Drop your paranormal experiences! Cryptids, ghosts, UFOs, aliens, glitches in the matrix, I want to hear them and discuss.
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Paranormal experiences
70 Replies
Reply by xkaylarae
I have many, but I’ll tell the creepiest and longest.
Reply by Breena
Holy moly, Kayla. That was wild. I couldn't imagine experiencing something like that.
Reply by xkaylarae
Yeah, it was pretty wild. I can’t sleep in the dark or in silence anymore. I see a lot of shadow people and orbs; I hear singing and talking (many different tones and voices). My friends refuse to do ouija or go to haunted places with me because of the things I see, hear and feel.
Reply by Erik 𖤐
i used to see shadow people in my dad's house when i lived there, things moving when i turned on the light (no wind, so it shouldn't be moving), loud crashes from things falling over that shouldn't fall over unless someone were to knock them over.
Reply by Stan Howard
22 years of research and plenty of experiences! Love the paranormal subjects.
Reply by Suomiwoman
Reply by Ashley cutie pie
Hello my name is Ashley I use too live with my aunty in her basement with my boyfriend one night my boyfriend wake up to this lady look at us . He look at me and told me to turn the light I am like no the fuck I am not go to bed she will go away he jump over me and turn the light on I’m like we are moving . The next day I told my aunty I’m moving I did move the lady is still there
Reply by smyleitskyle
I used to be really into ghost hunting when I was younger. One night I was in my friend's front yard where he had witnessed paranormal activity before. We had a cassette recorder that we were hoping to record an EVP on. We asked for any spirits to talk to us. after we asked, a deer (that came seemingly from out of nowhere) snorted about 15 feet behind us and scared the crap out of us. We were outside and not being quiet, so it was very unusual that a deer would be that close to us. When we listened back to the tape we heard an EVP just before the deer appeared that sounded like it said "kill"
I know there is not really much substantial evidence here, but it is my most memorable experience from my ghost hunting days in my late teens and at the time it was such an eerie experience.
Reply by ♥Skeletina Calaveras♥
I once woke up in the middle of the night and heard strange voices coming from downstairs. I didn't know what they said because they spoke a weird mix of English and some other language I've never heard of. Then they began playing music that sounded like a marching band and ascended up the stairs. I was little at the time and my room was right next to the staircase, so i was too scared to go wakeup my parents
Reply by Katy Chickels
Before moving here about two years ago, my boyfriend's mother suggested that we spend the night at the Hawthorne Hotel for mother's day; followed by a leisurely trip to the museum the next day. I was all in, as I had never stayed at the Hawthorne before and I loved Salem for all of the reasons mentioned.
When we arrived at the hotel I noticed right away that it had a very authentic feel, as though the building belonged chiefly to the past. The original elevator was still working and intact from the hotel's construction in the 1920s. As we ascended to our room on the third floor, a couple who were in it with us mentioned to each other that the third floor was said to be haunted. I didn't think anything of it. Of course, it's haunted I thought...all of Salem is supposedly haunted. That's the whole shtick. I figured it was just a tourist's fantasy and brushed it right off.
That night Nikki and I went out and had a nice dinner at which I drank no more than two glasses of wine. Then we strolled back to the hotel and got to bed by 11 p.m. Nikki is a morning person so I was hoping to get right to sleep since I knew she would be waking me up at some ungodly hour. I settled in and shut the lights.
At around 1 a.m I was just falling asleep when I heard some strange sounds coming from Nikki's direction. I realized suddenly that she was talking in her sleep. As strange as that was- I thought, "ok, that's o.k, people do that. It's normal". Then the talking got spooky as she started to sound distressed like she was having a nightmare, so I woke her up. She looked at me and said "oh, Kate, were you just lying down here in the bed next to me? I said, "no, I have been here in my bed all night, you were talking in your sleep." Nikki said that she felt like someone was with her on the bed and she was trying to wake herself up. I thought then that it was just a classic case of sleep paralysis. She said that she felt like someone was touching her with their hands on her arm. I did not touch her to wake her, I spoke loudly to her saying her name until she woke up, so at no point did I put my hands on her.
Nikki quickly fell back asleep, but I was still a little weirded out and turned the light off but then turned the t.v. on to help me relax. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was on, and I was comforted by the very not spooky Will Smith and his fluorescent colored wardrobe. I finally started to doze off at about 3am. Just as I was in between the state of waking and sleeping I heard the loudest banging sound, just above my head over the bed. It was so loud that I shot straight up in the bed! I looked around, feeling confused, and then said out loud to myself "no way!". I got up and went to the door. I opened it to see if anyone was in the hallways. No one was there. I tried to replicate the noise with objects in the room, but there was nothing that could have made that noise. I sat up wide awake the rest of the night, annoyed...by the first haunting experience I'd ever had.
Normally I would have loved this kind of thing and been oh so interested in what was happening. This particular occasion however was not prime ghost hunting time. I was just supposed to be having a quiet evening with Nikki spending quality girl time; shopping and seeing art. I wanted to sleep and be a person for her the next day, but I stayed wide, wide awake.
When the sun FINALLY came up, and Nikki got up all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, we got ready for the day and then headed downstairs for breakfast in the beautiful dining room at the Hawthorne. I sat across from Nikki, looking disheveled and she asked me how I slept. I said I hadn't and then started asking her more about the sleep talking incident. She said that she doesn't normally talk in her sleep but had the strangest dream and felt like someone was touching her. I told her what happened to me with the banging noise and she and I kind of laughed about our little haunting.
I was not done sleuthing the situation however so I scrolled through some of the reviews of the Hawthorne online. Multiple accounts from the customers described hauntings on the third floor, and in the elevator. Most of these accounts involved two things. The first was "phantom hands" the feeling of someone touching you when no one is there. The second was loud knocking or banging sounds late in the night. The hotel responds to all of these posts very professionally trying to debunk the claims, saying that it is a very old hotel so noises, of course, happen, etc., etc.
We experienced two of the most common haunting scenarios that night.
It would have been less convincing to me that we had indeed had been haunted if I did not see that these two things were so common. After all, in between waking and sleeping, both of us could have been simply dreaming. I know that we were not though. I know it from both the experience and my intuition that this was what it was.
The Hawthorne Hotel...is haunted!
Reply by n e o n m o o n
I have so many I can't even post them all in one simple reply. Perhaps I should share them on my blog? Everything from ghosts to cryptids to fucked up dreams.
Reply by Chole
When I was on a trip to New Orleans we decided to go on a paranormal investigation tour in an Orphan Asylum. At first, nothing really happened we had some random words come through the voice box but as we moved to the mother's room we started getting words like "who are you" and "young girl" we thought maybe the spirit was talking about me because I was 13 at the time. It only got spookier as the night went on because as my mother was using the spirit rods to communicate with what we believe to be the ghost of a young boy named ben I was poked hard in the shoulder but it felt like when you get static electricity. My mother asked if ben (the spirit) had touched me and it replied with a pretty clear yes. Then, when we went upstairs I honestly felt like I was going to puke because of how heavy the air was up there. And I don't think it was the Heat. It just felt off the entire time we were there and the emf reader we were given kept going off and the voice box said a bunch of nonsense that I can't quite remember. But altogether it was a very interesting experience.
Reply by mae !!
when i was in sixth grade, the month after starting at a new school, i had laid down to go to bed sometime at around 2-3am after a restless few nights. when i laid down, i felt an intense wave of fear wash over me and my entire body went cold. i tried to move my limbs and i could! i knew i was awake, and as someone who has had sleep problems their whole life, i know the difference between this situation and sleep paralysis. i knew i had the ability to open my eyes but i was so afraid to open my eyes that i refused to do so, so i just laid there. only a few seconds later, i feel the easing pressure on the other side of my mattress, i felt the mattress sink in like someone sat on it. mind you, my door was close, and no one in my family was awake at the time, so no one else could have possibly been in my room. the creepiest part was feeling the weight shift closer to me, the figure elongated itself and wrapped around me, i was covered in a cold film of sweat as the figure basically spooned me. i felt the semblance of a hand on my head and heard so quietly faint whispers towards me, and once i had gotten enough courage, i snapped my eyes open and flailed my entire body about so i could shake the entity away. i quickly learned how to cleanse a space (i was a baby witch at the time) and i was never bothered again, but still, one of the most emotionally disturbing things i've had to deal with!
Reply by danny_w_f
I had a legitimate out of body experience that caused me to undergo an irreversible paradigm shift about 10 years ago.
This was when I was in college, and was into quite a bit of hallucinogens at the time. I managed to become friends with a Native American guy who got ahold of some peyote. We took a lot, like too much. It was completely mind fracturing. I don’t remember going to sleep, at least I’m not sure when the hallucinations ended and my dreaming began, but I luckily woke up the next day. I felt so discombobulated when I awoke I didn’t really know what to do besides drink water and rest.
I had to go to a private drum instruction that day about 2 hours before the moment that it happened. I decided to try and take a nap but I remember not falling asleep. I distinctly remember being conscious of my body and the room around me. I could hear my roommate clacking away on his keyboard and watching the news. The lights were on, and our bathroom door was open, so plenty of light in the room.
While I was laying there on my back, I had my hands to my side. I remember having my eyes closed, but suddenly I could see the room. Everything had a bluish-purple look to it. Like everything looked normal in terms of form and function, but not. And I remember trying to move my arms, and feeling the sensation of moving, but being surprised to notice that my physical arms didn’t appear to move when my brain was trying to issue commands. Nor did the rest of my body, but I somehow moved out of my body and to the ceiling and was suddenly watching myself laying on the bed.
The feeling is indescribable. It’s like you no longer feel your skin and bones on top of you, and the feeling of being present is all that was left. It was like inhabiting the air. When I moved I didn’t experience motion, I just ended up where I thought I should go.
Unfortunately this lasted for probably 2 minutes before I felt a tugging at my chest, and then I was suddenly breathing and sitting up again in my body. I felt like I had been born again. All of my senses were hyper aware. I’ve never been the same since.
Reply by xXLord_LisaXx
Reply by Julia*5D*
OMG I HAVE SO MANY. Want to follow my group? I lead Quantum Sessions so it's no wonder there's a lot of material. Here's my FB group Quantum Healing Hypnosis with Julia
I had a client live the lifetime as the atmosphere and tell me how she would blow those in harms way into kinder places. When I asked if the atmosphere had a lifespan, she told me about her metamorphosis into a different, heavier, form. It sounded like she gained an element, or a molecule. Here's her account: The Atmosphere- A QHHT Client's Experience
I have so many others!!!
Reply by GuineaCat12
When I was 18, my childhood cat was struggling with cancer. Around my cats last month or so a blue spirit showed up. I first saw it outside my window (second floor, no latter or anything) as a hand against the window. Ever since then it just hung around till my cat finally breathed his last. It was mostly just an orb (a very bright large one) but it would often form a hand, usually pointing in the direction of my cat, but was never in the same room as my cat. My other critters didn't seem to care about this spirits prsence, but I was terrified. Hardly anyone believed me, I didn't know what it was or how to handle it. Only two other people saw it and they didn't know what to do either. Anytime I was near it was cold, the hairs on my arms and head stood up. Sometimes lights flickered. Usually blue, but sometimes had swirls of white in the orb. It was harmless though. It came to me in my dreams too as a blue spider. In my dreams I wasn't scared a all actually, only when I was awake. In my dreams it told me that one day my first guinea pig and this cat was going to come back to me one day. It also showed me images of a plastic house, a plastic car, and plastic keys and told me none of these things matter, as it built a web. And I kid you not, when it departed a dime dinged in the air, I still have it.
Reply by Kylie
My first memorable experience was from when I was 7.
Reply by D34D.3LK
I think I might be haunted lol, idk if I’m actually haunted or just crazy but almost every time I go into the bathroom I hear someone knock on the door but no ones there and yesterday I was talking a shower and I saw a shadow like to the bathroom and stuff but the door never opened or closed and I looked and there was no one there. At first I thought it was just my house but at school I was using the gn bathroom and I heard someone knock on the door but no one was there. AlsothisonetimeiwasabtoSH
Reply by Dave :)
i know this post is a bit old, but i love the paranormal/weirdness of our world.
Reply by Ivy
So in the beginning of 2021 I told myself I would work on strengthening my spirituality and start praying to my ancestors for clairaudience (the ability to hear them). So one night a few months into the year I’m just waking up from falling asleep it’s like midnight. I roll up a lil blunt and smoke it outside then I go back to the bed to go back to sleep. I was in that state where you’re trying to get back to bed so you close your eyes, but I knew I was awake. So I hear this ringing in my ear all of a sudden. Then, at the end of the ring someone started to speak to me in my head. My eyes were still closed atp. I’m literally communicating to someone in my head. I forgot the conversation but I know I was thinking about something and he replied, in my fucking head. Like I knew it wasn’t coming from me because I was thinking about how crazy the situation was whilst communicating. I remember saying in my head “yoo, you can hear me?!” And the make voice very clearly said “yeah I can hear you, can’t you hear me?” My heart started beating soooo fast I was like “how is this possible!?” And the voice was like “don’t you know all that we can do?” And idk why but I got kinda spooked at the “we” because Idk if they meant we as in people or we as in like this was a demonic spirit or sun (it didn’t feel negative I was just spooked out). But that was it I ended the transmission when I opened my eyes I was like nooooopeeeee gotta put the lights on. Couldn’t go back to sleep after that, hasn’t happened since though. If it does I hope I’ll be more prepare and less afraid
Reply by ♡Lys♡
Mainly my experiences deal with shadow beings. My sister and I saw them regularly growing up. They always hid in the closets but you could only see them in the dark. They were very visibly dark masses that were darker than our houses darkness. As I grew up the experiences slowly faded but I also was going thru alot and moving when I graduated.
Reply by Reuben
When I was 19 I was seeking something so I went to a Pentecostal church with a friend. Church three times a week, Bible reading, prayer groups, etc.
Reply by LuLu
Reply by Leah
I experience seeing and hearing ghosts, also touched by one, sometimes. I say sometimes because I feel like they only appear, say something or touch when they want to. I never hear AND see them, it always one or the other. I've seen mostly than heard or been touched.
The house that was built in the 50's/60's was really haunted. The front door would slam open on it's own and then slam shut again on it's own. Picture frames would fall off the wall and smash the glass every time. I heard footsteps walking up the hallway often, but the one experience from that house that I remember so clearly to this day still is the full body apparition. They were just there, standing in the bathroom, then they walked straight towards me and disappeared inches from my face. I didn't experience that ghost or anything like that again. My Mum was the one that got bothered most by the ghost(s) in that house.
The house we lived in after the 50's/60's house was haunted I think, or maybe even the house next door. This house was built in the 90's. We'd have apparitions pass through, usually always the same one. There was also a ghost that would be out by the footpath. You could hear their footsteps walk up behind you, I would also see them out of the corner of my eye sometimes, but they would never be inside the house or come inside the house, they only stayed outside. I also experienced being touched in the house, but it was a gentle, reassuring touch but cold. That's what makes me believe that one is a relative of mine and possibly not even connected to that house, but I'm still mentioning it because it's fascinating. Then there was a ghost that would go up and down the stairs whenever they felt like doing so. I'd even hear them when I couldn't see them. I'd see a ghost of a young child every now and then too, maybe that's the ghost that would go up and down the stairs. Then there was hearing a ghost(s) for the first time. I would hear a feminine voice. The feminine voice would go "Sh!" to me or call or say my name, I thought I even heard her humming one day.
I recently moved again and this house maybe possibly haunted too but not as much as previous ones. One could also be linked to the house on the right or the church on the left of the this house. Since moving in, I've only seen two full body apparitions and both were two different ghosts. The first one was in the driveway standing by the front of our car that was under the carport, I then smelt cigarette smoke. It was heavy and burnt my eyes and lungs. Nobody in my house smokes. The second ghost stands under a massive tree that's close to the road, I've seen them standing close to the fence line while I've been in the backyard and I've also seen them standing outside the church window, like they were looking inside, when I've walked past the church. I see them more near this tree than any of the other two places. I've seen a small, white dog too. They are always in the woodshed or in the backyard.
I've also thought I've seen my great grandmother at my grandparents house on a few occasions. She passed around Good Friday and that's when I thought I'd seen her.
Reply by Ambercat's
Cuenta como paranormal, no lo sé.
Nadie cree nunca lo que me ha pasado, hasta se han reído.
En el 2018 llegué del trabajo a la 1 de la mañana, no podía dormir así que me quedé toda la noche en redes sociales, casi a las 6 de la mañana conecté mi celular porque se iba a apagar, apagué la ventana y mire una luz intermitente y solo al verla como despegaba hacia arriba y desaparecía, me fui a dormir y me desperté, me dijeron que había muerto un familiar!
¿Crees que es una coincidencia?
No sé, me ha hecho pensar mucho desde entonces, y todavía no puedo encontrar una respuesta.
Reply by Sinus_alert?:)
Okay so I had a friend who opened their third eye like ligit and I didn’t belive in the third eye think for a while but my friend started to discuss a lot about the afterlife and consciences that could come of certain things and she would say things not a lot of people could just come up with from the top of their heads. I was still skeptical but one night I was staying over and my friend was having a panic attack and freaking out hitting herself the whole deal I did my best to comfort her but I had to have her boyfriend come and help. Once he arrived I asked my friend if she wanted some water and she agreed. I went upsetairs to her kitchen and got some water but as I was filling up a cup of water the cabinet door behind me started opening and closing (no air drafts were present everything was locked up tightly) it scared the hell out of me and I ran downstairs. My friend told me it was one of her guardian angels and they were just freaking out. i was still shaken after that.
Reply by Syrk
- I wanna say I was in my late pre-teens to early teens when this happened, since I don't remember the timing very well. My oldest nephew and I are close in age, him being slightly older. We went through a phase where we were extremely interested in the paranormal and wanted to be ghost hunters. We'd often what shows of people visiting haunted locations to gather evidence that spirits were real. One time we were watching Ghost Adventures in my parents living room. It was nighttime, we had all the lights off, and we were sitting on the coffee table. I noticed a light flesh color blur in the corner in my vision and turned to look at it. It was hard to make out, but it was tall and humanoid looking. I though maybe I had just been staring at the screen for too long and the images on screen had burned into my eyeballs, but then my nephew nudged me and pointed at it asking if I saw it too. We sat there speechless, staring at it as it held it's form for about three minutes, then disappeared.
- Now this next one I've heard is a pretty common sighting. The top hat man. He's usually described as a shadow with a top hat on, as the name implies. But when I saw him he was small, a little less than the height of a Barbie doll and it was while I was cleaning my room. He darted out from behind my desk and then disappeared behind something else. I never saw him again and only learned of the top hat man several years later into my adult life.
- Some may dismiss this as simple night terrors and sleep paralysis, or even psychosis, but it was much more terrifying and complex than that. When I was in my mid to late teens I was going through an extremely difficult time with my mental health. I had been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, C-PTSD, ADHD, severe depression, and a couple therapists insisted I have BPD, but it was later discovered as an adult that I'm actually autistic. I started having those nightmares you can never wake up from, where each time you woke up you were still dreaming. It would happen several times before I actually woke up. I couldn't trust myself whether to believe if I was ever really awake or not and began to lose my mind. None of these dreams were ever good, they were all nightmares. Usually of being attacked, constantly trying to escape something. Just really horrible shit. What was even worse was at times I'd have sleep paralysis and shadow figures would attack me. It went away eventually.
- At my current residence, I woke up in the middle of the night and my bedroom door was open. I saw a white figure standing in the hallway. We just stared at each other for a little while and it disappeared.
- Also where I currently live. My friends and I were hanging out in the living room when we watched our laundry detergent fly from one end of the room to the other.
- I had a cat that passed away March of last year. Sometimes I feel something climb in bed with my fiance and I at night and I believe it's him.
Reply by soap
shit used to fly across my room without any reason and things used to turn on and off all by themselves also i have seen strange shadows in the corner of my eye i've been thinking about buying an EMF meter or sumn for fun lol
Reply by yana <3
i wasn't too much of a ghost believer before 13. but my dad is a part of a indie filming crew and he was bored of quarantine so he wanted to do a live show online. They though it would be a great idea to make the theme paranormal because there was a paranormal expert that's going viral on our national TV.
Reply by emmi
not sure if this is even paranormal but i am completely positive this happened!! (may be a glitch in the matrix kinda thing i suppose?)
Reply by Kiovuro
Ever since i was a kid creepy things would happen anywhere we moved. So i just got used to being around supernatural stuff. But in middle school i was going through a lot with bullying and stuff that i would be mentally exhausted. One day i got home and everyone else was at my aunt's house, so i decided to cook some noodles and start my hw, when all of the sudden i hear my little sister's voice call me out. I was confused but maybe they left her home cause she was sleeping, so i go to her room and nothing. That's when i was like "oh the ghosts, oh well". I resume on doing my things and my family gets home 30 minutes later. But my mom had to go back for some stuff and everyone wanted go so i signed myself too. I walk into my room to get my shoes and i see a silhouette of someone hanged like if they had commited suicide. I was soooo creeped out and i just got my shoes and ran out. The silhouette looked like a female and i was just trynna figure out everything, something in me made me feel weird when i saw it. Creepy thing is the next day my mom had a meeting with my counselors and bullies which made them seperate me classes and get them suspended and never saw the silhouette. Sometimes i think that maybe that was me and it was like a sign that if no action happened then that would've been my body hanging.
Reply by raskolnikov
When I was going to school I found something written inside the outer glass door ( idk how to explain it,there’s a normal door and another door a little further from it) anyways,there was written “no way” from INSIDE and there is just shoes in between the door and the outer door. It was written in English and no one except me knows I glitch in our household…weird experience ig.
Reply by abigailimbo
my first and only real paranormal experience was when last year. i had just gotten home and i let my dog out of his crate at about 1 pm. me and him are both sitting on the couch relaxing and he starts barking, and i mean absolutely loosing it about something. granted, my dog is the type to let us know if something or someone is outside by barking so it wasn’t too odd yet. he gets down and goes to the door leading to my garage and barks some more. i thought to myself at first, ‘maybe my mom is home’ because typically she gets home about that time, and comes through that door. but i didn’t hear the garage door raise so i was skeptical. i get up and see that not only is my mom not home, but the garage is completely shut with nothing in it. i told my dog that nothing was there and to chill out but he wouldn’t. that was a bit odd for him so i thought maybe there might be something in there. so, i put him on his leach and let him go into the garage. this is the eerie part,, because while he was in the garage, he was following something with his head up looking at it. like he wasn’t sniffing the ground or anything like that but genuinely was following something. i couldn’t see anything in the garage he could have followed but yet he still persisted. i eventually made him come back inside and raised the garage (out of worry/confusion)
Reply by BatBratBatty
once i moved into a house that had 2 male tenants. one was my bf at the time and one was the owner of the house who let my bf rent a room.
and 2 weeks after that, I was in a car accident and fractured my spine in 6 places.
Reply by sickpuppy
Reply by marty
my house is definitely haunted but i've never experienced any negative ghosts (they all were just chilling around) until once when i just turned fourteen.
Reply by screenshield407
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Reply by theonlymorgue
Ever since I was little I would see things such as spirits and dead relatives. Obviously being a little kid I would tell my mom and she wouldn't believe me, but she herself has encountered many paranormal and demonic things. One of the many things that have happened to me is that my TV wasn't working like it was turned off but still sounded like it was on but the screen was off. I was filming it and then all of a sudden a dark shadow ran past my camera, and I knew it wasn't anybody in the house because I would hear their steps and it ran out the door too so I would've heard the door open too. I re-watched the video so many times and I sure as hell knew it wasn't a person. That shadow was not shaped like a person
(i'll be back to submit more experiences I had.)
Reply by Tommo
Okay so this is a real glitch in the matrix here and I’m paranoid. I’m from 2008. My calendar currently says 2008 and yet, I’m talking to people from the future on a site very similar to MySpace
Reply by natalie
A friend of mine had a haunted doll that she kept on a hook on the wall above a chair. This room was in her basement and we used to watch movies there when me and another one of our friends slept over at her place.
Sometimes she would find the doll sitting on the chair, and she just thought it fell down from the hook at first, so she just put it back up. This happened more frequently after a while, so we all kind of knew that it was haunted or something. It was always sitting up in the chair, so it looked a bit too neat for us to believe it just fell down. Even though it was kinda scary we would just joke about it and we still used the room a lot.
One time when i was at her house for a sleepover, we were watching a movie and we left the room for a moment to get snacks from her kitchen. While we were upstairs all the lights went off. The lights came back on after a moment, so we went back downstairs. The lights in the basement were still off, so we turned them on and saw that the doll was in the other end of the room. No one else were home when this happened, and we were like 13 at the time so it was really scary. She has also seen what looks like a person walking around in the basement, so we assumed that this was the spirit haunting the doll.
She lived with her sister and her mom, and they had weird experiences with the doll as well. Her mom had this one experience that she refused to tell us about because it was too scary and she though we were too young to hear it. Her mom got rid of the doll after that.
Reply by ♧◇Alix♤♡
I was walking through an abandoned hospital thats here in town with some friends. we were skipping school on a humid sunny thursday. we were messing around being normal, trespassing teenagers. we went up a flight of stairs, which is always a bad idea. but as we get to the second floor and find a place to settle and hang out,something out the window catches my eye. i glance toward it and i dont quite see anything, but whatever is might be had my eyes locked in. like it was invading my mind. my ears started to ring which was normal for me as i have tinnitus. the ringing grew louder until i was practically def. my friends kept trying to get my attention but i just couldnt look away from the spot in the trees. my friend, Sam, had to physically turn me away. as soon as he did, the ringing stopped. to this day i dont know what it was that made me so drawn and quite frankly terrified of that spot.
Reply by alioth_1,76
once i think i had an interaction with a vampire-ghost... yeahhh, i think they bite me (i kinda enjoyed it ngl).
it was a cold and dark october night, my roommates were staying out for the night so i had the house all for myself. it was at least 3am and i was trying to sleep. i have asthma, so all the windows of the apartment were completely opened so i could breathe properly. an icy gust of wind made me freeze, so i got up from the bed to close the windows, but i found out that the freeze didn't came from outside.
like if you agree
comment for part. 2
Reply by yuuko
when i was really young (6-10 years old???) i was helping my mom clean out our furnace room in the basement. we had been living in this house for a while; we were just too lazy to clean up the previous owner's mess lol. anyways, we found a bunch of cool stuff; old antique coins, old board games, etc. one thing that we found that was really unnerving was an ouija board. my mom was very much freaked out by this, and threw it out.
ever since we discovered the ouija board, i had noticed strange happenings around my house. i would see things that weren't there. for example, i saw two "ghosts" (we can call them that) very often and very clearly. one of the ghosts looked to be wearing athletic wear, and didn't really scare me that much. the other ghost was terrifying. it was humanoid looking but its limbs were bent in awkward positions and would climb on the walls and ceilings in my dad's room.
flash forward to the present (im 18 now), i can still feel some presence, but it's not as bad as it used to be. i'll see the odd shadow figure in the corner of my room, hear footsteps coming up the stairs when no one's there, and just have a feeling of being watched constantly (everywhere in the house, but i can really feel it in my dad's room).
also, when a friend comes over to hang out and i bring them downstairs to show them the furnace room and how creepy it is, there will always be some sort of bug on the door (i hate bugs so i usually get grossed out and leave without showing them). usually, it will be a spider, sometimes a centipede/millipede.
Reply by KieranGecko
So, this isn't exactly my own story, but my mom's. Even I don't know if it's true or not. Apparently, she's seen paranormal shit a lot in her life. One example I remember her mentioning specifically was when I was around four or five. I was sleeping and my mom was just going to sleep. Dad was out at the bar, as he's a local musician. According to my mom, as she was going to sleep, she felt the mattress start moving as if someone was on it with her. She also says that she saw a handprint on the mattress and heard a kid laughing. After seeing that, she got out of bed, woke me up, and drove to her mom's house like the devil was chasing her. I don't remember much of it myself. Just what she told me. I do remember her waking me up, but she did it so often because of how much of a helicopter parent she was, that I don't remember that specific night.
Reply by blueboy0309
This is the only ghost story i have that is my own. This isnt even that intense but if i ever experience something like this again, i think ill go crazy.
I agreed to house sit for a friend of my moms for one week. This house was wayyy out in the country. I already live out in the countryside but this house was so much more isolated. There wasnt even a street light out by the road, so every night was pitch black. There were two dogs i had to take care of and that was about it as far as it went for my tasks.
I didnt have any weird occurrences that i can remember until the second to last night. I went to bed like usual in the master bedroom w one of the dogs on the floor (the the one slept outside and was their guard dog). Now their house was in the middle of being remodeled, so some stuff was janky. The most important thing here being that the door to the bedroom didnt have a handle in it and to keep the door closed they had a heavy iron weight to prop against it. I did that every night up until then and didnt have any issues. The dog didnt move around at night, and there were no breezes strong enough to move the weight (it was VERY heavy and hard to move).
So in the middle of the night, i hadnt gone to sleep yet, and i was very surprised to hear the iron weight being moved slowly across the floor. With it, the door was opening. Not nudge by nudge or little by little, it was gliding open smoothly. I couldnt see into the other room as it was pitch black and the little lamp i had on the desk didnt illuminate that far. The dog was next to the bed on the floor, awake now, and looking at the revealed doorway. She looked up at me and i back at her, and i waited until the door stopped opening, the iron weight stopped moving (it never even knocked over in the way that it would if the door was just opened against it without moving the weight first. Thats why i think it was mainly the weight that was being slid across the floor). I pulled the covers over my face and went to sleep.
Next night nothing happened, but that didnt stop me from being paranoid
Reply by P0pelac0
Hace unos 2 años estaba en casa de mi tío con mi familia, yo estaba en la habitación en la que estaba el PC y mire un momento a la ventana que da a la casa que tenemos detrás y en el segundo piso en una de las ventanas vi una cara de una anciana completamente blanca mirándome fijamente, me quede mirándola un rato, me moví a la habitación de al lado y esa anciana me seguía mirando, baje al salón y salí al patio donde mi prima estaba jugando, pero esta estaba mirando fijamente a la ventana de la anciana, me preguntó que si yo también podía ver a la anciana esa , mire a la ventana y ahí estaba, mirándonos fijamente, nos metimos en el salón y al cabo de un rato se fue, una vez que nos encontramos con los vecinos me entere de que en esa casa no había ninguna anciana y ese día no había nadie en casa, pero yo todavía me acuerdo de esa cara blanca con ese pelo largo mirándome con esos profundos ojos, estoy escribiendo esto desde ese mismo salón que e mencionado antes y cada vez que miro la casa me acuerdo de eso.
Reply by 𝐒𝐭✰𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
backstory: ive lived with my grandma almost my entire life so ive always seen ghost in and out my life and im pretty much an expert at sensing them and certain energies.
this happened a few years ago when i was atleast 10-13 years old (im 17 now) and its been engraved in my brain ever since. while living with my grandma we had this really old upstairs neighbor that would always have the loudest tv show playing over and over again all night long. and what was even worse was his room was above my room so i heard it every night. even on school nights which forced me to sleep on the couch or even in my grandmas room to be able to sleep. my grandma wasnt friends with him but they talked occasionally when she would go to church and come back home and would check on him. he had no car and never left his house unless my grandma would bring him groceries because she felt bad that he couldn't go to the store on his own. but one day when my grandma picked me up from school and we arrived home there was a swarm of police officers and ambulances and a coroners truck. we knew something was wrong because we have never seen anything like it. our apartment was surrounded by crime scene tape. we pulled in our usual parking space and started to walk up the sidewalk to our apartment. one officer approached my grandma and pulled her aside to ask questions. i couldnt hear what they were talking about but my grandma started crying. and ive never seen her cry before so i didnt know what was going on. she had gotten herself together and gave me the keys to the house to go in and lock the doors behind me. she still had her car key but just gave me the key to the door. i walked in and locked the door behind me and i was waiting for her to knock on the door. an hour went by and i still didnt hesr her at the door. i decided to just lay down and watch tv and eat some dinner and take a nap. i was woken up by a loud noise playing above me. i was still asleep as my eyes were closed and i couldnt see anything. but something told me to open my eyes so i did. as i opened my eyes i realized i couldnt move any part of my body. no matter how much i tried i just couldnt move. i tried to scream and i couldnt. i was stuck. and at the corner of my eye i saw something in the corner of the room. i didnt want to look because i had felt this weird depressing energy that instamtly made me sad. i decided to look and it was the old neighbor. he was hanging by a rope in the corner of my room. i could still hear his tv but it was muffled. it was so much darker in my room then when i remembered. he was hanging there swining back and forth i wanted to scream so bad. he had stopped swinging back and forth and looked at me. eyes wide open. i closed my eyes and thats when i woke up to banging on the door. i got up and opened the door to grandma rushing in the house. i told her what had happened in my dream and she basically confirmed that he killed himself by hanging in his room. i will never forget that moment.
sorry for the incorrect words :(
Reply by Ivar
Hello, i have had a really strange experience that has been with me for many years. I looked for anything similar online many times but failed every time so i hope that by posting my story here maybe somebody recognizes something similar. so here we go.
In october of 2007 i had a job interview for a programming job, my brother in law drove me there, I did the interview in the evening around 7pm, everything was great and i got the job so yay for me.
Whilst driving home (with me in the passenger seat) we were going down the highway when all of a sudden, in the corner of my eye, floating infront of the mid console of the car, i see this little ball of blue light hovering ,as i turn my head to look at it my brother in law also turns his head and both of us are looking at this weird light in the car. It was this static like buzzing light really comparable to blue laser light. As we looked at it, suddenly this light changed into a square image, the best i can describe it would be what looked like a fighter pilot hud a square with lines vertical and horizontal with some kind of lettering around it, it was hanging infront of the dashboard like a scifi hologram! my brain went a 100 miles an hour as i tried to read the lettering and before i could it just vanished! this all happened in maybe 6 seconds so really short
I start to scream to my brother in law wtf was that! what was that! and he just replied every time with i dont know i dont know!!
i knew i just saw somthing really special and unique and that would be something i wouldnt forget ever but the weird thing is what felt as only a few minutes later. i sit there staring out of the window like nothing happened yet i hear my internal voice go somthing just happened and the memory flowed back to me full force. again i start to scream to my brother in law what just happened!! he goes oh yeah!! wtf i dont know i dont know!
you know that feeling waking up from a dream and shortly you remember but then you lose the memory this was exactly what i was feeling. the rest of the trip i tried to recall the memory constantly out of fear i would forget because it was the strangest thing i ever seen and i didnt want to forget so i really imprinted my brain trying to remember every detail i could.
eventually we arrive at home we walk into the house and i look at the clock. it was 1:30am! i look at my brother in law wtf man why is it so late i say, how late did we leave there we wherent there that long right?! we both didnt remember the exact time we left but it just didnt make sense at all.
my brother in law doenst like to talk about it so im kinda alone with this.
many years pass i change jobs and became a electrical engineer for the railroads. i work a lot of nightshifts and often work in the city of Amsterdam.
During the pandemic and the lockdowns i was one of the few people out on the street. i was standing under a rail bridge and as a train comes overhead i look up and a extremly strong laser beam flies over me and hits the train, the weird thing is it stuck to it as it was moving full speed like the light was glued to it. the light spot was about 3ft (1m) in diameter and it followed that spot on the train without shifting. i think to myself huh! thats so strange because if it was a handheld laser a person could never hold it that steady my techical mind already was thinking how you could do that like a motorized mount with a camera and comuter tracking maybe but that would be expensive and heavy to do while it was a lockdown from a high building maybe? my entire shift i was thinking how you might achieve that.
my entire shift i kept thinking how and it just seemed unlikly. my shift ends and i drive home im all the way at the other side of Amsterdam 4:30am i exit the city as i pass the sign Amsterdam and a blue beam of light flies over my car and hits a truck at the other side driving full speed and the same thing, the light just glued to the cab of that truck like it was stuck to it i franticly look arround trying to see where it came from but this was many many miles from my previous location where i saw it before. again im thinking how do you do that move the heavy motorized tripod computer laser and power supply without police stopping you getting into a high building to the roof and so on it just seemed really unlikly.
This all made me think about what happend in 2007 it was the same type of weird looking blue laser light.
Im a well educated man with a background in science and technology i tend not to believe anything without proof but this just made me doubt a lot of things and it just doenst fit any category of phenomena i ever heard of so thats the reason i am posting here right now and hope there is somebody else with something similar. this was clearly technology and not ghosts or anything but as far as i know shooting a free floating hologram into a car going 80mph isnt a actual thing we are able to do with current technology.
best Regards Ivar,
The Netherlands, Amsterdam
Reply by User_not_found_404
Nothing super interesting here. The only paranormal experiences I’ve had were basically just seeing the odd shadow people when I was at my grandmothers house. There was one that would sit in her rocking chair and another that would walk past the window and then disappear by the time they should have walked past the door. The last time I was in the basement it felt like something slammed the wall as I was walking around. I ran up the stairs and never went down there again. Shortly after, her house got sold to someone else so I wonder if they experience odd things now that they live there?