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Any Future/Current Educators?

Posted by Fae


Forum: Jobs, Work, Careers

I'm a college freshman student studying to be a high school math teacher but I think it'd be helpful for any teachers or soon-to-be teachers stay connected and maybe ask each other for help and what to expect in the classroom :)

So to start this forum, introduce yourself, what you're learning to teach/teaching, and why you decided to become a teacher, and maybe a question or concern you might have!

My name is Fae, studying to teach high school math, and I wanted to be a math teacher because more people need to experience the joys of mathematics, and that can only be achieved through good teachers. :) I'm a little worried about classroom management since, in my experience in the public school system, some teachers aren't so great at it. Does the school you work at teach classroom management? Or will I eventually learn how to do that in college as an education major?

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12 Replies

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Reply by Ashok


I teach math at the undergraduate level currently.

I kind of just started one semester when I got a call from the university asking me if I can cover all the statistics courses. I was definitely nervous about classroom management and preparation as I was not an education major.
It was a lot of work but my main take away was Ask for help even if you think you can do it all yourself. The more senior the teacher the more comprehensible the tip that they give you.
I hope you stay on the path that you want.
It's awesome to see someone else who just want others to experience math in the same joyous way that we do.

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Reply by Introvert


Hello, I’m Matt. I’m currently complete my MA in English Language and Literature at Morehead State University. I am currently a TA at PHSC in Florida. 

Good education programs will focus on classroom management. I would advise reading into emancipatory education/radical adult education to consider what a democratic classroom looks like. I’ll include some reading suggestions when I get my textbook list. 

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Reply by SJ Raymond


Well hey there.

I'm SJ, and I teach English at the community college down the street. I have an MA in Literature and Creative Writing.

I'm a first year professor, so I think the culture shock I had was certainly coming up with my own curriculum. They basically gave me the book and were like "Have fun!" but I've got a mentor to kind of guide me through the more technical things (grading, accountability, teaching via Zoom, etc). 

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Reply by 🖤 Death Rae 🖤



I am an elementary special education teacher for students with multiple disabilities. Typically intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities. 

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Reply by Ramm


I might become an educator, I'm struggling to settle on a career but going into adult education is one option I have.

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Reply by Melodia


Hello y'all! I'm Melody. I went to USC with a major in English and recently got my masters in education from Harvard. I'm now in my second year of quaran-teaching high school English and ELD. Happy to connect :)

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Reply by Christina


I'm Christina. I'm a college senior, currently in the student teaching portion of my degree program. I'm an English teacher and I absolutely love what I do. Right now I'm working with Freshman. Next week they start reading A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines, and I start two weeks of full time teaching - all 6 classes of the day. I'm very excited! 

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Reply by Draxdoll



I'm studying for teaching English as a foreign language! I get my bachelor's in a year and I'm very excited and scared at the time. 
I love the English language and would love to teach it to others, but the problem is that I'm still not ready yet. I haven't had the opportunity to get out in the field to do some training because of covid. I don't know a lot of teachers methods or strategies. The future terrifies me. What if teaching is not my thing? What if I don't find a job? What if the students don't learn anything from me?
 I'm actually terrified after I graduate and start looking for a job. I don't know what to expect in a classroom. But I guess I'll have to cope with this

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Reply by rebecca ☀☼


hey y'all!
i just finished undergrad in english literature, and i want to teach at the undergrad level for it.
really worried about getting into grad school and the job market, since it's not uncommon for lecturers and professors like to hang onto that tenure track/tenure until they quite literally drop dead.
i'm planning on getting qualified to teach 7-12 as a backup plan, but i really don't mesh well with middle school kids and increasingly-strict state standards.

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Reply by CountFagula


I want to be a special education teacher! I’m waiting for a more secure finical situation. 

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Reply by Everybody! Everybody!


currently trying to work as a pre-k assiant teacher !! I'm so so excited !! 

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Reply by Tellington


I'm a teacher-librarian!

To be honest I'm not that great about classroom management, so the library is often quite a mess, but I really like that I'm able to work with kids (middle-schoolers) AND books!

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