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Strange Dream I Had

Alright so last night I had a dream. For some context, I have this (student) teacher who makes me ultimately confused about my gender at all times of the day. I used to think it was a crush, and tbh I can't always tell the different so I still don't fully know. Anyways he had been absent the past two days in real life. So in this dream I walk into a class that was half the class this teacher teaches (communications) and half health class taught by a teacher I hate. It was kind of like when your brain melds two things together in a dream and they are just kind of simultaneously two different things. So he walks into this class after two days of being absent, just like in real life, only he looks different. He looks like this other teacher who is at my school who I don't actually have any classes with. So I notice this in the dream, but brush it off as seeing him without a mask and he has a haircut. So then this lady comes in, and she's some sort of Admin lady who's investigating the class. She watches us work, and because in my brain its sort of health class, which I hate, I kind of tell her how bad it is. Then she says that the investigation is over and the teacher will go on administrative leave. At first I'm happy because I'm thinking of the health teacher, but then I realize it's the teacher I like and I get so upset. I'm like sobbing and freaking out so I start walking/running in circles around the hallway because that's what I do when I'm upset in real life. Then I come back and I'm still crying and I ask this teacher for a hug and he says yes and it's a little funny because he's shorter than me. Then I'm just talking and he puts his arm around my shoulder and it feels so nice. Then the classroom sort of morphs into a bedroom kind of but I can't fully tell if it's mine or his. Then I spend the night there and I sleep really bad in the dream somehow. Then I don't really know what happened after that but when I woke up I was all disoriented and kinda sweaty like I had had a nightmare. My image of this teacher was then messed up in my brain so when I came into class I had to stare at him for a second so that I would be adjusted. Trippy asf. Advice? What does this mean?!?

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