i don't watch many crime shows or anything but i have those all the time. then again, i don't know if i'm the best example of what is or is not normal amounts of paranormal activity, lolz.
for future dreams, though, that was pretty rookie. if u think ur dreams could have an effect on ur life, i'd suggest burying a squirrel or something on top of it so if it is found, people will assume that's all there is. also, cutting it up is a good move, but remember to spread it out! if u want to avoid getting caught with a body in a dream, u have to think about what u would find suspicious if u found a body in real life. youre significantly less likely 2 get caught if u avoid things u see a lot in crime shows and such. the ones that get away with it can't get interrogated, after all. (don't ask how i know - otherwise u could b the victim in my next dream, lolz!)
(that was all kind of off-topic, but factual errors in areas i know well RLY bother me haha. tl;dr, i know 2 much abt hiding a body and am spreading the word like smiledog ovr here, so heed my warning if u think u need 2 get away with it in ur dream 4 ur safety/wellbeing irl.)
my point is, i don't think it's too weird, but it's best 2 b cautious with these sorts of things, especially if u believe ur dreams affect reality. placebo works, my friend, and it is a wild ride if u do it right.