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Topic for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism

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Reply by patrick


Reply by sean (secret transexual)


Thank you, comrade Patrick. It is important that we, as part of the posting vanguard, keep constant communication with the toiling, posting masses.

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Reply by sean (secret transexual)


Welcome Mr. Maniac, Meatball

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Reply by PopNLochnessMonster


i like communism and i like mao and i like bubble tea

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Reply by Danielle


so what of Mao have yall read? any suggestions? i got started with On Contradiction the other day and it was definitely a gamechanger for how i think about solving problems. id been learning kind of vicariously through others about contradiction and dialectical materialism for a while but Mao helped me solidify that understanding quite a bit. i hope im not wrong for coming at this thread in good faith. ill be honest it seems insincere but who knows! it certainly doesnt need to stay that way.

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Reply by Dddylx5zro5



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Reply by Danielle


keep in mind many more people see this thread than post in it. so if you make a topic about MLM for the purposes of discussion and instead spread memes and nonsense, you mislead people and make MLM seem like a joke. dont waste the time of people who want to learn and further society and dont make the job of practicing MLs harder by telling people not to take them seriously. this platform is small so this instance is not that big a deal but i see the same behavior everywhere. unless someone begins an actual discussion in this topic it should be deleted.

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Reply by sean (secret transexual)


Hi Danielle! No bad faith here, but I do like to have some fun online as I believe many people mistake posting online as serious "party" activity when in fact, there is no party involved! On Contradiction is wonderful and so in on On Practice and both writings together make a very interesting case for a Marxist theory of knowledge. 

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Reply by sean (secret transexual)


You mentioned learning about dialectics and dialectical materialism specifically and I wonder what you might think of Todd McGowan. His book Emancipation After Hegel was incredible and illuminating. It helped at least for me, to dispel many misreadings of dialectical thought that tends to get propogated through the internet despite the book leaving a little to be desired politically. There is also Zizek's Sex and the Failed Absolute, which attempts to map dialectical thinking onto theoretical physics, that one is for tru nerds!

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Reply by sean (secret transexual)


But anyway, I'm rambling now!

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Reply by Danielle


thank you for the suggestions sean. i understand wanting to have fun and all but when you do so while vocally associating yourself with something you are not actively performing in that space, it signals things to onlookers about the associated party/people/ideas. intent is not really what matters here; if youre familiar with the concept Death of the Author, i think you will understand what i mean. but that is a minor point of criticism and i am not trying to be antagonistic here. i will see if i can get a hold of the texts you mentioned and i appreciate the short explanations!

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Reply by Alice


I never understood but I guess I'll ask: What separates Marxism-Leninism-Maoism from Marxism-Leninism? What limitations are there of MLM compared to say Juche thought? Do those who study MLM also study Deng Xiaoping thought and Xi Jinping thought? Is Stalin included in MLM? Are there any theorists-non-grata, say for example Hoxha?

Thanks if you respond comrades

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Reply by sean (secret transexual)


MLM vs Mao Thought. MLM formulated by being out into practice by Gonzalo and Peruvian Communists. Theory of Mass Line, Cultural Revolution, Protracted People's War as an extension of ML via Mao. That is the basic argument anyway.

Juche is historical and dialectical materialism adapted to Korean national conditions.

Study Xi Jinping thought, Deng because one should strive to understand historical developments. And in the case of the China, question of capitalist roaders via the Gang of Four era contradictions and what that might mean for China/multipolar world today 

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Reply by Alice


Thanks for the reply. I know enough about Juche thought to get the basics, I am just not sure how it contrasts with MLM if any. What country do you live in that the protracted peoples' war will work for its material conditions? I remember that in Peru, it basically turned the entire proletariat against the party, saw them as terrorists, and to this day the actual socialist Pedro Castillo who won an election had to distance himself from that method.

Re: Deng and Xi, yes I agree. They're a very good study. I would think now that Deng's era of responding to chaos is coming to a close as China has eliminated absolute poverty. Now Xi thought (which is based in stability and order) will come to the fore. This happens with any contradiction as the two aspects begin to unify, as you know. It's really interesting to watch the dialectics of China play out from the time of Mao to present.

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Reply by sean (secret transexual)


I'm far from an expert on Peruvian politics but I would say that the ongoing soft-coup against the Castillo government is just more evidence that socialist movements in South America and the the developing world need a militant wing and control of their own state military. It is reminding me of coup attempts against Hugo Chavez so far anyway.  Those better read on the subject have told me that Castillo comes from an anti-Shining Path peasantry, though I have no first hand account of this. If taken to be true, it's a testament to the necessity of a people's movement and makes me question the validity of electoralism once again.

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Reply by Alice


Electoralism in the imperial core is dead for sure. I can't say the same for all other material conditions offhand though, because I haven't investigated all material conditions and their particularities in its totality. Remember, a lot of these colonial or semi-colonial nations are relying on Marxism-Leninism without going through a phase of capitalist production building first, which I think is a testament to how flexible Marxism is. That may be why election worked for Peru but won't for the USA. The coup in Peru is US-backed, which is pretty typical. See: Venezuela, Cuba, and now Nicaragua. The US likes to work with small reactionary groups in burgeoning socialist countries and fund Contras and terrorists as well as play "nice" with opposition electoral parties. In Peru and Nicaragua in particular, I would not say the elections are the savior of the country. There are still internal contradictions for them to sort. But unlike US electoralism, they were voting directly on a change of system entirely, rather than a single politician with a small domain which here would be like pissing in an ocean of piss. As colonies and semi-colonies, they do have an oppressor to unify against, which is probably why in Nicaragua, Ortega got a 75% plurality of votes even among very politically disparate people. Mao makes a good prediction of this in "On Contradiction".

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Reply by sean (secret transexual)


Sure but don't you think there is qualitative difference between these movements? For example Ortega is a direct product of long periods of Sandinista armed conflict. Whereas Castillo's history as a rondero at the very least calls into question what is the nature of the party associated with this new "socialist" movement. 

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Reply by Alice


Oh please don't mistake. They're different. I was using two different examples, sorry if that came off as equating them.

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Reply by Vigilante Stylez


MLM is certainly a joke, except the ones laughing are the corrupt murderers who are in charge of the regime.  Here is Xi Jinping thought in a nutshell. It's just a bunch of bullshit for you to fill your heads with, while him, and his family make billions of dollars living like Kings, while at the same time they threaten peaceful countries with war.  You know... The 9 dash line, Taiwan independence, Spratly islands.  They also get to pollute the planet without regulation, and engage in genocide of Falun Gong, Uyghurs, and anyone they don't like.  Why the fuck would anyone want to study his "thoughts" is beyond me.  Why would you want to know the thoughts of a sicko tyrant?  That would be the same as wanting to study "Adolf Hitler thought".  Who really gives a fuck about what he thinks?  He was a piece of shit, and a mass murderer.  Fuck him, and Xi Jinping. 

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Reply by 曹倫宜


oh wow didn't know they made a psych ward on spacehey already

hey MLMs, how is genocide apologism going for you?

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Reply by Cern



Reading Deng here

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