ok so now that i've got my yugioh kick out of the way (for now) i'm kinda on a bakugon kick rightnow and 1 thing i've noticed is this game actually has a ton of formats yet most only know of 2 anyways so i figured i'd post a sort of how to guide on each format soooo
the battle brawlers format is the 2nd official format and the 1st format people mainly think about when they think bakugon this one is the easiest to explain the basics of bakugon through and where i'll be starting this because the 1st official format HSP format is basically the same thing but a little more complicated (yes they really tried to dumb this game down also yes most of us who grew up with the original version of the game played a more complicated version than the main format of the time without even knowing it)
format type-
legacy 2+ playersi will have to note weather or not a format is legacy or modern as the cards (and some other things *coughcorescough*) are not compatible between different formats also it notes weather you're using sub terra or arellius type bakugon as the type in modern bakugon was replaced so in legacy arellius counts as sub terra in modern sub terra counts as arellius i will not explain this in later blogs instead i will link this blog to those
the most varied part of bakugon between formats is the deck as you could probably guess based on how cards changed between these legacy formats and modern formats in battle brawlers format we have both the simplist and restricting deck building rules you get to have 3 bakugon (this is standard fare in most formats) 3 gate cards 1 gold 1 silver and 1 bronze you also get to have 3 ability cards 1 red 1 blue and 1 black these are set numbers and rules you must have 1 card of each color (like i said it's the most ristricting of the formats)Hand/set-up
in this format you don't really have a deck so to say every card in your deck you have access to throughout the duel you may look at and play any gate card and ability card this to my knowledge is the only format where this is legal however it comes at a heavy cost that being that once you have used up a card it's done so you want to use your ability cards as little as possibleWin condition(s)
in this format your goal is to capture 3 gate cardsGameplay
finally to the meat here is how the game in this format is played at the start of the game all players set one of their gate cards (there must always be at least 1 gatecard on the field if there is none the turn player must set a gate card if they cannot the opposing player wins the game) on a players turn they may choose to set 1 gate card however they may not set more if it is the first turn the player is allowed to set a gate card in addition to the one they set to start the turn player then rolls a bakugon onto a set gate card if the bakugon does not open on a gatecard it is a missroll and the players turn will end if the card the bakugon opens on has another of the players bakugon on it it is called a double stand and the player wins the gate card automatically (a double stand may only occur if there is only 1 gate card on the field otherwise move 1 of the bakugon to another gatecard) if the bakugon opens on an empty gatecard it remains there and the players turn ends if the bakugon opens on a gatecard that contains an opponents bakugon a battle commences (quick note if the opponents bakugon was hit before the stand the opponents akugon loses 10 G/B power if they are knocked off the card the battle is considered won by the player who knocked the bakugon off the card) in a battle the gate card is flipped face up any rulings on the card is applied and both bakugon gain G/B power based on their element (if the number is negative they lose G/B power) ability cards note when they can be played most may only be played during the battle phase once every player in the battle have played their cards the bakugon with the highest G/B power (unless stated otherwise) wins the battle the player whos bakugon won the battle captures that gate card bakugon that where opened on a gate card remain opened until a player runs out of playable bakugon in which case all bakugon are returned to ball form and are considered playable again ability cards that are used are dicarded to the used pile captured gate cards remain in the possesion of player that captured them turned face up and are considered in the used pile remember card text takes precident over all rules this is true in all formats