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Tyre Case

What I find crazy about this situation is that the black men in the Scorpion were all arrested but the white men stood by or actively stood by during and after the literal BEAT DOWN. why arent they getting blasted? because it's easier to show black men in police uniforms beat a man to death than a white man. if u look at cases in the past year that doesn't have bystanders who weren't police, there is always some level of hearing evidence and making sure the white police officer can run free. not to mention how even when POC are in the police force, police violence occurs bc..... everyone say it with me now... POLICE PROTECT THE PEOPLE IN POWER! NOT THE WORKING CLASS, POC, OR POOR PEOPLE! policing in the USA is based on protecting "trading" if ur in the north, or keeping slaves in their place in the south. so yeah, ACAB! <3

Also, rest in peace Tyre! I hope his family finds justice and healing. 

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