everyone doing?? i have a geometry eoc today LOL.

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Reply by BabyBond


Here haha I remember my older siblings having MySpace and seeing all the cool styles and layouts

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Reply by Reimington


the profile music and the layouts caught my attention and trying to convince my friends to open up an account. 1/4

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Reply by RockJuleMantis


Reply by Adria


yesss I long to be a teen in like 2003-2004 and live the true early Internet forum experience, so this site is really cool :)

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Reply by ⛧☻Grace☻⛧


Senior here!
I've always wished I could've been the age same age I am now around 2010. I love the memes and just the general vibes and culture of the internet back then. I love those dumb videos that are edited in Windows Movie Maker, and I wish YT still had the star rating system so I could say: "Like comment and rate 5 stars!111!!!!! X3" and not sound like a damn maniac. Most of all, though, I really really wish I could've been there to see the early days of Roblox. Unfortunately, I was only 5 at the time

Also, as far as dead 2010-ish websites go, idk much about Albino Blacksheep, but it looks like a pretty fun place to go to. Newgrounds was neat at first to me but got kinda boring after a bit

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Reply by xXkf100Xx


im goin into highschool in like a week but im worried about bullying cause i look and sound like a girl >_<

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Reply by prettycat


me!! something ive learned in high school is that smth ull regret the most is doing things just so u wont get made fun of. its ur life! live it how u wanna live it!

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Reply by Gossip Girl


Reply by Rabbit1


Not Pinterest, but yeah. I'm in my senior year right now and am really bummed I missed out on 90s tech and 2000s internet culture. I caught onto the tail end of it through watching Warrior Cat animations and AMVs on YouTube in 2011-2013, but other than that, I got next to no experience with it. Which totally bums me out...

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


Definitely me. I'm a high school junior and I've basically still live like it's the 2000s. I have a flip phone, use remakes of older websites like this one and PicMix, wear low rise jeans, collect CDs and DVDs, I have the 2000s emo haircut, etc. I was born in 2006 and I'm still living like it's 2006, rawr XD.

Still wish I could've actually been a teenager in the 2000s instead of being a baby and toddler in those years. </3

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Reply by twiggy


Hey i'm not in high school But i'm trying to my GED, any words of wisdom?

(A GED is like a high school diploma it does the same thing as HSD)

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Reply by Ash_Mortem


Me haha soon gonna be doing my GCSE's and honestly kinda scared :(, Im constantly trying to surround myself in 2000s looking stuff. i was born in 2006 and I didn't even know Myspace was a thing till I turned 12 *Facepalm* 

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Reply by mateo ༊*·˚


i have always loved the 2000s and im so happy i can relive it as a teen here LOL!

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Reply by jade ☆


i’ve always had a fascination with oldschool games, software, hardware, goth and coding. being in highschool and college where they still haven’t updated the tech in 15 years has been awesome xP 

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Reply by jade ☆


i’ve always had a fascination with oldschool games, software, hardware, goth and coding. being in highschool and college where they still haven’t updated the tech in 15 years has been awesome xP 

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Reply by 5tar5ystem


im a senior right now and i really love 2000s and 2010s shit :))))

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Reply by mutedMediator [MM]


Me! I've always wanted a myspace and to live in the 2000s-2010s as a teenager. I'm a senior

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