« Dreams and the Supernatural Forum


Posted by robby


Forum: Dreams and the Supernatural

Have y'all ever had some dreams where it tricks you that you're awake and entirely messes you up? for example i had a random dream where i get up from my bed and do normal morning stuff, then i wake up again to do the same stuff and it did me like that 3 times in a row.

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Reply by Dinic 💫


noo I've had that happen before 

it doesn't help I always get really vivid dreams and sometimes wake up disoriented anyway, so "waking up" twice in a row definitely does it 

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Reply by Robot


I've always wanted to be a writer, and I have a very good idea what I'm trying to accomplish.

But, as an author, what do you do if your writing sucks?

What would I do to make sure it didn't suck?

What would you be like if you didn't know the answer, or if the solution was not there? I don't know if I'm the only writer in this world, but I know it's possible to have an opinion about what is best and how it can be better for your career.

I'm here to talk about writing for people, not to tell people how to write or how to be an editor or a journalist. It doesn't make any sense.

The problem with that is, you can't be an author and be an editor and not be able to tell people about how your writing is better. You can be a writer who writes about your work and not just about your work, and not be able to say what your writing sucks.

If you don't want that conversation happening and you don't have to be able to talk about how you write, or your writing is not great or what it's about, and you want it to happen, then I'd say: "No. You have to be better." I think there is a very real risk that you'll be an idiot for writing about how you're doing it, but you're not going anywhere, you're not going anywhere, you're going anywhere.

And that is not going anywhere, that's going nowhere. I'm not saying it will always happen. But, if you are going to be an asshole and be a person, you should be better, you should be better at writing about your life. You have to be better than that.

You have to be a better person than that and you need to be a good person, and you should have better writing. You should be a person that you write about and you need better writers. You have to be better.

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Reply by Lomito ⦻


It has happened to me once (fortunately)

Every morning before going to school I wake up at 6 o'clock, the thing is that once I woke up out of the blue, it seemed that I woke up before she called me, I sat on my bed and I looked at the door; I thought I had dreamt it but I was in the same sleeping position and the door was in the same position and so was the light, I thought it was coincidence but it all happened again until my mom wakes me up to get me ready for school. I was really confused.

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