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Can you read in dreams?

I've heard people say that you can tell if youre dreaming because you can't read letters or numbers in dreams.

I can though!

Ive always been able to read in dreams, even if the things i'm reading don't make sense, i can still tell what they say. And not in the way where you know something in a dream for no reason! Can other people read in dreams? I read that you can't in a really popular tumblr post so clearly a lot of people agreed with it, does anyone specifically not see numbers or text in their dreams?

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Reply by Scout/Jules


Theoretically you shouldn't be able too. I don't think i have before. I remember trying more than a few times in slightly more lucid dreams but generally speaking dreams work in general themes rather than specific details. Im sure there are always exceptions because every brain is different but the majority of people cannot.

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Reply by nicky star emoji


wait @scout why shouldn’t you theoretically be able to

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Reply by nicky star emoji


wait @scout why shouldn’t you theoretically be able to

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Reply by Swiftpaw


Reply by hiji


i feel like i've seen texts before in dreams too, or that i've read something on a sign or a menu or something. i know for sure i've had dreams about chatting back and forth as well. not sure why you shouldn't be able to

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