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1990/2000s animes !

hello guys! i discovered a particular era of animes which have kind of a distinct aesthetic that i reaaally like, and i was wondering if some of you here had other suggestions based on what i found !

here are the animes i found made in that 1990/2000s era, which share very specific visuals, abstract or super realistic, mostly desaturated, mostly thrillers or psychologically complex :

* serial experiment lain

* boogiepop phantom

* monster

* dennou coil

* kaiba

* .hack// series

* alien9

* niea under 7

* kino no tabi

* haibane renmei

i really love the settings of these animes, the choice of colors, the desaturated look, the pretty simple but distinctive character designs... they are so unique. tell me your favorite from the list, or suggest any other anime in this style i might have forgotten !!

dennou coil screenshot
haibane renmei screenshot
BoogiePop Phantom screenshot

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5 Replies

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Reply by elias


I'm not a huge anime fan, but lain is god tier. Lain dancing

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Reply by danny :3


i don't watch anime but when i did, some of my favorites were flcl and the tatami galaxy.

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Reply by Treacle


This reminds me I need to watch Dennou Coil, Haibane Renmei is amazing, so is Lain.

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Reply by kay


soul eater artstyle is the bestttttt

also idk if it counts as 2000s but i like the artstyles of samurai champloo, michiko and hachin, and all of those ones soooo good and the music is awesome

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Reply by Bobinator


i've been meaning to watch lain, i've seen haibane renmei twice and i know yoshitoshi abe wrote both so i'd probably enjoy lain

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