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After highschool

So, for people that are in some sort of post highschool education/people that soon plan to do post highschool education....how did you know you wanted to? im 15 and questioning the plan ive had since 7th grade.

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Reply by nova


totally normal. most colleges don’t let u declare a major until ur second year anyway. but even past that many people change majors. I’m only a freshman in college but I did have a neurotic ten year plan I created when I was 13 that I deviated from as soon as I got to college and realized it isn’t what I want and, although it made me panic and have a few crises, I’m way better off for it. as for how it’s just, you try out new things and see if you like it or not. Keep an open mind, both for liking unexpected things and for disliking things you think you “should” like. And factor in time for experimenting and mistakes if you do plan your future so early :P

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