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Young leftists

Posted by Noah Quinn


Forum: News and Politics

Where are all my fellow leftist zoomers?

I'm personally a market socialist

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141 Replies

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Reply by Violet Barrett


reporting in to do a communism (or maybe an anarchism?)

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Reply by Des☿


i consider myself more of an independent but i did vote biden this year

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Reply by Ian Charles


Anti capitalist leftist here, but I’m a millennial :) political nerds add me!

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Reply by Adamus "AdaSty" Prime


Marxist Academic here, not exactly active on the internet, but feel free to hmu if you need to do networking or w/e.

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Reply by Svenskjævel


Trying to guess which of you are FBI......

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Reply by Cliff


Idpol is cancer. Just be a decent human being to the best of your ability.

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Reply by Shoe Brodelli


Howdy millennial socialist here :D  

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Reply by Monicka Larrabee


Late millennial leftist here

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Reply by wednesday minerva


based commie reporting for commie duties

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Reply by Robbie


Lib left/anarchist here! Also I'm from the UK so we're having a bad time here politically

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Reply by TrickyMicki


Filthy commie reporting in :p

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Reply by Rainstorm Moonbow


I’m a leftist. Leftist theory is my obsession.

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Reply by RezzyReks


Not a zoomer because I'm not young enough, but very leftist yes.
Capitalism bad.
Communism- a good thing to work towards.

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Reply by Josh Boyd


hey friends.

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Reply by ⛪️ ♄el ℞azor ℧


idk if zoomer but i is definitely commie scum

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Reply by ~Yaya Cat~


Early 90s kid. Looking for level headed leftist friends. We're gonna change the world together! 

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Reply by Gnormous


Glad to see some comrade kiddos. The future is bright

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Reply by Laura Smith


Democratic socialist here :) 

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Reply by Introvert


Social Democrat here. 

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Reply by Dapper Gatsby™


Elder BPP raised Neo-Trotskyite/ Frankfurt School Critical Theorist here! haha

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Reply by Sean Parkham


Millennial non-sectarian socialist here.

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Reply by Renn Alexxi☀


Not really young anymore but definitely a leftist.

Happy to chat with other leftist weirdos. 

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Full time marxist, part time anarchist.

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Reply by Brighton Davis


Did someone say communism?

CPUSA member reporting. I keep my Marxist-Leninist rhetoric out of stuff like this, since it's too delicate of a community. But I welcome private talk.

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Reply by Dazey


I'm not young, but I'm a Clerical Socialist. 

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Reply by Macky


heya I'm an IWW member of my local branch, although I do not align with anarchism I am sympathetic towards anarchist thought. I just don't think it is sustainable long term, but Revolutionary Catalonia gives me hope.

Idealistically, I would be an Anarchy-Syndaclist., but we live in a liberal Democracy, so I align myself with the Social Democrats, as it is the only way to bring humanity in a capitalist system.

As for political parties, I align myself closer to the Green Party in the US than the Democratic party and I have voted third party in every election I could vote in.

I was born in 1995, so i'm kinda in the middle between Zoomers and Millennials.

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Reply by Soy Boy LaCroix


Unaffiliated leftist here! Not officially active in any orgs at the moment, but always trying to be knee deep in news, history, and theory. I’m still learning, but am sympathetic to an Anarcho-Communist synthesis. Also, decolonial work is what I want to really get a better hold on.

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Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx


Young anarcho capitalist.

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Reply by Ethan


I found a flyer for a progressive vegan potluck and was told to come here?

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Reply by Ramm



Glad to see this website doesn't comprise more or less exclusively of "libertarians"

I'm a vague, 21st century socialist.

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Reply by Jay


I call my self an indigenous anarchist (because I'm native american and not to be confused with primitive anarco, very differant things.) as well as a communist.

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Reply by June


I'm a Marxist-Leninist and anti-imperialist from the USA. New to the site and interested in like-minded ppl to chat with!

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Reply by Cosmic


I am some type of leftist. I don't have an identity to go with it, but political quizzes say im libertarian socialist. Theory sucks, pixar radicalized me.

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Reply by itriedtoescape


waddup im a child of '99 and i dont brand myself or get that invested in theory but im makes-suburban-soccer-moms-cry to the left :3 more anarcho than communist but as long as its anti-capitalist im in 

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Reply by Forrest


Registered Green Party here only because DemSoc/AnCom aren't options on voting cards.

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Reply by JD_Jakie


Anarchist here, but maybe more left communist, communalist or municipalist. I've been greatly influenced by the especially German and Dutch Autonomist movement and inspired by the Kurdish approach to direct democracy.

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Reply by Declan Seeto


I've identified as leftist for what seems like nearly two years now and I'm still not sure where I lie. At any given moment I can be anywhere between ancom and demsoc.

Maybe I'll find my true beliefs some day. Whether it comes through discussion with other leftists I encounter or reading theory or whatever - I dunno.

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Reply by Cashlin


cool thread. i personally think classifications and labels while useful can be tricky and make it difficult to communicate with pissed off people on the other side what ideals you actually stand for when all they know is irrational skews, lies, or dramatic political events and eras that are tied to certain terms. i guess its good to be a leftist or progressive but even on twitter i see leftist coming to be the new term that is starting to get hijacked the way liberal was, but maybe that's just the natural result of terms getting recognition and getting bigger or movements aging and having normal human problems? idk. 

i do sometimes try to avoid politics even though everything is political because you just need to focus on life and crafts itself without going into an ethics wormhole all the time, but i also find myself more and more intrigued with how ethics is connected to everything (especially now that environmental disaster is apparently impending) 

anyways i guess i mean its better to have good ideals and want to promote things like rank choice voting, ubi, defund or abolishing police etc. in ways that logistically will work and have the best ethical outcome but i wouldn't ever trick myself into thinking everyone can sit around typing walls of text to try but fail at pinpointing what their ideal for some progressive philosophy is, i guess i just felt like leaving a more complicated post that outlines some of the characteristics and considerations i've noticed the last few years

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Reply by lydia


I guess I’d be considered leftist! I’m still figuring it all out. I do know for sure that I hate current US politicians. 

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Reply by bass girl


gen z radical leftist right here!! i am very invested in activism, but come from a conservative family so i don't get a lot of opportunities to use my voice. 

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Reply by S4N.is.a.cringy.Em0


Hi^^ 16yo anti-captialist leftist here^^

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Reply by traxhm33mz


libertarian SOCIALIST

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Reply by seraphxo


ayo, socialist here

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Reply by Emmynette


Hello, fellow communist identifying perselves. I can never find the time or focus to read/listen to theory but I would love to have a conversation with an Anarchist onsite & I could prolly switch to identity as one.

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Reply by ~Broken Toy~




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Reply by Lou Salcedo


I'm not sure where I would peg myself on the political spectrum. Given what I have witnessed in the past twenty years of my life, I have to say that I am skeptical (at best) of consensus politics - internationalism, neoconservatism, open borders, free trade deals, etc. Of course that sort of skepticism isn't necessarily shared by those just on the left; I'm aware that there's a VERY online contingent of right wingers who share those apprehensions to some degree. I wouldn't say that I am a leftist because the idea of revolution resulting in positive change is utopian. I'm more of a social democrat; a New Deal Democrat but without a particularly strong identification with the Democrats. 

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Reply by kay


ancom gen z!! aka commie bastard. hmu :-)

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Reply by xxPawlinaPoisonxx AKA "Alastoria"


I'm a literal commie... 

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Reply by Jeff Pohlmeyer


I might qualify if you spell Zoomer with a "B"

But I live in Texas and I have a cat, if that helps.

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Reply by Poe_thetic_lie_sense


Millennial here reporting in to say we love you. We appreciate you. We're tired but still willing to fight the fight. It's good to have some help!

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