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Venus in Capricorn Nov 5th

November 5th 2021

Venus moves into Capricorn

How does this effect the collective consciousness and or your chart?

So Venus the planet of harmony, beauty and all things related to love moves into Capricorn the cardinal sign associated with structure, responsibility, stability and hard work. Capricorn climbs the mountain and never gives up. It’s also associated to the half goat have mermaid creature; so it can also go deep into the subconscious  and create new and lasting relationships.

Depending on where this is happening in your chart (where you have significant Capricorn placements) you’ll see this showing up in areas of your love life, career, friendships, home and or energetically. Expect powerful change around your ambitions in these areas of your life and a new way of doing something or forming new strong long lasting bonds on these areas of your life.

This transit lasts for the next five months! And when Venus goes into retrograde at the end of 2021 into 2022 you could see significant changes around these areas for about two weeks before moving out of retrograde and forward again. 

This is a massive time of growth and change, we are learning how to really transform our lives; especially while the sun is in Scorpio currently and transiting this part of your chart.

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