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Thoughtforms that Manifested into Entites

Hey occultists, magicians, and witches. Any of you guys ever look into thoughtforms, egregores, or tulpamancy? Ever see a fictional character become an egregore you could summon?

Oh boy, does it happen. By now I'm sure you've heard of creepypastas, in particular; Slenderman. If you havn't, you're living under a rock. So for all intents and purposes, Slenderman was a fictional character, an imagined idea to scare the crap out of people on the internet. All good fun. But if you know anything about the psychic power of human consciousness, you know that we can create entities if devoted enough.

Boom, the Slenderman egregore began to take shape. Back at the height of the creepypasta craze (hardcore fans dont come for me lol), I watched several friends of both sound and unsound mind be scared out of their wits by this character, and the online legends surrounding him. One girl in particular stopped sleeping, she was so terrified of him appearing in dreams. Some of us were even convinced that he was a real mythological figure, in particular, a faery. Now I know my friend group wasn't unusual. Tons of people all over the country, hell maybe even the world were entranced by Slenderman and his urban legends. All that attention. all that focus. all that raw, emotional human fear. That energy had to go somewhere. And with a unified mythology and visual representation, we were all, thousands of us, all putting energy into this creature. 

Fast forward a few years, and I'm talking to occultists on discord. We were discussing what got us into the occult. One guy, let's call him Sam; Sam said he started through creepypastas. That he tried to summon Slenderman and it actually worked. Now Sam was looking for ways to banish the spooky fucker, with minimal success. No amount of sage, no amount of rounds of the LBRP, no number of sword slashes from an archangel's blade could fully cast out this thing. This creature, this egregore acted like the character, with a few new behaviors. The most notable behavior would be how this tall, no-faced apparition would suck the energy out of a person. Sam would feel weak after seeing it. Sometimes he would get sick. Nightmares with Slenderman in it would leave Sam feeling exhausted in the morning. This thing was absolutely psychically feeding off of him. To this day, Sam still hasn't found a way to detach from this thing.

Creepypastas are just stories. But the power of thousands of people can create real monsters. 

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3 Replies

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Reply by BiancaMoolight


oh my i hope same is okay now and i never really think of that even though deep down i did know something was off with this i was wondering where all that fear/energy go. so it pretty much make sense now 

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Reply by Ms Myspace


This is my area. I've got kind of what I'd call a "homebrew
spirituality" and 90% of it is just thoughtforms. I don't think it's
that spooky though, in my experience it's usually just kind of a thing
that if anything is fun to explore but nothing to get scared about if
you're careful and use common sense. Even though I'm spiritual with it
sometimes I like to hang around or look at psychological-focus spaces
since it keeps me from becoming too detached or ungrounded.

Banishing a thoughtform isn't just sage and regular banishing in my experience.
It's something you created and you can't usually get rid of a tulpa or
full thoughtform once you make one, and the ways to deal with it are
different for everyone. Sometimes trying to turn it into something else
works, or just trying to talk to it and work with it, etc.

Though fictional characters coming to life because of egregores is my area
since I'm a soulbonder and fictionkin and that's my explanation for it.
Don't have a lot more to add to that since it just kind of is and is
more an extension/explanation of other spiritual shit

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Reply by wound


man, this took me back.  i remember spending a lot of time on the tulpamancy forums back in 2012 i think.  always thought that it was interesting.

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