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Shadow People.

I'm sure you have heard of them they are known as "Shadow People", you see them in your peripheral vision but when you try to look at them properly they just vanish.

My theory is that they may not be ghosts of loved ones or people in general but other humanoids from an alternative universe who are more advanced then us! Some people say they are demons but that is a big hysterical really.

But what is your take on it all?
Do you have a theory on what they might actually be?


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Reply by Dan Keizer


My theory is that they are simply residuals from our subconsciousness, layered over reality so they appear to be real.

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Reply by Carmz


There was a shadow child in the house I grew up in. Everyone who lived there had seen it at one point or another, but I think I'm the only one who ever came face to face with it. One morning I came up the stairs and saw my cat's collar was off, I looked up and in the door frame of my bedroom was this shadow child. It threw the collar at me and ran in the room. When I went in no one was there, not in the closet or anywhere I could find. So, I just got ready for school and called it a morning. lol 

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Reply by Erik 𖤐


i used to see these in my dad's house back when i lived there. landlord said it used to be some sort of doctor's office or something. i've seen them both in and out of peripheral vision (scariest thing ever is looking straight at it and the fuhker doesn't vanish). i like to think they're ghosts, and may have been dead patients or something (at least, that's all i hope they are). 

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Reply by Stan Howard


I believe they are ghost that hasn't fully manifested due to the environment around them. 

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Reply by Cherry


I think they are ghosts of those who were on the land before us. At my grandparents house, I used to see a shadow man walking across the yard as if he was tending to it. I had stairs up to a balcony to my apartment there and once in a while there'd be a shadow looking in on me through the window from the balcony.  One time he was ascending the stairs and I told him that was close enough and he moved back down the stairs to the yard. I was never scared of him, I actually felt safer knowing he was there. 

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Okay so it sounds pretty regular but I hallucinate 

Alot. During the day, its only a little and ill hear things like my name being called or the laugh of a child when no ones around. But yes, I see shadow people. 
This is short, but the oddest encounter with them. So, my dad had hurt his knee in a stupid accident 
2 years ago and we bought a stationery bike to help him stretch it out. Its been sitting in our living room for quite a while, unused and gathering dust. 
That day, id been seeing things alot and tried to ignore them, but I was flipping my head at every corner and movement. I was in the living room when I looked up and saw a black shape on the bike but looked back down. I did a double take and it wasn't there but it out of my peripheral. Kinda spooked me, but because i have a fear of the things in the dark, I carry a machete when I go outside. 
So, every once in a while, I see this shadow person. When I look back its gone. But the point of shadow people is to be in your peripheral so I always wonder...
Is this something else and not a shadow?

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Reply by Fae Addams


Makes me think of the Doctor Who episode "Listen". 

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Reply by Bobby


The Shadow People used to visit me pretty regularly, but I haven't seen them in a while.

The man in the hat in particular was the most interesting one. The last time I saw him, I was working my weekend shift, completely alone in the building. I had fallen asleep at my desk around 6am (night shift life) and was dreaming I was watching myself sleep. Was it a real out of body experience? Maybe? All I know is while I'm observing myself sleep from like above and behind me, the man in the hat shows up, taps me on the shoulder and says "Bobby, wake up".

I darted awake in a panic thinking maybe my boss came in and caught me sleeping. Nope, he wasn't in his office. I walked the entire building saying "hello, is anyone here" then went and watched the security cameras for a few minutes and found nobody in the building. Since then, I haven't seen the man in the hat, or any of the shadow people.

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Reply by Thunder In A Clear Sky


they are very simply former humans who have escaped the cycle of physical incarnation but in the wrong way.

they are attracted to malice, anguish, overwhelming guilt, trauma, and general toxicity. like they were in their human lives. over and over again.
they're a spiritual and spatial phenomenon that involves negative and malevolent energies, intents and actions that linger in spaces, outside of time and they manifest in places where they feel attracted to these energies and are further stabilized by fear, especially.
you can find them en masse at the sites of fatal wrecks, murders, rapes, in structures that involve familial trauma, toxic households that contain narcissistic, socio or psychopathic behavior, and in the midst of those who suffer from depression and exisential fear. especially of mortality or just general malaise about life and the world we're incarnated into at this present moment.
indigenous people will tell you that the only evil in the world is produced from the foul hearts and spirits of oppressive and malicious men.
sometimes they turn their victims into monsters as they're trying to defeat a monster.
the universe doesn't produce purely malevolent and inflammatory lifeforms and i don't understand the notion of why an interdimensional being would be so malicious as to behave in the way that these entities do.
the truth about them is rather dark but to believe that these are aliens or higher beings that are here to observe us and stoke our fear and paranoia and misery is just too much.
you, however, are of course encouraged to think whatever you want. this is just the opinion that you asked for and the source is that i live my life as a practicing medicine man of a First Nations tride for many years - raised and taught by my elders of my flesh and blood that both brought me in to this world and brought me up. i have mingled with Shadow People personally and they are neither demon nor alien.
they are simply wayward souls. intoxicated with fear and suffering.

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Reply by Ray Pelletier


I have seen shadow people since I was 12. I am now 44. 

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Reply by inactive


This is my first time learning about shadow people, but they sound like what I see and experience during sleep paralysis, especially when I’d get it nightly a few years ago.

The very first time I had sleep paralysis, I was laying on my stomach, and I heard someone open my door, walk into my room, and then lean over my body from behind and lay on top of my back. In my peripheral, a completely blank and shadowy face lowered right next to mine, and a few seconds later, lifted off of me as if they were never there. Of course, I was able to move again immediately after, and when I got up and checked, there was no one in my room and my door was still closed. Other times, I’d hear crowds of people talking and walking in my room (it would suddenly get super loud too, as if more people were joining and speaking louder and louder), but the sound would abruptly stop and I’d be able to move again, and I was the only one awake in my house and no one was outside to have made the noise.

Now, I get sleep paralysis sparingly, but each time I hear distant speaking and sometimes see shadow-like forms moving in my peripheral, and just like the other times, they all immediately stop and go away as soon as I can move again. I don't have any personal theories or ideas as to what they could be just yet, but its really fascinating to read everyone else’s experiences and ideas here! 

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Reply by Bryce Syra


Well the funny thing is is there are so many people out there that have bad sleep paralysis and for those who are unfortunate enough to see shadow people in the midst of their paralysis all see the hat man

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Reply by august


I hope this doesn't sound too dismissive but I saw them all the time, and then i got diagnosed as schizoaffective, lol. i still see them sometimes especially if im driving at night

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Reply by Kylie


I saw a shadow being when I was younger and it completely changed me and my spirituality, even though it was such a minor experience compaired to others I've heard. It lead me to believe that there are other dimensions and beings living in those dimensions, even a spiritual dimensions which ghosts come from. I believe shadow beings come from other dimensions, but half the time they are definitely not human. 

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Reply by ⚸☥333VOiDGiRL


a few things, really
::schizophrenia, similar disorders
::third-eye//astral reality->physical world overlap
::probably some ghost thing(s)

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Reply by Ratz🐀


I think they might be Tolpas created subconsciously 

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Reply by Ratz🐀


I think they might be Tolpas created subconsciously 

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Reply by MELLO


ive always thought of it as the brain filling in what it cant quite see, like how people might look at shadows/bad lighting and think theyre seeing something theyre not.

ive also thought, were in the 3rd dimension. whos to say there arent creatures living in the 4th, 5th, 6th, whatevereth dimension that we can only catch glimpses of?

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Reply by Elysia


One of those bugged me so much when I was living at my parent's house last summer. They can leave you alone and not do anything to you but sometimes they can be really annoying. Mine used to knock on doors and wake me up from my sleep and play with the instruments in my room. Got really creeped out but it didn't follow me to where I live now so thank god for that.

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Reply by RiRi_


once i saw a shadow person that looked disturbingly like Mr.Clean, bald head and everything.

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Reply by RiRi_


i feel like shadow people are ordanary people from other universes, we travel universes with every decision we make right? who's to say our consciousnesss slips up once and a while, and shows us something we would see in a seprate timeline, where some other events took place. or its dead people idk.

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Reply by SolGTRGuy


Personal theory: 
I like to imagine Shadow people are just residue of your memories accidentally messing up
brain stuff which makes you see things that already happened but only briefly.

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Reply by Purd


Reply by Sam!!


i used to see them alot when i was a kid, maybe 6-7, they would look like dead reletives and the recently passed. i saw my great grandmother brushing her hair on my nightstand and someone who walked over and slept infront of me. idk about other universes but i think they are a spirit of sum sort 

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Reply by ✞ঔৣ丂є𝔳𝒆𝕟ঔৣ✞


I used to see them all the time, especially in the corner of my room but since then I moved to a new house. There this kid on my staircase, a shadow kid, but he never leaves the staircase except for the one time he appeared near my bed but that was the last time I've seen them. They just kinda disappeared. 

The one I remember the most is the guy with the top hat, he used to watch me sleep or just chill in my room, sometimes he'll try to get close to me, like the time i was in my living room just watching T.V until something called me to look at the bathroom and that's when I seen him try to come out the bathroom and with each step he grew so I ran to my room and that was it.

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Reply by beezlebulb


This might sound a little crazy but I can see and sense those mf's forreal. They really enjoy sitting right where you can't fully see them, or walking past you close enough that you can sense them a few feet beside you. Sometimes they're naturally harmless but they enjoy sticking to people with a low vibrational personal shield, someone that has their guard down 80% of the time. They'll stick to you, confuse you, and they will not leave unless made. They can be incredibly petty and dangerous, if you encounter one, best advice is to leave and cleanse immediately. 

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Reply by 🌈🦕💖~Grace​~💖🦕🌈


dude those are demons

if they are in ur house, immediately bless the house w/holy water. Ifu see one in the woods, ofc get the holy water and bless the woods. PRAY!
These demons just wanna scare us but since we have God on our side, we have nothing to fear.

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Reply by .+* aurora *+.


I’ve seen shadow people before but it was a pretty bad time in my life and I’m mentally ill so I could’ve hallucinated it. your theory is really interesting tho!!

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Reply by Hiilu


I've never seen shadow people with the exception of one event... It was more like the span if a couple weeks? I got a haunted plushie, and it had a zipper in the back like some stuffed animals that also double as purses. I opened it, and there was no pouch inside, just the stuffing... After that, the haunted plushie's conscience was still there, but I started seeing shadow people afterwards. I had no trouble chasing them off once I noticed, but I was seeing them in the apartment, and even in the woods outside the apartment while I was walking during the day. I haven't seen any before or since that incident, but it was really weird... The atmosphere in the apartment was super off from the time I opened the zipper to the time I removed them!

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Reply by mitzkmy


See, I haven't done much research on them, but I do have a shadow person who seems to be attatched to me or something I have. I've named him (don't know the actual gender lol) Conner, and he follows me most every where. The first time I ever saw him, that I can remember, he was following me down the highway just outside my car. I was in a pretty rough place then, so idk if it had something to do with that, or maybe not at all. I have seen him fully, he doesn't stay TOO long, the longest would probably be about 20 mins at most. He makes me feel safe, and other times it's a bit eerie but it's fine lol. 

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Reply by ZTELLA ! ☆:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:☆


honestly ive heard SO many stories about shadow people and whatnot and have seen them myself so i kind of have some theories.

I do agree with another person on the forum who was saying that theyre a part of our dream/subconcious layered over reality but I do also think that they are real and in relation with ghosts/ skinwalkers or like cryptids. Just mostly in tht range. I think that most of them are lost spirits or possibly even ghosts of not just people that have maybe died in the house or place you encounter them in but maybe also signs? or even loved ones of sort. I also think that it plays into the big fear of the fact you really dont know whats going on when you close your eyes visually. creepy but honestly I love talking ab ghosts and stuff. I really wanna see someone try to contact a ''shadow person'' or even shadow people through ouija board or something lol because all spirits usuaally can access it.

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Reply by ZTELLA ! ☆:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:☆


following up what i said i think that in a moreish logical way i think we also may just see humans so much that they ppear in our prehepiral vison on accident because were so used to it like when you stare at something for a long time and loo at a blank wall ight after you can kinda see the object fading in and out lik outline? idk

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I actually really like the thought that "shadow people" could be loved ones that passed away, or spirits that are just trying to watch over us. While we are still alive and they have moved onto the next life, because during most of my experiences with seeing them for a split second, they don't tend to do any harm at all. Only making their existence still known to us, then vanishing quickly.
That's mostly why I'm not really afraid of them, only accepting of their presence, as long as their not trying to do any harm I don't mind.

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Reply by effigy


what if they're glimpses of people from other realities that are like colliding with our reality?

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Reply by 311Fan12345


i think theyre just hallucinations and nothing special.

i see them in the corner of my eyes a lot

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Reply by mcrsrawr


i dont know about the topic a lot but these shadow people scares me asf 

probably the reason is... when i was a child i used to sleep with my parents so i remember a night, i was in the middle and i could not sleep i remember a shadow person next to my dad i was so fukin scared i could feel he was looking at us even though he had no eyes and idk how but i fell sleep and when i wake up obviosly he was not longer there 

shadow people is one of my biggest fears and i like to hear about these creatures

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Reply by _quin


i belive that they are spirtits who are unaware that they have passed, so they linger in the place where they lived and follow people that they knew when they were alive. 

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Reply by lover


i have seen this one "shadow person" in my dreams and hallucinations for years now. i have no clue what it means, but it never speaks to me and insists on simply taking my sisters or my mother.. i have never been able to stop it from what i remember. very weird.

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Reply by Shade


i am those shadow people

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Reply by thrxshrrtea


when i was in kindergarten going to bed, i used to see very tall shadow figures go across my room. no joke. still scares me lol, but they are just people so its not super scary. just odd :]

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Reply by Brucey <3 Yung Gingseng


I just like to think its our minds playing tricks on us, or when we move our eyes to a certain direction hard enough we start to see black and mistake it as a person ... when it's not. Hallucinations and stuff still exist, so yeah. 

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Reply by Luminaries<3


I just got that sinking feeling of familiarity when reading your post. I've had countless encounters with shadow people and the "Hat man". It's something I grew up with and I always hoped no one else had the same problem.

I'd love to talk to people about this phenomenon though!

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Reply by theonlymorgue


Since I was little I would see them.

My theory is that they're spirits or ghosts of past people with strong spirituality or auras. I know it seems like a pretty basic answer but that's just what I think.

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Reply by Ageratum


I don't think they are human or ever were. Maybe demons or other worldy beings. 

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Reply by Starr


I have a cousin who claims to see spirits and shadow people I’m not sure if she is telling the truth because she is 12 but this was really convincing for me. We all had a sleepover ( me and my couisns) we were always up around 3-5 am watching movies and talking about random stuff. So I go to use the bathroom around 4 and my cousin decides to follow me for whatever reason. I don’t turn on the light in the bathroom as I’m not afraid of the dark. As I walk out of the bathroom my cousin is standing outside a little afar from the door and is staring at the corner of the bathroom. I asked her what’s wrong and she says” do you not see that?, it’s a tall shadow” and as soon as she says this I hear like something in the bathroom knock over something. 

From that night is see a tall shadow figure in the same spot each time. I’ve learnt to ignore it tho

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Reply by Slayer of Beasts


Cool post, I'm not an expert of shadow people, would that be considered a beast?

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Reply by Lxstvrr


I used to see them alot when I was walking down the hall at my grandmas house (which is a pretty old house I think) and I would speedwalk down the hall bc it would scare the shiz out of me, now I dont see them as much. And I really dont have any theorys on what they are, they could be anything (ghosts, demons, hallucinations, creatures,etc)

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Reply by Slayer of Beasts


I think there may be a shadow person in my backyard. Check my blog for more info.

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