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bakugan nostalgia format

ok so i guess technically this format name has been taken however i couldn't find the post with that format so i'm claiming it now anyways this is the format i played with my friends back in like middle school (god it's really been that long) it's a format based off of the official battle brawlers format however we turned it into more of a card game anyways

format type-

obviously this is legacy it is 2+ players as well however it's best at 2


so this is where the fun begins cuz unlike the other formats we actually have some decks (yes that's plural) in this format so to start each player has 3-6 bakugan for a competitive setting i recommend a set 3 however as it will increase the speed of the game and force more strategy out of the players next we get 2 decks a deck of ability cards which can be 20-40 cards repeats are allowed at 4 different color but same name counts as a repeat (i also recommend using sleeves however good luck finding any that fit but reason being is ability cards for things like battle mobile assault cards are a different color on the back this dosen't matter so much in most formats since your opponent will see that you have the bakugan mobile assault but in formats like this one it's a good warning to the opponent to play around it) and a deck of gate cards which is set to 10 and repeats are not allowed

hand/set up/drawing rules

the game starts with a hand of 5 ability cards and 3 gate cards each player starts by setting a gate card in the middle adjacent their opponents card and on the side closest to the opponent (same way a game starts in battle brawlers format) this game favors player 2 as player 1s first set card counts as a gate card set so when the turn passes p2 will get to draw both an ability card and gate card meaning in the best state of card economy for p1 is p1 5 ability cards 2 gate cards p2 6 ability cards and 3 gate cards anyways when turns pass you must draw an ability card and if you have less than 3 gate cards in hand you must also draw a gate card otherwise you do not draw that turn each turn with exception to turns where bakugan are returned from the used pile to the unused pile or have no bakugan to roll (in which case you get no card set) you may only set 1 gatecard (you can imagine these boards demand a ton of space)

extra rulings

if both players have no usable bakugan because they are all on the field each player chooses 1 of their own bakugan to return to their unused pile from the field this counts as moving a bakugan from the used to unused pile if a player has no unusable bakugan and bakugan in their used pile at the start of the turn all used bakugan are balled up and returned to the unused pile

win con-

if you're playing for a fast game your goal is to capture 3 gate cards however standard is 5 alternatively you can play till a player can draw no more gate cards whoever has the most gate cards captured is the winner however if not playing by this condition having no gate cards to draw is a deck out and you lose due to mill to prevent game standstill if only 1 gate card is on the field the turn player must set a gatecard if they cannot that turn that is an automatic loss


so this is largely the same game as battle brawlers there is 1 thing thats different however and that is how a bakugan being hit is handled this format does not have the bakugan hit rule instead there are a few different ways this is handled first just like battle brawlers if the bakugan is hit off the card completely that is an automatic capture for the player remaining on the gate card however if the bakugan is knocked to a different gate card the card is not won and the bakugan knocked off now remains on the new card if an opponents bakugan is on that card this commences a battle (in a casual setting you may choose to ignore battle initiation the turn player gets to choose if the gate card opens or noti never played by this rule except maybe 1 time myself though and for good reason extra note if multiple bakugan belonging to the same player are on that card their totals are added together and they each individually get a gate card bonus )

anyways yeah thats how we played the game and honestly this is probably still the most fun format however i'm not 100% able to say i'm still working on getting the required pieces to play modern formats but i can tell you i was not happy when the reboot was revealed with battle planet core format that may just be cuz i was expecting them to leave the game alone so that older bakugan and cards could still be used though

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