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Slashers Fandom Revival

hiee!! This forum is for people who are interested in slasher movie characters, horror movies in general, and other little horror characters of the internet! ^_^

Lets start of with some questions!
1. Favorite horror movie?
2. Favorite horror sub-genre?
3. Who's your favorite slasher? (Can be from any movies/media!)
4. Do you have any OC's? If so, DO SHARE!:D
5. How long have you been in the slasher/horror fandom? 
6. Special interests involving horror/slashers? 
Add any additional information you'd like to rant about!:D

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1. Favorite horror movie?
2. Favorite horror sub-genre?
Cosmic Horror
3. Who's your favorite slasher? (Can be from any movies/media!)
Sadako Yamamura, Kayako Saeki, and Jason Voorhees
4. Do you have any OC's? If so, DO SHARE!:D
I've got one! their name is Cedar
5. How long have you been in the slasher/horror fandom? 
oooohh. about 3 years?
6. Special interests involving horror/slashers? 
I really love Ringu, Saw, and An American Werewolf In London, as well as old SFX from 80s horror flicks

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Reply by Valery_Lov3ly


1. Favorite horror movie?
Neon Demon and Carrie, pretty mainstream I know haha
2. Favorite horror sub-genre?
Psychological horror
3. Who's your favorite slasher? (Can be from any movies/media!)
Michael Myers, I love Halloween saga <3
4. Do you have any OC's? If so, DO SHARE!:D
Sadly I don´t :c but if I ever have one it would be a possesed doll-witch with a lot of cats c:
5. How long have you been in the slasher/horror fandom? 
I think since april of this year, I watch a duo of spanish youtubers that makes reviews of horror movies from low budget indie films to big productions, they rotted me haha (the channel name is RottenMind)
6. Special interests involving horror/slashers? 
I like found footage and body horror! but I haven´t seen too much of it 'cause I have a weak stomach, even tho I still watch some but without popcorn hahaha

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