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Should I ditch? (Just read the post I stg-)

TL,DR: I hate math, should I ditch? | Okay, so I HATE math. Like, we have to sit through a two-hour lecture (Math and ELA are two periods at my school), no breaks, for something I could probably learn in 15 minutes, 30 if I struggle. That's an hour and a half MINIMUM that could be spent doing something else. And I'm an honors student. This might be smart kid problems, but like, I'm seriously considering ditching. I have a phone now, and I could easily slip that into a waistband with a skirt and just... hang out in a stall. I have no need for two hours, the teacher doesn't spend half the class talking anymore (easily distracted, really cool, but since winter break he spent more time lecturing), and I have a B. We're covering 7th grade material, just let me leaveeee. And again, this is an honors class, so the majority of students in my class could say the same. But I also kinda feel guilty for wanting to ditch because I'm still skipping class. Same with ELA to be honest, but at least the ELA teacher gives us work and stuff. And it's not some mindless "answer these questions" work, we're writing essays (I'll teach you in my blog) on articles and discussing reasonable topics (no "What did the author mean by this quote: 'He gazed at the navy blue curtians.") At least my other classes are interesting, math is just... math. I can do it, but it's so tedious that it just drives me insane. Like, UGH! I hate it! I will now punch a pillow and pretend that it's my math class (not teacher, he's really cool.) Thank you for coming to my Tedx Talk. Reminder of the question: Should I ditch math?

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Reply by Elsie


Reply by jordan >_<


i say go for it, but be careful :p dont get caught by teachers, and have a backup plan if you do get caught

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


Do it and don't look back. I've skipped class/school on more than a few occasions and I have no regrets for any of the times I've ditched.

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