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Shadow People.

I'm sure you have heard of them they are known as "Shadow People", you see them in your peripheral vision but when you try to look at them properly they just vanish.

My theory is that they may not be ghosts of loved ones or people in general but other humanoids from an alternative universe who are more advanced then us! Some people say they are demons but that is a big hysterical really.

But what is your take on it all?
Do you have a theory on what they might actually be?


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76 Replies

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I see them and I must admit I don’t like it. I guess because I’ve always had a fear of being possessed. I’m not sure what they want or if they’re good or bad. I think if I knew they were harmless then I’d feel less uncomfortable. 

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Reply by astral plane


I used to see them when I was a kid. I suspect something weird was going on in the house where I lived. It all went away when I moved and got older.

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Reply by Danica Joy (✿ ♡‿♡)


The thing I find most interesting is that people from around the world that have never interacted with each other report seeing almost exactly the same thing. (For example the Hat Man) Most of the stories I have read are from people that believed their experience was unique to them.

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Reply by alex_aweonaoo


i mean i have seen these sincce im 11, im surprised to find this here, in paranormal, cause i have the theory i see em beacause of the alcohol and drgs, i didnt knew there was more people seeing them, thats weird xd

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Reply by grey


once read somewhere that they're our guardian angels

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Reply by :D J!NG3R


honestly yeah but you could’ve right but there are some that like wear hats and are claimed as guardians so maybe they can really be what they want

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Reply by :D J!NG3R


honestly yeah but you could’ve right but there are some that like wear hats and are claimed as guardians so maybe they can really be what they want

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Reply by Tephy★


realmente una vez vi un ser desde el auto y juro que no tenia cabeza pero parecia ser la unica que lo vio, creo que tal vez sea parte nuestros recuerdos o pensamientos materialisados. Ya que unos dias antes vi uun video de algo relacionado con eso🐨

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Reply by Infestissumam


Creo que son seres del mas allá que simplemente no encuentran el camino hacia el descanso eterno debido a que se "perdieron" en el camino y no digo que simplemente sea por tener los supuestos asuntos pendientes en este pano astral, puede deberse a diversas razones así como cuando las personas no aceptan la muerte de alguien siempre he dicho que la mente humana es muy poderosa respecto a este entorno ya que si tu deseo es tan fuerte de tener a esa persona que perdiste podrías encadenar su alma a estar en constante activación, incluso creo que si tu deseo es fuerte tal vez termines encadenando a otra alma muy distinta a tu ser querido ya que si deseamos esas cosas en un lugar donde la vida de una persona se le haya arrebatado o una persona que frecuentaba ese lugar podrías encadenar a esa alma a estar en este respectivo plano y es por eso que aveces sentimos que traemos algo pero no le sentimos pertenencia a nuestro entorno social y lo percibimos como algo que nos quiere lastimar

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Reply by Turquoise Tentacle


Desde hace un tiempo soñé con uno, escuché que no era el único que había visto uno, aunque el mío tiene algo peculiar, es una sombra con un sombrero, creo que no le agrado mucho porque siempre está causando problemas en mis sueños, como ofrecerme. un té con un ojo flotando. 

No son exactamente aterradores, solo son molestos, ¿será la esencia de un cascarrabias? ja.

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Reply by actuallarchangel


I see them often you guys are delusional they are just hallucinations or depending on the type of person you are they can be whatever you want, i don't mind though your guys stories are interesting

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Reply by That one guy you know


shadow people are NOT ghosts, they're just people who haven't rendered in yet and are supposed to spawn somewhere else which is why you can never see them!

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Reply by GaboruCioara


I heard a theory that our peripheral vision can see ghosts or something like that. I always think about it when I see these ''shadow people''.

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Reply by Dead Weight


It probably was just a rancid nightmare, but I had an episode with Shadow People that involved sleep paralysis.
I was renting a room in a house that became a tenement, a small service
room with only a small window and a door that lead to the backyard. I just went to sleep like any other day. 
And then it happened.
woke paralyzed, facing down, and when I managed to turn my neck, I saw a
black silhouette, male in outline but pitch black otherwise, sitting in
a chair by the bedside. It carried a crook handle cane, and wore an
"1860" top hat. It said something to me, then chuckled. I couldn't
discern the words, but the scorn and the mockery were crystal clear. I
grunted, and fought the paralysis as it laughed, and with a roar, I woke
Face up.
And there was nobody there.
And I never saw the thing again, even after six months when I left the place.

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Reply by Peurz


they give me the chills

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Reply by k.i.r.a


I have seen many shadow people in my life. I see them all the time actually. There is a shadow living in my house now and it bothers me. I likes to get my attention a lot. It is always moving around during the late hours when everyone else is sleeping. I try to play it off as nothing but i know there is something. I never associated them with demons really because the energy they give off is not demonic. It more just like a curious or mischievous entity. I dont know many factual evidence but my family is prone to paranormal occurances 

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Reply by Deaths_Smile


I've seen a shadow person right in front of me once.

It was late at night, and I was a kid (around kindergarten age). I was alone in my living room when suddenly a shadowy figure of a man wearing a bowler hat appeared several feet away. I stared at him, but when I blinked he vanished. I didn't feel scared or anything when I saw him, so I don't think he was malicious.

My guess is at least some shadow people are ghosts/spirits of some sort.

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Reply by fruitfile


probably just acting like your neighborhood skeptic to you guys, but tbh i think its just a trick of the eye

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Reply by Adam Murray


Well whatever they are, they seem relatively peaceful judging by the fact I've never heard someone have a violent encounter with one.

I agree with your hypothesis though.

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Reply by Scourge


I believe they are just friends there to protect us

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Reply by d.roolzX


I used to see shadow people all the time in the corner of my eye and sometimes people that werent there but mostly shadow people that would disappear before I could take a better look, ( I used to live on the ground floor where my window faced the garden and I didnt have curtains I just had a sheer tablecloth pinned around the window) one night I couldnt sleep and I felt extremely uneasy and felt like someone was watching me and my cat was looking out my window and hissing, I slowly put my hands on the windowsill and peeked out the window into the garden and got shivers down my spine because what i think was a shadow figure was looking straight at me and it just didnt disappear so I slowly went under my covers to hide and try to fall asleep while my cat was still hissing and meowing towards the window. 

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Reply by Xx_s1nacyl_xX


i luv this theory! i think it could be a fourth dimension, possibly hosting different vsersions of ourselves!! 

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Reply by 🦟[NUN MASSACRE]🦟


Does anyone see them like peek out from behind doorways and stuff? cuz I only see them like that.

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Reply by Oliver/ollie☆


OMG! This is crazy because for me even when I looked at them directly they wouldn't dissapear!

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Reply by Alli :))


I personally think they are the blank slate of our fears,they then take the shape of what we're afraid of,weather that be eyes looking at you from the dark or a person with a huge scary smile.They all take a form of something that scares us. 

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Reply by ottomoth


Reply by Slayer of Beasts


I think there may be a shadow person in my backyard. Check my blog for more info.

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Reply by XAlexX


I used to see them alot when I was walking down the hall at my grandmas house (which is a pretty old house I think) and I would speedwalk down the hall bc it would scare the shiz out of me, now I dont see them as much. And I really dont have any theorys on what they are, they could be anything (ghosts, demons, hallucinations, creatures,etc)

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Reply by Slayer of Beasts


Cool post, I'm not an expert of shadow people, would that be considered a beast?

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Reply by Starr


I have a cousin who claims to see spirits and shadow people I’m not sure if she is telling the truth because she is 12 but this was really convincing for me. We all had a sleepover ( me and my couisns) we were always up around 3-5 am watching movies and talking about random stuff. So I go to use the bathroom around 4 and my cousin decides to follow me for whatever reason. I don’t turn on the light in the bathroom as I’m not afraid of the dark. As I walk out of the bathroom my cousin is standing outside a little afar from the door and is staring at the corner of the bathroom. I asked her what’s wrong and she says” do you not see that?, it’s a tall shadow” and as soon as she says this I hear like something in the bathroom knock over something. 

From that night is see a tall shadow figure in the same spot each time. I’ve learnt to ignore it tho

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Reply by Ageratum


I don't think they are human or ever were. Maybe demons or other worldy beings. 

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Reply by theonlymorgue


Since I was little I would see them.

My theory is that they're spirits or ghosts of past people with strong spirituality or auras. I know it seems like a pretty basic answer but that's just what I think.

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Reply by Luminaries<3


I just got that sinking feeling of familiarity when reading your post. I've had countless encounters with shadow people and the "Hat man". It's something I grew up with and I always hoped no one else had the same problem.

I'd love to talk to people about this phenomenon though!

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Reply by Brucey <3 Yung Gingseng


I just like to think its our minds playing tricks on us, or when we move our eyes to a certain direction hard enough we start to see black and mistake it as a person ... when it's not. Hallucinations and stuff still exist, so yeah. 

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Reply by thrxshrrtea


when i was in kindergarten going to bed, i used to see very tall shadow figures go across my room. no joke. still scares me lol, but they are just people so its not super scary. just odd :]

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Reply by Shade


i am those shadow people

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Reply by lover


i have seen this one "shadow person" in my dreams and hallucinations for years now. i have no clue what it means, but it never speaks to me and insists on simply taking my sisters or my mother.. i have never been able to stop it from what i remember. very weird.

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Reply by _quin


i belive that they are spirtits who are unaware that they have passed, so they linger in the place where they lived and follow people that they knew when they were alive. 

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Reply by mcrsrawr


i dont know about the topic a lot but these shadow people scares me asf 

probably the reason is... when i was a child i used to sleep with my parents so i remember a night, i was in the middle and i could not sleep i remember a shadow person next to my dad i was so fukin scared i could feel he was looking at us even though he had no eyes and idk how but i fell sleep and when i wake up obviosly he was not longer there 

shadow people is one of my biggest fears and i like to hear about these creatures

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Reply by 311Fan12345


i think theyre just hallucinations and nothing special.

i see them in the corner of my eyes a lot

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Reply by effigy


what if they're glimpses of people from other realities that are like colliding with our reality?

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I actually really like the thought that "shadow people" could be loved ones that passed away, or spirits that are just trying to watch over us. While we are still alive and they have moved onto the next life, because during most of my experiences with seeing them for a split second, they don't tend to do any harm at all. Only making their existence still known to us, then vanishing quickly.
That's mostly why I'm not really afraid of them, only accepting of their presence, as long as their not trying to do any harm I don't mind.

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Reply by ZTELLA ! ☆:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:☆


following up what i said i think that in a moreish logical way i think we also may just see humans so much that they ppear in our prehepiral vison on accident because were so used to it like when you stare at something for a long time and loo at a blank wall ight after you can kinda see the object fading in and out lik outline? idk

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Reply by ZTELLA ! ☆:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:☆


honestly ive heard SO many stories about shadow people and whatnot and have seen them myself so i kind of have some theories.

I do agree with another person on the forum who was saying that theyre a part of our dream/subconcious layered over reality but I do also think that they are real and in relation with ghosts/ skinwalkers or like cryptids. Just mostly in tht range. I think that most of them are lost spirits or possibly even ghosts of not just people that have maybe died in the house or place you encounter them in but maybe also signs? or even loved ones of sort. I also think that it plays into the big fear of the fact you really dont know whats going on when you close your eyes visually. creepy but honestly I love talking ab ghosts and stuff. I really wanna see someone try to contact a ''shadow person'' or even shadow people through ouija board or something lol because all spirits usuaally can access it.

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Reply by mitzkmy


See, I haven't done much research on them, but I do have a shadow person who seems to be attatched to me or something I have. I've named him (don't know the actual gender lol) Conner, and he follows me most every where. The first time I ever saw him, that I can remember, he was following me down the highway just outside my car. I was in a pretty rough place then, so idk if it had something to do with that, or maybe not at all. I have seen him fully, he doesn't stay TOO long, the longest would probably be about 20 mins at most. He makes me feel safe, and other times it's a bit eerie but it's fine lol. 

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Reply by Hiilu


I've never seen shadow people with the exception of one event... It was more like the span if a couple weeks? I got a haunted plushie, and it had a zipper in the back like some stuffed animals that also double as purses. I opened it, and there was no pouch inside, just the stuffing... After that, the haunted plushie's conscience was still there, but I started seeing shadow people afterwards. I had no trouble chasing them off once I noticed, but I was seeing them in the apartment, and even in the woods outside the apartment while I was walking during the day. I haven't seen any before or since that incident, but it was really weird... The atmosphere in the apartment was super off from the time I opened the zipper to the time I removed them!

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Reply by .+* aurora *+.


I’ve seen shadow people before but it was a pretty bad time in my life and I’m mentally ill so I could’ve hallucinated it. your theory is really interesting tho!!

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Reply by 🌈🦕💖~Grace​~💖🦕🌈


dude those are demons

if they are in ur house, immediately bless the house w/holy water. Ifu see one in the woods, ofc get the holy water and bless the woods. PRAY!
These demons just wanna scare us but since we have God on our side, we have nothing to fear.

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