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any astral projection people here?

is there even a group for it? feel free to share experiences. im very interested to see what your opinion on it is 

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Reply by Celea Akuri


I started astral projecting my junior year of high school. In my journal at the time I wrote how I was "having dreams in my room". Now I'm of the opinion that the salt lines I had at my windows and bedroom door were keeping my spirit in my bedroom while I learned how to move about without a body. Almost like the salt lines acted as a baby-gate until I learned the basics. One of my favorite experiences of astral projecting during this time was with my cat. She looked at my spirit while I was astral projecting, then back at my sleeping body in bed, then back at my spirit. I've never seen a cat look so alarmed and confused before lmao

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Reply by Sleepy_Mick


Not me but my old roommate. Apparently while I up studying in the library (across campus mind you) my roommate was “watching over me” while sleeping. She also has dreams of me trying to wake her up while I was in a different building which spooked both of us. 

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