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Stock Market Manipulation and Politics

Posted by ~Ime~


Forum: News and Politics

Not sure if this is a topic of interest, but I should bring it up after being in the stock market for some time.

I have come to the realization after the Apes movement to fight against Wall Street manipulation that this is deeply involved with politics and the way the government is being managed. Most of the politicians in congress and the house of representatives are involved in the stock market and have insider information, including those in the supreme court. Due to this, those who received huge campaign donations are also doing it to ensure they can stay with those connections for their profits (nothing new). 

The thing that gets me is how banks and organizations called Hedge funds are pretty much fucking up the economy due to the irresponsible and greedy as fuck behavior in the stock market, plus have hugely influenced the way the country is running. Politics are dirty, yes, but the country pretty much depends on them.

What do you think? should we change the system? should we let it stay?

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