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Sharter w/Crowder VS BIG CON 😲

Am I the only one that thinks this situation is so dumb? Like, imagine crowder understanding workers' rights after saying workers shouldn't have labor day. In a way, I can agree the contract given by the DW was a bit exploitative, but if he did everything the contract said he shouldn't do he would still get like $110k a month I'm sure. I just feel like he's mad bc he won't get paid if he goes too crazy on youtube. Which i get is his thing but for 50million in 4 years?!

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Reply by root


Legit he's mad he might have to tone it down a little or he won't get paid(as much)

Literally a child.

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Reply by cvpid444


literally! like i was shocked by the audacity of this manΒ 

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