« Dreams and the Supernatural Forum

Wake up IMMEDIATELY if you're dreaming about:

Not able to turn on the lights of your own home: It escalates into a nightmare

Looking at a mirror: Your reflection doesn't move which causes you to be confused then it escalates into a nightmare.

Honorable mentions: If you're dreaming about a place that has lights and someone turns them all off and when it's pitch black, that leads to a sleep paralysis.

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Reply by ~Ime~


third one is scary as hell.

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Reply by BudderPecan


These would be good advice for most people, but if you are like me and suffer from multiple false awakenings. It's probably best (for me, it may not work the same for others) to try to ride it out in order to avoid making it worse.

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Reply by Actual Acorn


How can I tell if I'm dreaming when these things happen though?

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Reply by LEROY


Ugh that sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming type of thing is the worst It's like I know I'm dreaming but I can't do anything shout it and it's actually stressful and scary. I hope my friends and family know I did not pass away" peacefully" in my sleep lol because it seems intense enough to cause a heart attack sometimes. 

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