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Shifting Realities<3

Post any and everything about shifting! Methods, tips, questions, stories, whatever you'd like!

@bunny.shifts on tiktok or message me on here if there's anything you want to ask me directly :)

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3 Replies

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Reply by Victor


Using a reprogramming method that takes 21 days to strengthen my beliefs and root out doubts 

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Reply by Roveen


Does anybody know any websites/links to research shifting, i literally cant find any...

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Reply by Ms Myspace


I've done similar things to reality shifting and I've tapped into parallel lives and have technically shifted. I don't think the reality shifting community is very responsible at least in my experience, there's no reality checks or safety information as far as I've seen.

If you're struggling with reality shifting or to find information on it, similar concepts like dimension hopping and hedge witchcraft would probably be a better way to go. It also couldn't hurt to research astral travel or astral projection since as far as I can think most of the safety tips are the same.

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