Topic: Paranormal experiences

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Reply by Katy Chickels


I live in Salem, Mass. There are lots of 'haunted places' here, but none that come close to The Hawthorne Hotel. I've never had an encounter with anything paranormal before the first time I visited this hotel. That story is long and can be found here, (also copied and pasted below) 

The second time I went was a few weeks ago, and this time, it was with friends who host a podcast about the paranormal called GhostStuffs.

I was so sure that I couldn't be lucky enough to have two experiences, one happening each of the only two times I stayed there...but sure enough, we did. The two floors we stayed on were the two that are said to be most haunted, the 3rd and 6th. Each situation and experience was super different from the other. Both times I am almost certain that what happened cannot be explained otherwise...something is going on with the energy in that hotel. Check out the podcast. I don't feel like typing it all out.

From the original blog post I wrote from 11/20/17:

I live in Salem MA, known to many as "Witch City". It is famous for the witch trials that took place way back in the 1600s. The whole city is filled to the brim with museums, shops, tours, novelty stores, etc; all cashing in on this ancient history. We even have a statue of Elizabeth Montgomery (from Bewitched) in our central square. So before I moved here, this place was always on my radar as I love to revel in the "woo" here and there. But besides all of that, there is also an excellent art museum called The Peabody Essex, loads of beautiful architecture, maritime history and historical sites, and cute shops with neat little trinkets just about everywhere.

Before moving here about two years ago, my boyfriend's mother suggested that we spend the night at the Hawthorne Hotel for mother's day; followed by a leisurely trip to the museum the next day. I was all in, as I had never stayed at the Hawthorne before and I loved Salem for all of the reasons mentioned.

When we arrived at the hotel I noticed right away that it had a very authentic feel, as though the building belonged chiefly to the past. The original elevator was still working and intact from the hotel's construction in the 1920s. As we ascended to our room on the third floor, a couple who were in it with us mentioned to each other that the third floor was said to be haunted. I didn't think anything of it. Of course, it's haunted I thought...all of Salem is supposedly haunted. That's the whole shtick. I figured it was just a tourist's fantasy and brushed it right off.

That night Nikki and I went out and had a nice dinner at which I drank no more than two glasses of wine. Then we strolled back to the hotel and got to bed by 11 p.m. Nikki is a morning person so I was hoping to get right to sleep since I knew she would be waking me up at some ungodly hour. I settled in and shut the lights.

At around 1 a.m I was just falling asleep when I heard some strange sounds coming from Nikki's direction. I realized suddenly that she was talking in her sleep. As strange as that was- I thought, "ok, that's o.k, people do that. It's normal". Then the talking got spooky as she started to sound distressed like she was having a nightmare, so I woke her up. She looked at me and said "oh, Kate, were you just lying down here in the bed next to me? I said, "no, I have been here in my bed all night, you were talking in your sleep." Nikki said that she felt like someone was with her on the bed and she was trying to wake herself up. I thought then that it was just a classic case of sleep paralysis. She said that she felt like someone was touching her with their hands on her arm. I did not touch her to wake her, I spoke loudly to her saying her name until she woke up, so at no point did I put my hands on her.

Nikki quickly fell back asleep, but I was still a little weirded out and turned the light off but then turned the t.v. on to help me relax. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was on, and I was comforted by the very not spooky Will Smith and his fluorescent colored wardrobe. I finally started to doze off at about 3am. Just as I was in between the state of waking and sleeping I heard the loudest banging sound, just above my head over the bed. It was so loud that I shot straight up in the bed! I looked around, feeling confused, and then said out loud to myself "no way!". I got up and went to the door. I opened it to see if anyone was in the hallways. No one was there. I tried to replicate the noise with objects in the room, but there was nothing that could have made that noise. I sat up wide awake the rest of the night, the first haunting experience I'd ever had.

Normally I would have loved this kind of thing and been oh so interested in what was happening. This particular occasion however was not prime ghost hunting time. I was just supposed to be having a quiet evening with Nikki spending quality girl time; shopping and seeing art. I wanted to sleep and be a person for her the next day, but I stayed wide, wide awake.

When the sun FINALLY came up, and Nikki got up all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, we got ready for the day and then headed downstairs for breakfast in the beautiful dining room at the Hawthorne. I sat across from Nikki, looking disheveled and she asked me how I slept. I said I hadn't and then started asking her more about the sleep talking incident. She said that she doesn't normally talk in her sleep but had the strangest dream and felt like someone was touching her. I told her what happened to me with the banging noise and she and I kind of laughed about our little haunting.

I was not done sleuthing the situation however so I scrolled through some of the reviews of the Hawthorne online. Multiple accounts from the customers described hauntings on the third floor, and in the elevator. Most of these accounts involved two things. The first was "phantom hands" the feeling of someone touching you when no one is there. The second was loud knocking or banging sounds late in the night. The hotel responds to all of these posts very professionally trying to debunk the claims, saying that it is a very old hotel so noises, of course, happen, etc., etc.

We experienced two of the most common haunting scenarios that night.

It would have been less convincing to me that we had indeed had been haunted if I did not see that these two things were so common. After all, in between waking and sleeping, both of us could have been simply dreaming. I know that we were not though. I know it from both the experience and my intuition that this was what it was.

The Hawthorne haunted!

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Reply by ♥Skeletina Calaveras♥


I once woke up in the middle of the night and heard strange voices coming from downstairs. I didn't know what they said because they spoke a weird mix of English and some other language I've never heard of. Then they began playing music that sounded like a marching band and ascended up the stairs. I was little at the time and my room was right next to the staircase, so i was too scared to go wakeup my parents 

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Reply by smyleitskyle


I used to be really into ghost hunting when I was younger. One night I was in my friend's front yard where he had witnessed paranormal activity before. We had a cassette recorder that we were hoping to record an EVP on. We asked for any spirits to talk to us. after we asked, a deer (that came seemingly from out of nowhere) snorted about 15 feet behind us and scared the crap out of us. We were outside and not being quiet, so it was very unusual that a deer would be that close to us. When we listened back to the tape we heard an EVP just before the deer appeared that sounded like it said "kill"

I know there is not really much substantial evidence here, but it is my most memorable experience from my ghost hunting days in my late teens and at the time it was such an eerie experience.

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Reply by Ashley cutie pie


Hello my name is Ashley I use too live with my aunty in her basement with my boyfriend one night my boyfriend wake up to this lady look at us . He look at me and told me to turn the light I am like no the fuck I am not go to bed she will go away he jump over me and turn the light on I’m like we are moving . The next day I told my aunty I’m moving I did move the lady is still there 

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Reply by Suomiwoman


Here's a link to a novella in Amazon Kindle that's based on one family's true account of the terror they experienced in their house to supernatural occurrences.

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Reply by Stan Howard


22 years of research and plenty of experiences! Love the paranormal subjects. 

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Reply by Gee 𖤐


i used to see shadow people in my dad's house when i lived there, things moving when i turned on the light (no wind, so it shouldn't be moving), loud crashes from things falling over that shouldn't fall over unless someone were to knock them over.

in the house i live now, not much has happened, except that i recently heard a voice from my garage (nobody was in there, i was also outside alone) and some weeks ago i got up from bed to get water. walking past the bathroom, the door was open. i came back and it was closed. i should've heard a door open and footsteps, followed by the bathroom door opening and shutting. we don't have stairs, we're on one floor. you can hear everything. usually everyone in the house turns on the bathroom light. it wasn't on. i called out instead of knocking on the door since i already had a bad feeling about it. no answer. i just went back to bed after that. 

i've also been copycatted by a strange voice when nobody was there (this didn't happen at home).

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Reply by xkaylarae


Yeah, it was pretty wild. I can’t sleep in the dark or in silence anymore. I see a lot of shadow people and orbs; I hear singing and talking (many different tones and voices). My friends refuse to do ouija or go to haunted places with me because of the things I see, hear and feel.

Here’s another quick one:
My friend, her boyfriend and I had an apartment together. I always made it a point to lock my bedroom door at night and had dowels in my windows. It was in a sketchy part of town and the apartment just gave off an eerie vibe. One morning I woke up with handprints (much larger than anyone else’s) on my upper arms like I had been held down in the night. It freaked everyone out pretty bad, as there was no way someone got into my room.

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Reply by Breena


Holy moly, Kayla. That was wild. I couldn't imagine experiencing something like that. 

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Reply by xkaylarae


I have many, but I’ll tell the creepiest and longest.

When I was 19 I was taking care of my grandmother full time as she was an extremely brittle diabetic and was showing signs of dementia, I lived with her at this point (she couldn’t be left alone). She had always lived in the same house and I had spent a lot of time with her throughout my life and NEVER had experiences like this before. 
I slept on her couch about 15 feet from her bedroom door, so I could hear her if she got up and/or fell; everything started the second night. Every night she sounded like she was talking to her parents before she fell to sleep, kind of creepy, but also kind of sweet and sad. It was pitch black in her tiny house and I woke up to what sounded like a chair rocking in her laundry room (which was connected to the kitchen, the house may have been a total of 800sq feet). I laid awake listening to the rocking and then heard footsteps come through the kitchen and to the side of the couch. It felt like someone was standing over me, staring, it made me really uncomfortable. I rolled over it, scared out of my mind, heard it retreat and start the rocking again. It went on for well over an hour; after that I slept with headphones in. The third night I woke up to my grandmother standing over me, her face about 5 inches from mine, as soon as I opened my eyes she went absolutely ballistic (she was this 5’2, frail, sweet old woman, completely out of character for her). She was screaming and cussing at me as I had fallen asleep with the tv on. I guided her back to her room, checked her blood sugar and laid her down. The fourth night I am awoken to an overwhelming feeling of being watch, terrified but fed up I swing my arm to verify no one was standing over me. I sit up in the pitch black and suddenly hear my grandmother screaming “OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD” over and over again. I jump up and run to her bedroom, turn the lights on and see her convulsing on the bed, eyes locked on the ceiling above her just screaming “OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD”. I move her onto the floor not knowing what is happening and soon she calms down. I get her a boost for her blood sugar and get her to fall back asleep. The fifth and final night of ever returning to that house, I’m asleep on the couch in the dark with my headphones in and hear a crash. I rush to my grandmothers bedroom doorway, for whatever reason I stop, never turning on a light, and call into her bedroom as everything is silent. Nothing. I call her by her name and hear what sounds like two hands hitting the floor and a body slide (like someone is dragging themself), followed by a loud slurping noise and cackling. I remember screaming her name again to be met with more of those same noises. I don’t remember anything else until I was being violently shaken by my dad about a block from my grandmothers house. Apparently I had turned every light in her house on, called my aunt and uncle bawling and screaming nonsense and was found walking down the road barefoot in the snow with the house phone white knuckled in my hands. My dad had to physically pick me up and carry me to get me to go back inside of my grandmothers house. Once inside, we went to her room. She was laying on the floor where I put her the previous night when she had been convulsing. She acted totally fine, but confused why we had woken her up and why she was on the floor. I stepped on the other side of her bed (approx 3 feet wide by 8 feet long) and water pooled around my feet. I don’t know how to explain what was happening in her house, the noises or the water, but ever since I have very frequent and obvious experiences. It still gives me chills to tell that story, and it’s been 12 years.

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