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I had a dream that guess a event in my life, it’s pretty crazy

And the results is, the event came true.

I don’t know what’s happened last time
I had that kind of dream 2 times
That was just, crazy 
It kinda like “deja vu”

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Reply by aiko


Anyone had that kind of dream over there?

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Reply by p4wpr1nt_p4n1c


A dream that predicted something? Hmm I think I have heard of something like that. There was a guy on tiktok who's name was tictactonio or something like that (their account is now private) but they had a series talking about experiencing deja reve. 

He had dreams as a kid that came true when he got older. I don't know enough about it but if you want to know more try looking up deja reve and things like it. :] 

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