so, as many of u know, abt 3 months ago, i posted on here abt a mid-aughts facebook revival called, theretrobook:
charlie wainwright, the cre8or of theretrobook, is now making a revival of myspace 1.0 (myspace c. 2004-2007) called, newspace. spacehey is a revival of myspace 2.0 (myspace c. 2008-2010), so ig it only makes sense.
i'm kinda interested in what newspace has 2 offer, since i've seen development pictures of it on its retrobook profile, which i will insert below @ the end.
but anyway, charlie said that newspace will have a lot of features that spacehey currently doesn't have but will have in the future, including photo albums, videos, music players, and other things the og myspace had that spacehey doesn't have (yet).
charlie has also confirmed that newspace will have a launch d8 in january 2023, or l8r, since he's busy making upd8es 2 theretrobook 2 make it look more like facebook c. 2007-2009.
even if newspace takes off, i'm still gonna use spacehey. spacehey has changed my life in so many ways, and i'm not even exagger8ing when i say that. however, i am gonna give newspace a chance, bc i don't wanna b prejudiced abt sumthing that's not even out yet.
i understand that an of spacehey has a lot on his pl8, w the spacehey expenses and keeping up w college and stuff, so he might not have time 2 make the aforementioned features happen atm. plus, an and charlie live 2 v completely different lives. an is a college student, probably in his jr. yr (not sure), and charlie is a freshman in high school, so they have different work loads.
but i wanna know what u guys think? r u gonna use newspace when it's released? is it gonna take off? r u gonna use newspace and spacehey @ the same time? let me know.
ilusm and i'll ttyl!! bye bye!!
upd8 as of 12/4/22: the release of newspace has been delayed 2 spring 2023, as charlie is busy remaking theretrobook 2 resemble facebook c. 2007-2009. still excited 4 the release of newspace.
upd8 as of 12/23/22: the release of newspace has been pushed back 2 around january 2023 once again.