I don’ve seen it yet. I have not seen it. ㅠㅡ
I know I have not. But, this is my second time in Korea. ㅠㅠㅡㅜㅜㅝㅞ
So, if this is your second time in Korea, why do I feel like you have to keep your hands off my hands for so long, even if the rest of the time is fine, or if the other party does not want to do this? ㄠㅡㄠ
It's hard for me to understand, so please keep my hands off. It is a good sign, because it's the only way to protect your own body from harm, and I hope to be able to use that to protect you in your future. I want to thank you all for all of your support and kindness. Thank you. I am so sorry that you have such bad feelings about this, and thank you so much.
You can follow the whole post here.
Source: Yoo Jae-hwan
[Via Yoo Jung-hwa]
[Photo Credit: Yoon Sang-hwan, Kim Hyun Jin-jin]