Topic: A cooler, more complete and actively-being-updated "old web" revival services forum for cool people

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Reply by newlinersseries


Reply by GRIFFEN


added, thanks for sending

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Reply by 3man


Dunno if this would fully count but alongside NMS Ceefax there's also ZXGuesser/'s Teletext viewer that also does a revival of Channel 4's Teletext, Ceefax (both the new layout and a older one) and some others (including some Internet only ones such as TVARK's Spark, Chunkytext and Teefax). UPDATE: Apparently NMS Ceefax uses the same stuff as ZXGuesser's, but with a few small mods.

A few other ones (which I am very unsure would count) that aren't in English are the official sites of ARD Text (Germany) and NOS Teletekst (The Netherlands)

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Reply by GRIFFEN


i want to add these but i have no idea what these are revivals of, are they just ceefax in different languages or are they something different?

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Reply by Ginger1234


hey can you remove because url returns some type of error

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Reply by 3man


Reply to this

NOS Teletekst and ARD Text are more in the ""Ceefax in other languages"" part, since these are still active and operated by their public broadcasters. Mostly recommended those because some European countries still use Teletext services alongside HbbTV (Internet content)

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Reply by GRIFFEN


to Ginger1234: removed it for now, it seems like it's still active but i can't find another URL to replace the current one

to Dangeresque Too: added, thanks for letting me know!

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Reply by ✮PitterAarav✮



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Reply by frank


legacy4j, minecraft mod that attempts to recreate the legacy console edition experience

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Reply by GRIFFEN


I'm pretty sure that's bundled with Re-Console which is already on the list. thank you for sending anyways!

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Reply by Quentin


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Reply by Anth♡︎ny (KaiserPug)


thank you for blessing us with this masterpeice

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Reply by newlinersseries

updated - Groove Launcher, very recent Android launcher simulating Windows Phone 8’s user interface.

Edit: Wrong List!

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Reply by GRIFFEN


to Quinten: added, thanks for sending!

to newlinerseries: added to the other list!

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Reply by bogom


I thank thee for this finest retribution.
Thanku. Preciate.

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Reply by Davod


2013 layout facebook does´nt work anymore and the extension of switch to classic dont work anymore

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Reply by GRIFFEN


removed the 2013 facebook layout, not sure what you mean by "extension of switch to classic" though. thanks for letting me know!

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Reply by Davod


i mean the "still regular facebook,use this"

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Reply by GRIFFEN


removed, thanks for letting me know!

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Reply by xXxRobloxTixMasterxXx


idk if it belongs here but

alternative windows 8.1 store

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Reply by GRIFFEN


added that to my other list linked above, thanks for sending!

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Reply by GRIFFEN


added, thanks for sending!

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Reply by Grogs


I copiyed this, changed a few things and it works perfectly in layout editor but when i post it here, there are stuff missing: like the background. Need help

<!-- (c) Layout created by Taylor ☘︎ 🃟 ( -->

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Reply by GRIFFEN


This isn't the CSS help post, however I still checked out the theme to see the issues and it seems like the background image isn't loading because it's trying to load this, which is an error screen. Try hosting the background GIF on something like imgur and using the URL from that, it usually works for me.

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Reply by Connie Sarah


I did not know there were so many old web revival projects for so many things out there :o

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Reply by A1RY


found a lot of old games on here numuki games

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Reply by Ginger1234


to A1RY can't you use Flashpoint Archive? instead of some crappy website?

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Reply by GRIFFEN


the website is pretty cool, but it is just a bunch of flash games. thanks for sending anyways!

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Reply by Kameron


This list is very cool!
If we're going to have Novetus in the list of ROBLOX stuff, maybe Sodikm should also be added?

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Reply by GRIFFEN


sodkim does the same thing as novetus and according to the creator,

"This project is cancelled".

not adding, thanks for suggesting anyways

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Reply by com


replace ghost eshop with hshop, hshop is much more polished! other than that this is great it has nothing i can add to cuz everything i use is already on here :D

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Reply by GRIFFEN


hShop is just a collection of 3DS roms, which is good and useful but doesn't fit with the list, did remove ghost eShop though since the link is dead (also it's in the same boat as hShop so it shouldnt have been on the list in the first place). thanks for sending anyways!

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Reply by Cr0w


I think all the stuff relating to Aniwave should be removed, given that the site no longer exists.

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Reply by GRIFFEN


removed, thanks for letting me know

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Reply by Joseph

posted (originally called should be added to the club penguin servers list, its the oldest CPPS and its still up

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Reply by GRIFFEN


nobody is online???? the other club penguin games have more people playing them as far as I'm aware of. this is pretty cool but i don't think i'm adding it, thanks for sending!

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Reply by CrazyCSIW6


PLEASE REMOVE BETACAST, it is highly unregulated and the front page is full of child porn

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Reply by GRIFFEN


didn't know about that until now, removed. thanks for letting me know!

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Reply by Bottle O' Glue

I figure this would fit here, since you have mods for other games

also, you seem to have misspelled Wiby as Wibly

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Reply by GRIFFEN


added and fixed, thanks for sending!

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Reply by Cr0w


If counting mods/launchers for games...

Would Plutonium count? It's a launcher that lets people safely play old Call of Duty games (World at War, Black Ops/II, Modern Warfare 3) since the vanilla games are RCE-exploitable.

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Reply by GRIFFEN


seems like these are newer servers for older games, even if the originals still have their servers up if they're constantly exploited then they're basically dead. added, thanks for sending!

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Reply by hazel


the Classic Facebook Chat pop-up (2013-2018) does not work anymore :P

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Reply by GRIFFEN


removed, thanks for letting me know

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Reply by Ginger1234


hey can you remove somerandompig website it says error 404 and if you remove "games.html" from is now a facebook app center or something?

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Reply by GRIFFEN


removed, thanks for letting me know

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Reply by Ginger1234


Can you add PS Rewired because it's a PS2, PSP and PS3 emulated servers or something and I found it on tiktok thanks!


Can you remove because it's no longer a YouTube revival but some type of Pac-Man game (?)

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Reply by GRIFFEN


added and removed, thanks for sending!

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Reply by Cr0w


Haiii, me again.

Same thing as last time. Alterware is kinda like Plutonium, but for Modern Warfare 2, Ghosts and Advanced Warfare. IDK if the last two fit, but MW2 is definitely an "oldweb" thing.

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