Topic: A cooler, more complete and actively-being-updated "old web" revival services forum for cool people

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Reply by Yacine Ghuloum


Cool list! But I just found something for this list, you should add it to the Google section:

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Reply by GRIFFEN


very cool to finally have an amazon theme! the black bar, however, does not work. will update when i get the chance! (also, if you want black bar back, try oldgoogle)

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Reply by Bunnygirl


Reply by GRIFFEN


Reply by VKNIGHT


Hello guys. I have created two additional classic userstyles: ESPN Classic, and Fanfiction.Net Classic.

ESPN is the website which I browse the most on the internet, and it probably should be seeing as I am a former football college player lol. This one is incredibley accurate considering the modernity of current ESPN featuring the old header, banners, fonts/colors, and removing the addictive infinite scrolling. The theme can be found here: chrome-extension://clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne/edit.html?id=96

Fanfiction.Net is not a website which I browse much anymore, however I did in middle school and am therefore nostalgic for its' older layout. I decided to attempt to replecate its' 2007 layout and got 98 percent accurate. I can safely say it is the most accurate classic theme I have ever made. The theme can be located here:

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Reply by GRIFFEN


incredible as always! however i think there's something wrong with your ESPN link

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Reply by VKNIGHT


You are correct. The proper link is here:

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Reply by GRIFFEN


thank you! will add when i get the chance

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Reply by VKNIGHT


Hey there guys. I have created two additional classic themes: GameFAQs Classic, and DeviantART Classic. 

GameFAQs classic is the first theme for which I have created a fully interactable pseudo header. It is 100 percent accurate to its' 2006-2009 design alongside the old footer and internal titles. I also cleaned up the forum to look more vintage. Note though that for some reason the search bar will jump up by a pixel or two when logged in. Doesn't really affect anything, but you can edit the theme so that it will only do that when logged OUT rather than in (It is at the very top of the code and should be self-explanatory). Also note that the width of the site being fixed is intentional as it is the only feasible way to create the classic header.

DeviantART Classic is really screwy (Moreso than GoDaddy), but it does work for most things and is better than nothing. Brings back the old header, sidebar, and art page. Note that when using the theme you should be logged in and have the classic "Green" skin selected. The width dilemma is the same as the GameFAQs theme. 

Also I have released a major overhaul of Fanfiction.Net Classic which is now identical to the 2004-2006 layout rather than the post 2007 redesign.

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Reply by GRIFFEN


thank you again for making these great userstyles!

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Reply by chintrola2098


Good news, I just found a fully functional retro browser:

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Reply by chintrola2098


Good news, I just found a fully functional retro browser:

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Reply by GRIFFEN


that is very cool! i will be adding this to the other forum i have that contains a few other types of browsers (linked at the top)

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Reply by Rod


Add these:

Early 2012 roblox blog:

Gmail 2018-2022:

Gmail themed after youtube 2012 layout:

Youtube 2015-2016 player icons and colors (improved version of the late 2015-early 2016 player icons userstyle):

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Reply by GRIFFEN


thanks! busy right now but will add next time i remember

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Reply by Rod


Also I've found apps that replicates old mobile layouts of apps,dont know if it counts but oh well:

Newpipe (2017 youtube mobile layout):

Frost (old facebook app style):

Instamaterial (old instagram style):

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Reply by GRIFFEN


Reply by GRIFFEN


it's cool! not sure it has any real use compared to what's already on the list but thank you for sharing!

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Reply by claw


wikipedia stuff

(because it is mediawiki based, this skinning stuff is universal)

in case you haven't seen wikipedia in the past few days, wikipedia had a redesign. luckily wikipedia and as an extension mediawiki, use skins. usually you have to have an account to do skins but it is possible to make a redirect to a specific skin without an account, wikipedia even shows you a (manual) way to do it with a shortcut.

so to summarize, cool wikipedia skins exist, and i think there are redirector userscripts but i haven't tested any yet. 

i would look for a functioning userscript if i had time

here is the skins info page using the 'modern' theme

sorry if im being confusing

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Reply by VKNIGHT


Just as a followup to the post by claw, for those who are curious, there is also a skin to bring back old Wikipedia exactly. If you create an account, go to preferences -> appearance and select "MonoBook" you will get 2004-2010 Wikipedia. You can also go to to get wikipedia as it was in 2001.

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Reply by claw


note: if you dont want to or cant get a wikipedia account this works

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Reply by GRIFFEN


wow! will add! thanks guys!

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Reply by Rod


You should add cosmic cat back

Its being updated again !!!

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Reply by GRIFFEN


hi! while i'm happy to hear that, i will not be adding cosmic cat back for reasons i will not explain

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Reply by Ginger1234


Infinite Mac (Mac os 9 simulator)

Minecraft Classic (just Minecraft classic I don't know what I can say...)

Block land (like Roblox but looks like like a Lego)

Flash Point (place with many flash games)

Home | WinClassic ("the Windows classic Theme forum")

CleanFlash (a modified version of Flash Player disclaimer to work you must have old version of Chrome or Firefox or use Waterfox)

Desktop Pet (eSheep 64bit) (desktop toy/screen mates) 

RetroStudio (2009-2015) / Super nostalgia zone (2008) / RETROBLOX (only for playing Classics of Roblox) (this games allowed to simulate different old Roblox)

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Reply by GRIFFEN


thanks! i'll add those to my lists later when i get the chance!

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Reply by Rod


What is cosmic cat 2?

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Reply by GRIFFEN


cosmic cat 2 is the second cosmic cat made by me

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Reply by RobloxObby555


How do i install Cosmic Cat 2? i couldn't install it with Tampermonkey, it gives me a error

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Reply by GRIFFEN


You have to import it into tampermonkey, sorry i didnt make it easier

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Reply by Ginger1234


2007 roblox (best played on graphics level 2-4) (remove the top left menu button by deleting/moving these files: (C:\Users\(YOURUSERNAME)\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\Your version\content\textures\ui\TopBar)

Hotmail Retro 2002 (changes to MSN Hotmail)

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Reply by neo ଘ( ˊ_ˋ)


here's a couple from me :)

Grundo's Cafe - another classic Neopets clone

MelonLand Forum - not really sure if this is what you're looking for, but it's a forum centered around low tech websites/virtual worlds and old web revival

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Reply by GRIFFEN


thanks boss, will add later when i remember

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Reply by VKNIGHT


Hey there everyone. It's not exactly reviving anything, but breezewiki is an open source frontend for the wikisite 'Fandom'. Fandom is notoriously horrible with ads, so just replace the 'fandom' in the URL with 'breezewiki' to load a MUCH less bloated version. I also created a userstyle for it to make it look like an old school forum:

There's also a skin (That I didn't create) which brings back the old Fandom layout from 2010 - 2022. I don't recommend using it versus breezewiki (On the fault of Fandom not the creater of the script) because it still loads a ton of ads, but it can be found here:

Also a minor thing but I created a userscript which brings back the old Wikipedia logo for use with the Monobook skin:

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Reply by GRIFFEN


another classic VKNIGHT post, breezewiki is currently down apparently, but i'll be sure to add it next time it's up

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Reply by yurmom2 (quit, bye)


yes, no popup that blocks like 50% of the screen, thanks vknight! edit:just realized i use ublock lmao edit:add this  FWM (2006 simulation)

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Reply by Yacine Ghuloum


Hey, I have something you should add to this. It's an accurate recreation of the YouTube 2011 and 2012 players: Late 2012 HTML5 Player —

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Reply by GRIFFEN


Reply by Pizza

posted sucks actually. theres no blocking feature, theres this dude who harasses everyone who posts on there (until some including myself have to deactivate) because he "thinks theyre boring," & the creator has expressed support for this specific guy's behavior. sorry to disappoint anyone who wanted to try out 2009 twitter again. i wish i knew how to make my own revival

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Reply by Quentin


You would of hated bwitter then

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Reply by GRIFFEN


Can't complain about blips, you're on spacehey

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Reply by Quentin


At least people actually interact on blips, this place is an actual ghost town

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Reply by GRIFFEN


Reply by dave


you are genuinely the fucking FROG (fgreatest rof oall gtime)

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Reply by GRIFFEN


thank you! i know i am awesome, but i love to hear that others feel the same

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Reply by SafeInSanity


So cool! ... thanks for sharing!

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Reply by GRIFFEN


Reply by Elena

posted is an old version of ms paint (unblocked on school laptops)

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Reply by Rod


Here are more things to add:

Gmail 2018-2022 (reverts gmail's newest layout design):

Old gmail 2018 fonts:

YouTube mobile 2016 Redux (2016 mobile userstyle):

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Reply by GRIFFEN


i will look into these next time i get the chance

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