Continued updates are no longer possible, for more information please read this blog post. Please ignore any statements here saying otherwise.
Hi! Three things!
1: I'm taking suggestions, I love suggestions!
2: There are a few links to on here, if a link sends you there please search for the theme on this website instead. (also, please let me know so I can replace the link!)
3: There's a changelog now! If you want to see the new stuff when it's added please check the changelog!
Stylus (chrome, firefox, pale-moon alternative)
Tampermonkey (the pale-moon alternative)
yt2009 (late 2009-early 2010/XL frontend/mobile app patch, learn more here)
V3 (Vorapis 2013) (2013 script/extension) (Live Chat Spacing Fix) (Player Tweaks)
Rehike (2016 frontend, needs to be setup)
ytm15 (2015 mobile app browser recreation, can be added to your homepage like an app)
NewPipe (2017ish mobile app)
TubeRepair (iOS 3-10 mobile app patch)
VerduraiOS (iOS 7-10 mobile app patch)
BitVide (early 2005 revival) (Youtube theme)
Kamtape (2006 revival) (Youtube theme)
Bitview (2010 revival) (Youtube theme)
EraCast (2012 revival)
7kttube (2016 theme)
YouTube 2013 RESTORED! (For Rehike) (Brazilian/Portuguese translation)
TubeK15 (2015 theme for Rehike)
7kt Plus (2015 theme for 7kttube)
OLD YOUTUBE FUCK YOU (2005 theme for the instance of invidious)
Youtube Mobile - Old Design (2013-2022)
YouTube Early 2018 Material Layout
YouTube Late 2017-Mid 2019 Polymer Colors
YouTube Late 2019-November 2020 Polymer Layout
PlayerTube (2007-2014 player)
Classic youtube player (2009 player)
youtube 2010-2011 html5 video player
2012 HTML5 Player (2011-2014 player)
Old Youtube Player (Flash) fixed (2014 player)
YouTube Player Classicifier (2017, use to make older player themes work better)
2015-2016 icons for youtube player classicifier
Old YouTube Studio Restorer (Pre-Jun 2024)
YouTube upload date (restores the upload date)
Youtube shorts redirect
Recreate old YouTube Footer!
Return Youtube Dislikes (Chrome/Firefox)
2013YouTubeTV (2012-2013 Youtube TV webapp, needs to be setup)
2016YoutubeTV (2015-2016 Youtube TV webapp, needs to be setup)
NexTube (Wii Channel patch)
GiveMiiYouTube (Wii U Channel patch)
FourthTube (Youtube on 3DS)
TWITTER: (2009 revival) (2007 theme) (Twitter theme)
Owler (2007 revival)
Pliko (old Twitter inspired website) (2007 Twitter theme)
Skittr (2007 Twitter frontend for Bluesky, needs to be setup)
2014 Blue sky (2014 Twitter theme for Bluesky) (Image Fix)
Bluesky -> Twitter V1 Bridge (lets you use Bluesky through the Twitter 2012 app)
SimpleTwitterServer (selfhostable twitter 2012 mobile private server)
Old Reddit Redirect (2008-2018)
2006-2022 reddit favicon
Classic Reddit (accuracy fixes for
Reddit Classic (2005-2007)
Wholesome for Mlmym (2008-2018 reddit theme for
Gplex - Old Google Frontend (2011-2019 theme) (2010 theme) (Background theme) (Dark Mode)
Gplex Google Video Viewer Classicifer
2013 Google Revived (requires Gplex)
google2009 (2009 theme)
Revert to Google's Old 2012-2015 Favicon (google 2012-2015 favicon)
Loogle+ (2013 Google+ revival)
oldgoogle (1998, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2002 with a userstyle)
vanced (2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015)
google2002 (just a homepage)
RetroGoogle! (1999-2013, just homepages)
StartGoogle (Google 2012-2018 theme for
DeviantArt - V5 Style Profile Page
DeviantArt - 2000 Style Profile Page
DeviantArt - V7 Folder Buttons with Thumbnail
DeviantArt - V7 Folder Buttons
DeviantArt - V7 Error Message Page
DeviantArt - V6 Cornered Style Forum/Group
DeviantArt - Better Log In Screen V2
SFP (reenables steam skins)
OldSteam (2003 steam skin)
2014-esque STEAM (Background Fix)
stmsrvemu (2003-2011 steam client)
Old Tumblr Dashboard (Userstyle) (pre-2023 update Tumblr dashboard)
GPOY Theme (early 2010s tumblr dashboard tumblr profile)
Redux (early 2010s tumblr profile)
Fold (2007 tumblr profile)
Minimalist (2006 tumblr profile)
YourSpace (early 2000s myspace tumblr profile)
BootStrap for Tumblr (early 2010s twitter tumblr profile)
Tumblook (early 2010s facebook tumblr profile)
Facebook theme for Tumblr (mid 2010s facebook profile tumblr profile)
RemoveSupporterPfp (for Newgrounds)
WiiLink24 (Wii Channels)
WiiLink WFC (Nintendo Wifi Connection Revival for Wii)
Wiimmfi (Nintendo Wifi Connection Revival for Wii, DS)
Pretendo (Nintendo Network revival for Wii U, 3DS)
ShopDeck (custom Nintendo 3DS eShop)
SatellaZone (Nintendo Zone Revival)
Insignia (Classic Xbox Live Revival)
PS2Online (PS2 Online Revival)
PS Rewired (PS2/PSP/PS3 Online Revival)
PSONE (Online Revival for several PS3 games)
Community OUYA API server (Ouya servers)
Xperia Play Archival Project (discord server only)
GameStick server (GameStick servers)
xBand revival (SNES and Genesis WIFI)
Satellaview+ (Satellaview Revival)
Randnet+ (Nintendo 64 DD WIFI)
Dreamcast Live (Dreamcast WIFI)
OpenSpy (GameSpy Revival)
Xf1re (XFire website and servers)
PFire (another XFire server, needs to be setup)
Project Beacon (LBP1-3/LBPVita online features)
LittleBigRefresh (LBP custom servers)
rverse (Miiverse Revival)
MIIVERSE THEME FOR JUXTAPOSITION (2013 Miiverse theme for Pretendo Miiverse)
Skelux (list of archived nintendo flash websites/games)
smashdojo.neocities (Smash Dojo recreation)
Sudomemo (Flipnote Hatena)
Kaeru Gallery (Flipnote 3DS)
Kaerutomo (Miitomo)
Kaeru WFC (Nintendo Wifi Connection revival for DS)
Kaeru Duel (Pokemon Duel)
pkmnclassic (Pokemon focused Wiimmfi, basically)
entralinked (game sync functionality for gen 5 of Pokemon)
Dawnshard (Dragalia Lost)
Toontown Rewritten (old toontown)
Toontown: Corporate Clash (other old toontown)
Toontastic (other old toontown)
Toontown Archive (various versions of Toontown)
Old School RuneScape (official 2007 RuneScape)
Vidyascape (another old RuneScape)
Open RuneScape Classic (older RuneScape)
2004Scape (2004 RuneScape)
2009scape (RuneScape 2 remake)
HDOS (2009-2011 theme for Old School RuneScape)
Darkan (late 2012 RuneScape)
Waddle Penguins Island (Club Penguin Island remake)
Nicktropolis Timewarp (Nicktropolis remake)
MSPRetro (2009 MovieStarPlanet)
Moshi Online (Moshi Monsters remake)
OpenFusion (FusionFall revival)
We the Pixies (Pixie Hollow Revival)
StyleDollz (DollzMania Remake)
BlockStarPlanet Legacy (old flash BlockStarPlanet client)
Leopets (better Neopets classic)
Grundo's Cafe (another Neopets classic) (another Neopets classic)
Levianthan - Classic 2008
VMK Legacy (Disney's Virtual Magic Kingdom Remake)
Habbo Hotel: Origins (official Habbo Hotel 2005) (Habbo Hotel 2006) (Panfu revival)
Bin Weevils Rewritten (Bin Weevils revival)
C&C:Online Launcher
(Command & Conquer: Generals / Zero Hour, Command & Conquer 3:
Tiberium Wars / Kane's Wrath, and Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
T3A:Online Launcher (Battle for Middle-earth and Battle for Middle-earth II / The Rise of the Witch-king servers)
Ohka BOTS (BOTS!! remake)
MxoEmu (The Matrix Online Server Emulator)
Destination Home Online (Playstation Home revival, in closed beta)
Titanic! (2008-2014 osu! private server) (Osu! theme)
Mobsters United (Old MySpace game)
YoWorld (YoVille revival)
The Social Wars preservation project
The Social Empires preservation project
The Empires & Allies preservation project
Pet Pals (Pet Society revival)
JM-Server (Jewelry Master private server)
Angry Birds Refresh (Angry Birds Friends remake)
Classic FreeWebArcade (2010-2023)
Voobly (MSN Gaming Zone)
Friv Reborn (classic friv)
Friv Legend (classic friv without flash)
Sploder Launcher (flash gamer maker website revival)
Flashpoint (flash game archive)
FlashArch (flashpoint in browser)
Gumball Character Creator Game (official TAWOG flash game, requires flash)SuperTux Classic (SuperTux 0.1.0-0.1.4 remake)
Pangya Reborn (Season 8 PangYa private server)
PangYa Brasil (Brazilian Season 4 PangYa private server)
MabiPro (2008 mabinogi)
MapleLegends (old MapleStory)
DragonBall Online Global (DragonBall Online revival)
DBOUniverse Revelations (DragonBall Online revival)
Project 1999 (1999-2001 EverQuest)
Whitemane (Wrath of the Lich King (2008)/Cataclysm (2010) WoW private server)
Ephinea (Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst private server)
Eden (Treasures of Aht Urhgan (2007) Final Fantasy XI private server)
SimNation (The Sims Online private server)
Yes, you can get the Sims 1 working on Windows 10 or 11, with or without a CD drive. Here's how.
How to Play The Sims 2 on Windows 10
The Sims 2 Legacy Collection - Ikea SP (restores the Ikea Stuff Pack to the Legacy Collection rerelease)
Fuck off EA App (Origin Launcher fixes)
OpenFK (Open Source U.B. Funkeys revival)
Retro Brawl (2018 Brawl Stars)
Spongebob Moves In! Install Guide (guide to installing Spongebob Moves In! after the shutdown) (Necessary Files)
GMDprivateServer (Geometry Dash 1.0-2.2 private server)
Garfield+ (Garfield 2004 mod, adds windows 11 support)
KoCity (Knockout City private servers)
Plutonium (private servers for COD WaW/BO1/BO2/MW3)
Alterware (private servers for COD MW2/Ghost/Advanced Warfare)
2142 Reclamation (Battlefield 2142 private servers)
Project Cartographer (Halo 2 private servers)
EIDewrito (Halo Online (Halo 3) private servers)
POSTAL 2: Classic (pre-2004 Postal 2 mod)
Restored 2007 Ending (old Portal ending)
Half-Life 2 2004 Pack (reverts post-Orange Box updates)
Classic Garry's Mod (Garry's Mod 9-12 mod)
Toybox Collection (several Toybox addons for newer Garry's Mod)
Cloudbox (2010-2012 Toybox for newer Garry's Mod)
Pre-Fortress 2 (classic TF2 sourcemod)
Project 2007 (2007 TF2 UI)
Manhunt.Fixer (fixes several issues with running Manhunt)
Betacraft (old minecraft launcher/server)
AlphaPlace (minecraft beta 1.1_02 server)
Classicube (classic minecraft recreation)
Minecraft PowerPC Edition (build of Classicube built for Mac OS)
Minecraft Fast SP (modified version of Minecraft 1.2.5 designed for older computers)
Custom Fog (old minecraft fog) (Requires Fabric API)
Custom Stars (old minecraft stars) (Requires Fabric API and Cloth Config)
Custom Void (old minecraft void) (Requires Fabric API and Cloth Config)
Legacy Edition Resources (old minecraft console edition resource pack for java)
Legacy Edition Mini Games (old minecraft console edition mini games for java, currently not compatible with Legacy Reborn, in closed alpha)
Vanilla Deluxe: Legacy Console UI (old Minecraft Console UI for Bedrock 1.20.80)
jdk-macos-legacy (allows older Mac systems to run newer versions of Minecraft)
LauncherFenix (minecraft launcher for Mac OS X 10.6)
ATLauncher (minecraft launcher for Mac OS X 10.8 and above)
MCArchive (alpha 1.1.0-release 1.9.4 minecraft mod archive)
Time Travel: Old and Retro (old Terraria texture pack)
Consolaria (old Terraria console/mobile content for tModLoader)
Heartbeataria (old chinese Terraria content for tModLoader)Bloxstrap
(alternative roblox launcher, 2006/2013 cursor, old sounds, old avatar editor background, old emoji
types, old lighting, 2015/2020/2023 escape menu, pre-2022 materials,
2008-2014 launcher, 2008-2022 icon, app disabler)
Pre-Metaverse Styled Texture Pack (2015-2017 roblox) (texture packs need replaced every time roblox updates unless you use Bloxstrap)
The 2011-2013 Texture Pack (roblox)
2013 Pack (roblox)
LegacyVerse (2015-2018/old Xbox roblox)
RetroStudio (2009-2015 roblox)
Super Nostalgia Zone (2008 roblox)
FWM (2006-2007 roblox)
Dynamite Blocks! (2005 roblox)
ROBLOX 2012 - BRICK HILL (2012 roblox theme for brick hill)
ROBLOX 2013 - Brick Hill (2013 roblox theme for brick hill)
Novetus (old roblox client launcher) (host servers with this)
Only Retro Roblox Here (Novetus alternative)
RobloxMobile1.1 (fixes the 1.0/1.1 versions of the Roblox app)
Spacehey (2005 theme) (2009 theme)
AnySpace (open source 2005 MySpace)
off---line (2007 facebook) (Facebook theme)
OpenVK 2016 (old VK, looks like facebook 2006)
Instamaterial (instagram 2014 app)
Lunar (remake of old Instagram API)
InsaneJournal (livejournal)
Dreamwidth (livejournal)
classic blogger bar(experimental functionality)
img09 (2009 imgur frontend)
Angiru (Orkut)
Crapeando (Taringa!) (2014 theme) (NSFW)
Peluchan (Taringa!) (NSFW)
VineRedirect (redirects Vines API to any endpoint)
LegacySnap (fixes 3.1/5.0.3/7.0.6/9.1.3 versions of the SnapChat iOS app)
NostalgiaSnap (fixes the Picaboo 1.0 - 10.65.0 versons of the SnapChat app)
Waosen (2009 bing)
oldbing (Bing, 2013 and 2015)
Old'aVista (AltaVista)
Ytoo! (2003 yahoo)
oldyahoo (Yahoo, 2012 and 2013)
Hotmail Retro 2002 (Changes Outlook to Hotmail from 2002)
Setting up Outlook Mail 2007, 2003 and 2000 in 2024
OneCare Rewritten (Windows Live OneCare)
Revert the new desktop Discord UI (2025)
SkeuoCord (Discord)
Alternate Vista (Basically the same as SkeuoCord, except this one has a Vista topbar)
DTM-2K (Windows 2000 Discord)
DTM-08 (Basically the same as SkeuoCord, except this one has round PFPs)
DTM-16 (2016 Discord)
DTM-18 (2018 Discord)
Oldcord (2020 Discord)
OLDCORD (2015-2016 Discord Revival)
Hummus (2017 Discord Revival)
Ripcord (alternative Discord/slack client, looks more "old web" to me)
DiscordMessenger (Discord client for Windows 2000-XP)
iOS Discord Classic (Discord client for iOS 5-6)
Fix Discord CDN (makes Discord images work like they did before the 2023 update) (chrome/firefox)
AeroChat (Windows Live Messenger 9 client for Discord)
Discord Network Messenger (MSN Explorer 10 theme for Discord)
Escargot (MSN)
OMessager (another MSN)
Miranda NG (Miranda IM)
AOLEmu (another AOL)
Runningman Network (another AOL)
Nina (Q-Link, Classic AOL, AOL IM, ICQ, and Yahoo Messenger)
CrossTalk (MSN, AOL, Yahoo Messenger, in closed alpha)
retro-aim-server (open source AIM, ICQ private servers, needs to be setup)
ChivaNet (AIM)
WBS-Retro (90s Chatroom)
Skype Classic (Skype 8.102)
PintoIM (Skype IM 0.9.7)
WA for Legacy iOS (WhatsApp for iOS 3-5)
Viber Activator (activates older versions of the Viber app)
OmegleWeb (Omegle revival) (NSFW)
2011 heRO theme for Arcadia Online (Ragnarok Online Pre-Renewal private server website)
oldminecraft (old minecraft website)
2012-2014 ESQUE Planet Minecraft
Roblox 2008 look (requires BTRoblox)
Roblox 2010 style (requires BTRoblox)
Roblox 2008-2011 theme
2014-esque Roblox
Roblox Legacy 2015-2017
Roblox Legacy Old Theme (2015-2019) (OBC Icon) (Vote Bar) (Early 2016 Play Button) (Early 2016 Play Button Bug Fixes) (2016 Robux Page) (2016 Item Viewer) (2016 Tweaks) (Mid 2016 Tweaks) (2016 Catalog) (Mid 2017 Avatar Editor) (Genre Sort)
haydz6 (roblox blog archives)
Legacy Roblox Wiki (2012 roblox wiki remake)
Scratch Addons (allows you to switch back to the 2.0 look) (chrome/firefox) (tutorial to make Scratch 3 look like Scratch 1.4)
Scratch 3.0 to Scratch 2.0 WORKING
FlashThemes (2011 GoAnimate)
GoAnimate for Schools remastered
Wrapper Offline (GoAnimate remake)
3DMMForever (3D Movie Maker for modern OSes)PicMix (blingee) Classic (Post-2007)
FANFICTION.NET THEME FOR AO3 (old FanFiction.Net theme for AO3)
One Point Faux (old AO3 skin)
My Retro TVs (50s-00s TV)
Toonami Aftermath (same concept, just Toonami)
Weatherstar 4000+ (90s weather channel)
WebTV Redialed (WebTV revival)
minisrv (WebTV revival)
pi-tv-station (late 90s UHF TV broadcast, needs to be assembled)
Pandora Classic (2015)
bwaa (2010/2012 theme for
WACUP (old Winamp)
Spotiamp (Winamp client for Spotify)
FoxMusic (Spotify for older iOS devices)
SpotifyXP (Spotify for Windows XP)
ZuneNetAPI (Zune API remake)
MusicDJ (recreation of the Sony Ericsson app of the same name)
SNACKLISH REBORN (Snickers Snacklish Translator Recreation)
Online Stopwatch 2005 (uses Flash)
Old (2019)
Rebble (Pebble services)
NMS Ceefax (BBC Ceefax revival)
ARD Text (German Ceefax)
NOS Teletekst (Netherlands Ceefax)
Jackie Chan Movie Website Archives (Police Story 3: Supercop (1996), Legend of The Drunken Master (2000), Twin Dragons (1999), Thunderbolt (1995), Operation Condor (1997))
GetLazy Web Archive (LazyTown flash game/fansite/website archive)
lazytown2003 (recreation of the 2003 LazyTown website)
Retro Kids (2006/2008 Latin American Discovery Kids website archive)
Salt Lake 2002 website archive
Ruffle (Flash Emulator)
legacy-qBittorrent (pre-4.2.2 theme for qBittorrent)
Skueomorphic (not actually recreating anything)
Neocities (Geocities revival)
Nekoweb (Neocities alternative)
Web 1.0 Hosting (90s website host)
Frogfind (displays everything you search in basic HTML, apparently looks "late 90s")
Retro website resources (assortment of classic graphics for making websites)
literally every other website:
Redirector (lets you redirect websites to other websites, useful for redirecting websites to revivals or wayback archives) (chrome, firefox, pale-moon alternative)
Wayback Proxy (less work for more websites covered, obviously only uses wayback archives so it's way less functional)
Wayback Machine Toolbar Remover
Wayback Machine Image Fixer
TheOldNet (wayback machine alternative)
Protoweb (late 90s-early 00s proxy)