Topic: Paranormal experiences

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Reply by ☣︎𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔢 𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔢𝔫☣︎


Ever since I was born there has always been paranormal experience circulated around me. Exactly when I was being born, the lights of the hospital began to flicker. People may say that it could've been a power shortage or a coincidence but my mum is a very spiritual lady who has communicated with the afterlife before (she was in a club for it lol) and has practiced witch craft, and according to her she felt something was there, like another human who was not visible and with the follow up events, I don't think it was much of a coincidence. An event that happened later on was when I was really little, cannot recall exact age but I saw my grandad, expect he had been dead for years, way before I was born and I saw him in my nans house. According to my parents I shouted out "grandad" at thin air and began running up to whatever I saw, which wasn't present to the eye. This is the most important events out of them all, my mum one night was asleep and so was I. She was dreaming when all of the sudden 3 ghost girls appeared and began shouting at her to wake me up. To much of her surprise I was covered in blood and being suffocated by like my pillow or something. The next event after that was one that went on for ages, when me and my little sister kept on seeing distorted figures around the house and they would tap us on the shoulder ext. My house has since been blessed and there are still blue ribbons on my bed and poles around the house till this day to keep them out. A few months ago my dog passed away sadly, and a few days ago I was sitting in my living room with the door all the way shut by myself and the door opened. My dog who passed away was able to do that. And when it did open, my other dogs who are alive began crying basically. That is about it and there have been other cases in my family such as when my brother used to say as a toddler that "he died in the fire and was a girl but came back as a boy." and I am very much now into witch craft, am I the blessed child..???

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Reply by whsabok


bi una cosa peluda en mi entrar a mi cuarto mientras me lavaba los dientes 

tengo la teoria de que me acosa mientras duermo

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Reply by Starxxp


bem, a minha experiência e algo que muitos não acreditam quando eu conto mas se o que experimentei!!! me lembro que eram 3h15 da madrugada e eu passando mais uma madrugada em claro pois não senti vontade de dormir coisas de adolescentes,as vezem dormirem demais ou as vezes ficam tempos sem dormir...pois bem vejo a trinca da minha porta ter um solavanco muito forte como se alguém estivesse tentando entrar ou algo do tipo, a porta também não se abriu porem me recordo muito bem do solavanco forte e barulhento que a trinca da minha porta fez se movimentando sozinha!! Na manha seguinte perguntei aos meus pais se eles tentaram abrir a porta e claramente a resposta foi negativa, pois geralmente nesse horário eles estão dormindo, minha mãe disse que deve ter sido um caminhão que deve ter passado na rua (geralmente quando se passa automóveis em alta velocidade em minha rua a minha casa balança um pouco mas esse não foi o caso!nem faria sentido )  sonho sei que não foi pois mandei mensagens para amigos e na manha seguinte a mensagem se permanecia lá, tenho certeza que foi algo muito real e assustador!! ainda mais pelo horário que aconteceu,nunca mais me ocorreu por sorte! se passam anos e isso ainda e um evento muito assutador que jamais irie esqecer...

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Reply by Starxxp


tenho uma outra experiência a contar não me recordo muito bem pois eu era bem pequena, quem me conta essa historia e minha mãe...pois bem recentemente meu tio por parte de pai havia falecido e um dia normal da semana após o ocorrido eu estava com minha mãe, e eu como de costume e meu pai trabalhando, ate que eu olho para o corredor e aponto perguntando a minha mãe quem era aquele titio (tio) minha mãe disse que ela não via nada mas que ficou completamente arrepiada!! essa outra que vou contar e mais recente, ano retrasado fiz uma viagem com minha família e ficamos instalados em uma pequena cabana na floresta! era uma cabana tão confortável e quentinha! eu dormia no sofá da sala em frente a lareira ate que acordo com minha mãe abrindo a porta da cabana para levar minha cachorrinha para fazer suas necessidades,logo em seguida minha cachorra começou a latir muito e rosnar para o meio da floresta não víamos nada e ficamos muito assustadas e chamamos ela imediatamente para dentro da cabana,provavelmete poderia ser algum animal selvagem já que ficamos localizados no meio do nada rodeados de vegetação e natureza,porem dizem que animais sentem a presença de coisas sobrenaturais e algo que também ficara no mistério,todas as minhas experiências são semelhantes com aquele medo invisivel, algo estranho aconteçe mas nao se consegue ver...     

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Reply by Fragoland


beno, esta es una experiencia que tuve hace unos años en pandemia, el caso es que una vez a eso de las 5:00 am me desperté y vi en la esquina de mi cama (es una cama de dos plazas) a una cosa parecida a un niño y tenía apariencia de un cuerpo quemado.Mi unica reacción fue quedarme quieta y  ver como desaparecía lentamente por debajo de la cama.

me asusté mucho,tanto que abrí las ventanas y las puertas de toda la casa.

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Reply by L1LL14N_


ok not very long but prety interesting LEL. soooooooo basically my frend has a lil ghsot attched to her and its name is tophot cuz he wears a tophat lmaoo. anyway, one time we summoned him. al we did was ask to revel itself and it wus like "yeah". all i saw was its leg and foot and my friend saw its foot--

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Reply by 🎙Gala.Blog2000 🎭


-Un cop vaig sentir un soroll a la meva habitació, la meva habitació és gran, estava mirant la televisió, vaig dir en broma "per Satanàs" vaig sentir un lleuger so i la meva habitació es va quedar en silenci. Sé que sembla una tonteria, però estava una mica espantat  ⊙﹏⊙∥

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Reply by aletc


A lo largo de mi vida he experimentado en repetidas ocasiones parálisis del sueño o algo similar. Lo recuerdo desde que era muy pequeño, curiosamente me pasaba más cuando iba a casa de mi abuela paterna, las mayoría de veces veía a sombras, siempre siluetas de hombres, no me refiero al hombre del sombrero. 

Una de las veces que más recuerdo fue en 202X, estaba dormida, soñaba con estar en un lugar tranquilo, realmente no era algo particularmente aterrador o algo así, de pronto se me acercó una sombra, era la sombra de un hombre, recuerdo perfectamente que desperté y esa sombra estaba a un lado de mi cama, tenía mucho miedo, comencé a preguntarle "¿Quién eres?" repetidamente, obviamente sin recibir respuesta, por suerte mi hermano me empezó a hablar y preguntar "¿con quién hablas?" eso hizo que dejara de ver la sombra. 

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Reply by Yuyu!!


I don't have any very shocking paranormal experiences, but I am a very sensitive person and I feel things around me, especially when there are sick people around, or people frustrated with their own lives, but I remember a specific moment when I was a child and I got together with some friends and entered a house that was for rent, but no one had rented it yet, and when I entered I felt a strange presence, I didn't even enter the house, just in the backyard, but when I heard those noises and I saw that strange and deformed shadow, I jumped over the gate and stood on the other side waiting for my friends. I swear, that day, I saw a spirit.

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Reply by !PizzaRolls!


Oh boy.

Ok so like a year ago (When I was 15), I was getting ready for bed.

All of a sudden I got this very, VERY awful feeling of pure dread as if there was something in the room as well, I just stared at my door for a good 10 minutes, staring at whatever the hell was probably staring back at me, even though I couldn't see anything.

The feeling soon subsided and I went to sleep, couple days later it happened again, though this time I somehow felt that it was Closer, and I wasn't staring at the door, but in front of my bed, the same thing happened again for around 10 minutes before it stopped and I fell asleep.

It would actually start to occur irregularly over a few weeks, and I ended up convincing myself that it was just me being overly paranoid, but one day as I was getting ready to sleep, I laid down and closed my eyes when I felt it.

It was like it was right over me, staring into my freaking soul, and for the next hour (At least that's how long I think the moment occurred but honestly it felt like forever) or so I couldn't sleep, and I sure as hell didn't dare to open my eyes.

Eventually, the terror show ended from that day on, and I still have no clue as to what, or who it was.

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Reply by internetgirl10 🎧


i havent had as many as my parents, but here i go. at cedar point, there was a spinning white dot in the air that would randomly dissapear. it was REALLY high up (i have video of it). and then the fact i woke up with scratches all over me as a little kid in my haunted house but uhh thats bout it for my personal experiences

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Reply by karby


When I was little at my grandparents' house, I once felt like an apprehension squeezed my ankle tightly, digging nails into me, there was no one there

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Reply by 연서 💌


Sé que esta pregunta fue hecha hace varios años. Sin embargo, contaré una experiencia propia. Cuando era pequeña (tenía alrededor de 8 años) solía pasar mucho tiempo en la casa de mi abuela, por lo tanto pasaba las noches allí. Solía dormir en el mismo cuarto que mi abuela, tenía una cama grande en el medio, y a un costado, sobre una pared, estaba un espejo enorme que apuntaba directamente a la cama. Una mañana, cuando desperté, mi abuela no estaba. Creo que habia ido a hacer las compras o a ver a sus mascotas. Me quedé mirando el espejo un rato, aún recostada en la cama, sin mucho ánimo de levantarme. Pasé unos minutos así, hasta que, de la nada, ví una sombra enorme pasar corriendo por el espejo. Era alta, parecía que tuviese una capa sobre su cuerpo, no parecía tener pelo o algo así. En ese momemto, salí corriendo, asustada. Un par de años despues, comentandoselo a mi padre, me enteré de que cuando mi él y mi tío eran niños y aún vivían en la casa, siempre le habían temido al espejo, al punto de que cuando mi abuela no estaba cerraban siempre la puerta del cuarto por miedo a este. A día de hoy, el espejo fué vendido y reemplazado por unos cuadros. Sinceramente, fue lo mejor hacer eso.

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Reply by Meta D. Gunner


ever since i moved into my current house at the age of 10, there has always been a ghost in my house. he likes to play with doors and move objects around. on rare occasions, he will show himself.

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Reply by cyd!!


so a little girl died in my room years ago because one of her friends slammed her head into a nail. and I always feel a cold breeze in that corner. damn midwest lmao

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Reply by 𝕻𝖗𝖚𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊


One that I can clearly remember from the top of my head was this one time I was taking out the trash in my old parent's house at night. Once I came back in and locked the door, I vividly heard a little girl's laugh right next to my right ear. It was so creepy because I even felt the breath of whatever that was on that same exact ear as well. Of course, my initial reaction was to yell 'what the fuck' and punch the air (like that would do anything LMAO). What makes this even creepier is that I know for a fact that everyone in my family was upstairs getting ready for bed, and I know this because right after I freaked out, I ran upstairs, only to find everyone already situating themselves for bedtime. In addition, it was most likely not my siblings playing a prank on me because I would've heard them skitter off or something. I really don't know what to make of this honestly. 

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Reply by ☣_.Kris._♰


I do believe in the supernatural. I have believed since i was a kid, and that is because i have had an experience i will never forget. I was in the first grade, and we were the only class left in the building. Nobody was there except me and my class and the teacher. 
I needed to go to the bathroom (only 5 mins were left of the class) and i went. (Remember i was the only kid that went to the bathroom or left the class)
When i arrived in the bathroom, i looked to see if anyone was there, and like i expected, nobody was there. I did my thing, and as i was preparing to leave and go back to class i looked to my right...
There was my shadow, which was normal...but as i looked more, another shadow appeared. It wasnt the shadow of a kid, and it was taller than me. (nobody left or entered the bathroom while I was there)
I got scared, but i couldnt move. As i stood there I constantly looked at it, and for a split second it moved. When I saw it move i realised it wasnt my imagination and something was there. But nothign could have made that shadow instead of a human.

Since this day, I couldnt explain myself what it was...except of a shadow figure.

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Reply by charlotte


Ok so when i was a kid. around age 8. i lived in the creepy ass house and every night i'd get repeating dreams of floating down the hallway and waking up screaming when i reached the end of it. one night i dreamed that me and my imaginary friend at the time went into my mum's room and had a tea party. i woke up the next day and told my mum about my dream. she then told me i had sleep walked into her room and stood at the end of her bed before dropping to the floor and passing out. gotta love haunted childhoods

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Reply by c0rpes_


hey yall.. i jus wanted to share this one thong that happend to me!!!!

so, basically i lived in this old camper till i was 11, i often saw alot of things but this thing specifically still haunts me till this day.. so basically one night, im  laying on the bottom of a bunk (mind you, this camper was rlly small)

and i shared a bed with my siblings, and i woke up around 3:33 in the morning... paralized and the first thing  i noticed was obviously the time, then i saw smth move in the corner of my eye. it was a white boney skinny hand, it was only at the door it didn't move and i was frozen.. but anyway the only thing that i saw was the hand, no head no body or any legs, just the white long boney skinny hands. the fingers moved up and down slowly. but as soon as i was able to move, it was gone. then a black cricket appeared out of no where, and i yelled and my dad and mom woke up and ran over to ask what was wrong and just pointed to the black cricket and my dad got rid of it.

then i went back to sleep as if nothing happend..

This happend 4 years ago and i cant get rid of the memory..  

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