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MP100 (Mob Psycho 100)

Please I need to find more Mob Psycho fans, I have literally loved this show with my entire being for over 4 years. The animation, the comedy, the character motivations/development, the relationships, everything about the show is so amazing and it manages to be funny while doing this all. I could rant about Mob Psycho for ages, so if you want to be ranted to, come to me :). Anywayyysssss whats your favorite arc???

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I lovvveeee mp100! My favorite arc is the Mogami arc (I promise its not just for edgy reasons I love the way it drills in that mob is a kind person to the core and that he has people who love him and that humanity is fundementally good)

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Reply by mosherabbinu


my fav arc is the separation arc for sure!! 

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