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weird hallucinations, help?

sometimes when i'm tired (which is almost always) i see a sort of figure. i don't see any details, just movement out of the corner of my eye or from a distance, but i know he's a weird pale sort of off-white/fleshy color and not much else. i don't think he has a face of any sort.

i'm not really scared, i have freaky hallucinations a lot, but this one always tends to pop up when no one else is looking/around, and always before something goes wrong. (ex: i saw him while getting onto my school bus this morning and lost my schedule somewhere between my first and second period; when i was younger, i saw him out of a window while eating breakfast and later my sibling dropped my favorite cup.)

sometimes my brain tells me little things about him; "he has no name," "he loves the fog," ect. that's how i know he's a he. i've been calling him the haunted figure because i don't know his name. i don't think he's human.

am i a prophet? am i being haunted by mothman's (much) uglier cousin? do i need to get this checked out by a mental professional? do i just need to go to sleep?

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Reply by Beach Creatch


I'm curious to hear about what other hallucinations you have experienced.

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Reply by silly!!! :3


Beach Creatch, usually they dont show up more than one or two times, but i have a few that happen a lot.

one, and this one is just auditory, a video game sort of footstep sound effect. think deltarune chap1, when you first wake up in the dark world. it only happens when im by myself while up way too late, after midnight and such, and only usually when i'm stressed or have too much energy. (one time it was a minecraft cave sound instead. it was freaky at the time, but looking back, it was pretty funny.)

two, i call him itward in reference to fran bow, but he doesn't really look or act like itward. this one seems pretty common in other people, but it's usually called "the hat man" or something like that. i'm not sure what causes him, he usually just pops up in shadowy places. he's watching me, i know he is, but it's non-threatening. not protective, either, though. i think he just likes to know what i'm up to.

three, eyesoar. he's a shadowy sort of tall mutated bird thing with one big green eye. kind of like the reaper bird amalgamate from undertale. this one *is* like itward, but he only shows up in the dark and he is protective. he'll squawk if he hears footsteps. (but, you know, i have to hear them too, since he's a hallucination and not a real thing, so it doesn't really do much, but it's the thought that counts.) if he were to show up when i'm sad, he would probably do a little dance to cheer me up, if he could.

and fourthly, obviously, is the haunted figure, which you read about in the post.

my hallucinations aren't always creepy-sounding when described, but the ones that stick are usually the ones that sound concerning.

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Reply by YouVVitch


Sleep is definitely a good idea! Sleep deprivation over the course of a few days can make your eyes bug out and brain get absolutely fucked. I saw some weird shit during my finals week. I genuinely wouldn't be concerned unless this continues into adulthood, then I'd get it checked out (preferably before 25).

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