Topic: Shadow People.
Reply by ottomoth
Reply by Alli :))
I personally think they are the blank slate of our fears,they then take the shape of what we're afraid of,weather that be eyes looking at you from the dark or a person with a huge scary smile.They all take a form of something that scares us.
Reply by Oliver/ollie☆
OMG! This is crazy because for me even when I looked at them directly they wouldn't dissapear!
Reply by Gum_on_Shoe1
Does anyone see them like peek out from behind doorways and stuff? cuz I only see them like that.
Reply by Xx_s1nacyl_xX
i luv this theory! i think it could be a fourth dimension, possibly hosting different vsersions of ourselves!!
Reply by d.roolzX
I used to see shadow people all the time in the corner of my eye and sometimes people that werent there but mostly shadow people that would disappear before I could take a better look, ( I used to live on the ground floor where my window faced the garden and I didnt have curtains I just had a sheer tablecloth pinned around the window) one night I couldnt sleep and I felt extremely uneasy and felt like someone was watching me and my cat was looking out my window and hissing, I slowly put my hands on the windowsill and peeked out the window into the garden and got shivers down my spine because what i think was a shadow figure was looking straight at me and it just didnt disappear so I slowly went under my covers to hide and try to fall asleep while my cat was still hissing and meowing towards the window.
Reply by Scourge
Reply by adammurray88
Well whatever they are, they seem relatively peaceful judging by the fact I've never heard someone have a violent encounter with one.
I agree with your hypothesis though.
Reply by gardenagnostic
probably just acting like your neighborhood skeptic to you guys, but tbh i think its just a trick of the eye
Reply by Deaths_Smile
I've seen a shadow person right in front of me once.
It was late at night, and I was a kid (around kindergarten age). I was alone in my living room when suddenly a shadowy figure of a man wearing a bowler hat appeared several feet away. I stared at him, but when I blinked he vanished. I didn't feel scared or anything when I saw him, so I don't think he was malicious.
My guess is at least some shadow people are ghosts/spirits of some sort.
Reply by k.i.r.a
I have seen many shadow people in my life. I see them all the time actually. There is a shadow living in my house now and it bothers me. I likes to get my attention a lot. It is always moving around during the late hours when everyone else is sleeping. I try to play it off as nothing but i know there is something. I never associated them with demons really because the energy they give off is not demonic. It more just like a curious or mischievous entity. I dont know many factual evidence but my family is prone to paranormal occurances
Reply by Peurz
Reply by Dead Weight
room with only a small window and a door that lead to the backyard. I just went to sleep like any other day.
woke paralyzed, facing down, and when I managed to turn my neck, I saw a
black silhouette, male in outline but pitch black otherwise, sitting in
a chair by the bedside. It carried a crook handle cane, and wore an
"1860" top hat. It said something to me, then chuckled. I couldn't
discern the words, but the scorn and the mockery were crystal clear. I
grunted, and fought the paralysis as it laughed, and with a roar, I woke
Reply by GaboruCioara
I heard a theory that our peripheral vision can see ghosts or something like that. I always think about it when I see these ''shadow people''.
Reply by That one guy you know
shadow people are NOT ghosts, they're just people who haven't rendered in yet and are supposed to spawn somewhere else which is why you can never see them!
Reply by actuallarchangel
I see them often you guys are delusional they are just hallucinations or depending on the type of person you are they can be whatever you want, i don't mind though your guys stories are interesting
Reply by Turquoise Tentacle
Desde hace un tiempo soñé con uno, escuché que no era el único que había visto uno, aunque el mío tiene algo peculiar, es una sombra con un sombrero, creo que no le agrado mucho porque siempre está causando problemas en mis sueños, como ofrecerme. un té con un ojo flotando.
No son exactamente aterradores, solo son molestos, ¿será la esencia de un cascarrabias? ja.
Reply by Infestissumam
Creo que son seres del mas allá que simplemente no encuentran el camino hacia el descanso eterno debido a que se "perdieron" en el camino y no digo que simplemente sea por tener los supuestos asuntos pendientes en este pano astral, puede deberse a diversas razones así como cuando las personas no aceptan la muerte de alguien siempre he dicho que la mente humana es muy poderosa respecto a este entorno ya que si tu deseo es tan fuerte de tener a esa persona que perdiste podrías encadenar su alma a estar en constante activación, incluso creo que si tu deseo es fuerte tal vez termines encadenando a otra alma muy distinta a tu ser querido ya que si deseamos esas cosas en un lugar donde la vida de una persona se le haya arrebatado o una persona que frecuentaba ese lugar podrías encadenar a esa alma a estar en este respectivo plano y es por eso que aveces sentimos que traemos algo pero no le sentimos pertenencia a nuestro entorno social y lo percibimos como algo que nos quiere lastimar
Reply by Tephy★
realmente una vez vi un ser desde el auto y juro que no tenia cabeza pero parecia ser la unica que lo vio, creo que tal vez sea parte nuestros recuerdos o pensamientos materialisados. Ya que unos dias antes vi uun video de algo relacionado con eso🐨
Reply by Your just mad I look like a smart boy
honestly yeah but you could’ve right but there are some that like wear hats and are claimed as guardians so maybe they can really be what they want
Reply by Your just mad I look like a smart boy
honestly yeah but you could’ve right but there are some that like wear hats and are claimed as guardians so maybe they can really be what they want
Reply by grey
Reply by alex_aweonaoo
i mean i have seen these sincce im 11, im surprised to find this here, in paranormal, cause i have the theory i see em beacause of the alcohol and drgs, i didnt knew there was more people seeing them, thats weird xd
Reply by Danica Joy (✿ ♡‿♡)
The thing I find most interesting is that people from around the world that have never interacted with each other report seeing almost exactly the same thing. (For example the Hat Man) Most of the stories I have read are from people that believed their experience was unique to them.
Reply by ⁺˖⋆₊𐕣🥀𝐸𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒𝒟𝑜𝓁𝓁🥀𐕣⁺˖⋆₊⁺
I see them and I must admit I don’t like it. I guess because I’ve always had a fear of being possessed. I’m not sure what they want or if they’re good or bad. I think if I knew they were harmless then I’d feel less uncomfortable.
Reply by Jordan B
Shadow people aren't real. If you are seeing shadow people, it's not some special ability, it's pscyhosis OR a placebo. A quick study of "Apophenia" explains why some may percieve meaingless occurences of shadows in their peripheral as "shadow people".
Reply by mby.kiiii
Hello! I want to write a book on horror themes and I’m going to add this topic there, can you tell me more about such people? I will be very grateful
Reply by Berry B*tch
No because I used to see them a lot in my younger teen years n I occasionally do from time to time still. I hate thinking that there either IS something or that I've fallen victim to spiritual psychosis
Reply by _freaxx_
Reply by Allium_stxrs<3
I believe that they are ghosts. Ghosts can appear in many ways. Solid, mists, reflections, orbs of light, and maybe even shadow people.
Reply by Slvghterheadthekiddd
Or maybe it’s just me making sure you get your wholesome slumber through the coldness of the A.M.’s ominence
Reply by Ne ★
I have no idea what they could be, but i know I've seen three of them in my house before. usually at night when I'm sitting in the living room, they'll sit or stand on the stairs and just watch, sometimes they go away when you look at them and sometimes, they sit there until you walk over to the stairs and then vanish.
Reply by m☆tt.ieॱ♰⋆˳꙳
i think shadow people are people almost crossing over from a parallel universe, maybe people who died in our universe and have crossed over to another one. i saw a shadow person straight on exactly once, it was in my bedroom
Reply by The Maestro
While I was in high school circa 2015 I was attacked by a shadow person that was shaped like my dad. At night while asleep I found myself in my bed. My radio that my grandma gave me was still playing Christian music, but the music sounded distorted. Soon a large black silhouette shaped like my dad entered my room and attacked me. I tried to fight it but it was too strong, I was overpowered and it entered my body. Then I woke up. To this day I’m worried that it’s still inside me.
Reply by Ayan ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
I frequently saw shadow people in my childhood home - so much so that I began to think of them as my friends and still do. I don't think they're demons/malevolent forces because they've never caused me any harm, they instead made me feel protected & like I wasn't alone
Reply by ƧΛMMYΣ
I use to see them when I was younger. Recently I just had a really close encounter. I was in a dark room. I turn around and see one in a hat (kinda like that hat man) behind me reaching it's arm up as if to like if someone trying to scare you. I turn on my phone light but it was gone. It was weird because when I did see the shadow people it was only in the corner of my eyes but this one was behind and I was face to face to it.
Reply by Juniper
I know one of them myself and he's very intelligent and overly sharp in his manners, however, I'm not sure if it is a Jinn or a Shadow being
Reply by juno
Reply by ^^friend of grandpa^^
when I was younger I would see the exact same silouette of a person literally constantly till it just stopped one day
Reply by TOFT: The One From The
Reply by snipersinge
When I was 9 I saw one in my bedroom in the middle of the night, it was dark but I could look directly at it. It was very tall like 6,5ft (2,00m), slowly approaching me like he was levitating or some. At first i thought it was my big bro but when i called his name he was not responding back so I started to panick and I instantlty turned on the light, he disapeared.
It was 12 years ago, I talked about it many times to people around me. I still remember it vividly and I know it was not a dream. Some said it was a sleep parlysis but I could move, so it's not that. Still cannot explain what happened.