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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

A forum to talk about all things TMNT related, from the tv shows, to the movies, toys, comics; anything you can think of!

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Reply by SkvllFvkr


YOOOO hello fellow turtle fanz!! :D

is anyone else kinda scared for mutant mayhem to come out? like especially after rise (which WAS really really good, if you havent seen it because "its too diffrent" or whateva, i encourage you to watch it JUST for the AmAZING animationa nd art! but im scared mm wont be as good (which is a high standered) but still, i so dont want it to flop or whateva lol

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Reply by WaterrWitch


yeah, that kinda scarez me too... but I think it'll be good! I have a lot of faith in it.

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Reply by Coconut King


Idk if you guys are still here but I'm a massive turtles fan. I've seen all the TV series and movies + read the IDW comics as well. My fav is Leo in most versions, other than rise probably. I like Raph in Rise.

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